Jun 272021

Glenn Kirschner – NY DA Vance to Indict Trump Org. Will this Inspire Other Jurisdictions to Finally Indict Trump? (I guess now we know what it takes to make Glenn be a smart-ass. “Tip of the Weisselberg” indeed.)

MSNBC covered multiple aspects of the Chauvin sentencing – TRMS – Judge Sends Message With Historic Prison Sentence For Derek Chauvin

Prosecutor In Chauvin Trial: ‘Sense Of Peace’ With Sentencing

MSNBC also paid considerable attention to the Trump** saga – TRMS – Increasing Pressure Threatens To Burst Trump Bubble With Potentially Concerning Fallout

NYT: Trump Admin. Considered Using Military On Floyd Protests – The 11th Hour

Expected Charges Against Trump Org. Are Far From ‘Minuscule’ – The Last Word

Corey Ryan Forrester – An important PSA…

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s plan for the interpreters and more…. This is (at least mostly) good news, but it comes with a cost. We owe Beau tthanks for the warning, and need to be ready.

Jun 252021

Bill will take off four weeks – the month of July basically – which he does every year. Don’t panic.

Monologue: Freedom!

Quentin Tarantino: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Derek Chauvin’s Sentencing

Future Headlines: Summer 2021

New Rule: America Has a Drinking Problem

Jun 242021

Yesterday was quiet again. And a slow news day, which sound good, but also sends me scrambling. Colleen, sending every good wish to you for smooth surgery tomorrow, and a speedy and smooth recovery.


Short Takes

The Hill – Socialist India Walton scores upset victory in Buffalo mayoral primary
Quote – “We set out about a year ago to do exactly what we did. We knew that this race was going to require help from outside of our local geographic area; we knew that we needed to garner national attention to challenge a 16-year, heavily entrenched incumbent, and the people spoke,” she said on CNN.
Click through for more, though not a lot more. Being elected mayor is exactly how young, Democratic Socialist Bernard Sanders got his start in politics.

The Guardian – Michigan Republicans find no voter fraud and say Trump claims ‘ludicrous
Quote – The Michigan Republican report released on Wednesday followed 28 hours of legislative hearings starring local and national pro-Trump conspiracy theorists such as former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. The report labeled many of their claims “ludicrous” and called on the state Democratic attorney general to open investigations into those who may have profited from making false claims.
Click through for more.

The New Yorker – Mitch McConnell Warns That Voting Bill Would Bring U.S. to Brink of Democracy
Quote – Noting that the word “democracy” originated in ancient Greece, he vowed, “I will not sit idly by and watch a foreign form of government sneak across our border.”
Click through for straight news story.

Food for Thought

Jun 232021

Glenn Kirschner – Reuters: Will DOJ Defend Trump in Insurrection Lawsuits as it did in E. Jean Carroll Litigation?

Meidas Touch – These Trump Moments Brought Amy Siskind to Tears

Now This News – Obama Slams Republicans For Restricting Voting Rights

Robert Reich satire regarding amazon’s Prime Day

Robert Reich – The Bill Jeff Bezos Doesn’t Want You To Know About

Founders Sing – Who Are You?

Beau – Let’s talk about repealing the AUMF…. Good explanation of what it is and what is needed
