It’s a tired day here in the CatBox. I did not sleep well last night, so please pardon my brevity. Tuesday is Flush your Republicans Day. I may have some to flush in a bit, but I may have flushed them all yesterday. Have a fine day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:08 (average 4:58). To do it, click here. How did you do? I blew Technicolor kitty-farts!

Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump said on Monday that his “greatest regret” as President was his failure to name his three adult children to the United States Supreme Court.
Appearing on Fox News, Trump said that Ivanka, Eric, and Don, Jr., would be “way better judges” than “those three clowns” whom he did name.
“Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett are the worst people who have ever worked for me,” he said. “And that includes Scaramucci.”
When the Supreme Court was deciding whether New York prosecutors could obtain his tax returns, Trump said, “none of those three boneheads even called to ask me what they should do. No gratitude whatsoever.”
Well, Andy, he hasn’t gotten the mileage he had expected from Whoresuch, Nazi Kavanookie, and Amy Coney Bullshit. But he was stupid to expect gratitude. What gratitude?!!? After all…, they ARE Republicans! On the other hand, wouldn’t it be funny as hell if he had gotten his rancid spawn confirmed to SCROTUS (Republican anti-Constitutional VD), and they had given prosecutors his tax records? RESIST the Republican Reich!!
From YouTube (NBC News Channel): Merrick Garland Testifies At Attorney General Confirmation Hearing
This video is 6:41:55 in length, so I encourage you to move around to places you want to hear. He will be such a magnificent AG that my only regret is that Biden can’t clone him to nominate to the Supreme Court too! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
From YouTube (a blast from the past): Arlo Guthrie – City of New Orleans
Ah… the memories!! RESIST the Republican Reich!!
Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!