Aug 162021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Unabated Crime Wave Continues: Threatens Officer Who Protected the US Capitol on Jan. 6

Now This News – London’s Stuck Tower Bridge Inspires Social Media Jokes

The Republican Accountability Project – The New McCarthyism

Ring of Fire – Anti Vax Nurse Investigated For Injecting Patients With Saline Instead Of COVID Vaccine (No words – and the only picture which comes to mind is not just NSFW, it’s NSFPP)

Liberal Redneck – Tennessee’s Turn to Dumb

Rocky Mountain Mike – Hooked On Their Stealing (another favorite of mine – earworm, here we come!

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden’s message to OPEC, foreign policy, and oil…. (I could not keep a straight face through the whole thing – in fact I laughed out loud twice.)

Aug 142021

I’ll spare you the Pillow Guy clips and the one about exploding green birds.

Glenn Kirschner – MSNBC Daily Piece – DOJ Officials Thwarted Trump’s Coup. Next Step: A Criminal Investigation

Meidas Touch – WTF: LAX Police Chief CONFIRMS Existence of POLICE GANGS! (And this is why we need more Larry Keasners.)

No Dem Left Behind and Richard Ojeda – Winning Over Rural Americ

This is a presentation of Egberto Willies – I edited out the spoiler at the beginning but not the discussion at the end after the punch line. Egberto’s no fool, but sometimes I tthink he over-explains.

PBS – Dr. Fauci explains booster shots and the delta variant’s threat to children – I’m thinking this would be me (no, not the “children” part) but it’s borderline.

Cracked – If Megachurches Were Honest (“Cracked” is a competitor of “MAD” magazine – or maybe a supplement to it)

Let’s talk about personal responsibility in today’s world…. (LOL of course we know this and mck “the party of personal responsibility.” But Beau has his own ways of communicating.)

Aug 092021

Glenn Kirschner – Justice Matters Recap of the Legal Stories of July 2021: Trump’s Election Conspiracy Unravels

Meidas Touch – Malcolm Kenyatta SLAMS the Unhinged Radical Right: “Stupid is as Stupid Does”

MSNBC – ‘A Complete Betrayal’: January 6 Responders Not Willing To ‘Just Move On’

Now This News – Farmers in Senegal Plant Drought-Resistant, Circular Gardens (May The Force Be With Them)

Puppet Regime – The Real Star of the Tokyo Olympics

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, kingmaker of the Republican party…. (It’s over now … but there were several primaries and I’m not sure which one Beau was thinking about. If it was the 15th, Trump’s pick did win.)

Aug 062021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Tells DOJ Officials to Lie About Election, DOG Official Jeffrey Clark Does as Trump Directed

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Now This News – Cori Bush Reacts to Mark McCloskey’s Pardon

Liberal Redneck – Arkansas Governor Mad at Self

Rocky Mountain Mike – “I’ve Seen Unvaxed People”

Beau – Let’s talk about believing things without evidence…. So true!

Aug 062021

Yesterday it was still pretty cool but I know it won’t last. It’s been nice while it did, though.

Cartoon –

Short Takes

The Hill – Five big questions as Jan. 6 panel preps subpoenas
The Questions – 1. Will the panel hit roadblocks for subpoenaed documents?
2. Should lawmakers like McCarthy and Jordan be called to testify?
3. Could any Democratic witnesses offer testimony?
4. Will they go after former Trump officials?
5. Will there be an August hearing?
Click through for expanded speculation. Of course the first rule of lawyering is “never ask a question if you don’t know the answer,” and though this is not exactly a trial, it is a kind of court.

The New Yorker – New York State Weighs Ban on Male Governors
Quote – “If, at the end of fifty years, we have reason to believe that a male governor could behave in an appropriate manner, then the law would expire,” State Senator Carol Foyler, one of the bill’s sponsors, said. “If, however, it’s determined that New York could not tolerate a male governor at that time, there is a provision to extend the law for an additional fifty years.”
Click through – it’s short.

HuffPost – I’m An ICU Doctor And I Cannot Believe The Things Unvaccinated Patients Are Telling Me
Quote – I am angry that the tragic scenes of prior surges are being played out yet again, but now with ICUs primarily filled with patients who have chosen not to be vaccinated. I am angry that it takes me over an hour to explain to an anti-vaxxer full of misinformation that intubation isn’t what “kills patients” and that their wish for chest compressions without intubation in the event of a respiratory arrest makes no sense. I am angry at those who refuse to wear “muzzles” when grocery shopping for half an hour a week, as I have been so-called “muzzled” for much of the past 18 months.
Click through for full article.

Food for Thought (of course this doesn’t apply to anyone here!)


Bill Maher from 7/30/2021

 Posted by at 10:31 pm  Politics
Jul 302021

Bill is back from vacation (he said he was taking off the month of July, and he pretty nearly did.) This allows me to post a lst post on him and provide information for anyone who wants to follow him on your own. Here is his official website  As with Sam, I prefer the “Videos” page to the “Home” page because it shows more videos without scrolling, but it’s easy to get there from here. In the past, there have usually started to be video clips available as early as 9:00 Mountain (8:00 Pacific, 10:00 Central, 11:00 Eastern, and IIRC 4 am Saturday GMT, except it’s not called GMT any more. Sigh.) Tonight, however it took almost 2 hours before they were all up – and, oddly, the Monologue was the last to appear. That may just be getting back ito the groove from vacation. But don’t be discouraged if they aren’t there right away. Keep checking, or check the next day, whichever works best with your schedule.

So this will be the last Bill post here.

Monologue: Return of the Mask

Eric Adams: Running Against a Movement

Simone Biles vs. The Asshole Division

New Rule: The Woke Olympics

Jul 282021

Glenn Kirschner – House Select Committee Hearing Opens w/Testimony of Heroes: Officers Dunn, Fanone, Gonell & Hodges

Meidas Touch – The GOP is about to be EXPOSED as Terrorists

The Lincoln Project – Heroes

RepresentUs – Sarah Silverman calls out billionaires buying elections

Robert Reich – This 1916 Experiment Made Workers Wealthy

VoteVets ‘Axis of Evil’ Ad Featured on MSNBC During The Rachel Maddow Show

Beau – Let’s talk about Summer fun….

Jul 232021

Glenn Kirschner – FBI Admits Failing to Investigate 4,500 Citizen Tips About Kavanaugh’s Suitability to join SCOTUS

Meidas Touch – Marjorie the MANIAC

The Lincoln Project – Fox is Killikg Us

Armageddon Update – Armageddon Update: Waste of Space Race

politicsrus – Who Are We?

Rob Rogers – Deficit Spending

Beau – Let’s talk about 8 months, justice, and fairness…. Beau sides with you, Nameless, rather than with me.
