Now This News – How he managed to get elected in Oklahoma – well, kudos to his constituents.
Now This News – I am not going to join TikTok, but I will find out whether I can embed some of these without joining, I promise (The large CC is incomplete and the small CC at the top is … small/)
Really American without Chip today. I’m sure Andy Biggs needs to charged with, and convicted of, sedition first before he can be expelled. But whatever the order, both need to happen.
Beau on unintended consequences (and incidentally on why it’s always cheaper to be a good person.)
I don’t see a monologue … but I do see a new rule.I’ll just put up what there is in the order in which it was posted to YouTube. I don’t know why they don’t all have CC tonight, and can only hope someone there enables it soon.
Starting with two that were put up after I posted last week … all three relate to Asian-Americans
Pandemic Video Diaries: When the Pandemic Ends, Work Begins
Sam’s Love Letter To Chinatown
And now, four new ones, put up tonight. I will not guarantee that more won’t show up during the week. I’ll get to them when they appear.
Reality Winner: The Story of an NSA Whistleblower as told by Samantha Bee (Director’s Cut)
Sam Gives Full Frontal the Presidential Treatment (“Cold Open”)
Washington D.C. Needs to (Puff Puff) Pass Marijuana Legalization Pt. 1
Washington D.C. Needs to (Puff Puff) Pass Marijuana Legalization Pt. 2