Yesterday, Merrick Garland appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. Since the Trump**-appointed prosecutor apparently doesn’t know how to handle a plea bargain, this may be a good move.
Has anyone read, and if so, do you remember, the story “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”? Originally a story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it was made into a movie in 2008 with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett (so there’s that.) The premise is that Benjamin Button doesn’t get older like the rest of us – he gets younger and younger. Well, I was reading some comments a Democratic Underground about how immature TFG is and how he is getting worse, and someone referenced “The Curious Case of Benjamin Butthurt” and added a picture of a TFG-faced infant screaming in a playpen. Fortunately there wasn’t anything in my mouth – I would have lost it.
Cartoon –
ALERT: If you have Ophidophobia (fear of snakes) just quit right here.
Short Takes –
CNN – First a snake fell from the sky. Then a Texas grandma found herself inside the chaos of a hawk after its prey
Quote – Many times in her life, Peggy had watched this exact same scenario play out in nature: Hawk sets its sights on its prey, swoops in to attack, drops it on a barbed-wire fence, then goes back to claim its prize. But she never imagined she’d play the role of fence. Four times, the hawk dove and bobbed at its prize – and at Peggy – before it finally scooped up the reptile and flew off, she said.
Click through for story. Thi is just wild, in multiple senses.
Colorado Springs Gazette – Cyclist hospitalized after rattlesnake bite in popular Colorado Springs park
Quote – One person was hospitalized Tuesday after being bitten by a rattlesnake while riding a bike in a popular park in Colorado Springs, the Colorado Springs Fire Department reported Wednesday. Just before 4:40 p.m., fire crews were dispatched to Ute Valley Park in the Rockrimmon area for the reported bite. Crews with American Medical Response took the patient to Penrose Hospital by 5 p.m., CSFD said. Officials said the bite victim was “successfully” treated due to personnel’s “rapid response” times. “This is an important reminder that rattlesnakes are very present in Colorado Springs,” the department said.
Click through for more (mostly about precautions). I’ve never seen a rattlesnake in our neighborhood – nor heard one -but I’m about as far from the park this happened in as one can be and still both be in Colorado Springs. It just fascinated me, all the snake news all at once. And I’m still trying to visualize a snake striking a moving bicycle going by.
Food For Thought