Feb 232025

Yesterday, The radio opera was Verdi’s last opera, “Falstaff,” written when he was about my age. (His second-to-last opera had been “Otello.” He really loved Shakespeare, and in his late 70s he was rich and famous enough to indulge that love.) Falstaff is based on “The Merry Wives of Windsor,” which is said to have been written because Queen Elizabeth I wanted to see “Sir John in Love,” an impossibility given his character – even “Sir John in heat” would be almost impossible so she had to settle for “Sir John attempting to seduce faithful wives in order to extort them foe money to pay his bills.” The opera follows the play as closely as possible, given that singing takes longer than speaking. The plot, the duplicate love letter which give away hos game, the laundry basket thrown into the Thames, the young couple disapproved of by the girl’s father, the suspicious husband hiring Falstaff to seduce his wife to find out how virtuous she is, the fairies in the forest – it’s all there. This presentation was selected by the Met’s principal conductor because it was conducted by Leonard Bernstein (so you know it’s older than a minute – in fact it was presented and recorded in 1964 and was Bernstein’s Met debut.) The music and the cast were stellar – many names I remember loving in the sixties and some beyond. The male half of the young couple was sung by Mariano Caruso – absolutely zero relation to Enrico – I looked that up, as I’ve been burned too many times thinking unrelated people were related (in my defense, so have announcers.) My email wasn’t bad, so I got through it all and even managed to post a letter the same day I received it. Now I’m off to see Virgil. I will of course check in.

This is not all that new, but given that all of our eyes have been on our Democracy, I though some might have missed it. Jimmy Carter – WOW. Everything he did, he did with excellence.

I’ve posted about horse therapy before – but this is a new twist, and one that I for one would never have expected. And one which is at least as important as any other method of self-defense.

Patrick Fitzgerald filling in for Belle – at least he’s amusing.

Oct 082024

Yesterday was the first Monday in October, and that means it was the beginning of the current term for the Supreme Court of the United States. If, like most of us,you pay attention to this Court when it makes a decision which will affect you or someone you care about (and I admit that describes me), this may be a good time to dig a little deeper. Jotce Vance is not on the Supreme Court (more’s the pity for us, though she is probably happy she isn’t), but she knows more about it than most people do.) You can if you wishm read he “The Week Ahead” column for this week I guarantee you will learn something.

People who love horses will be interested in these two companion stories. I can’t speak for other states, but, at least in Colorado, no horses are being killed in the interest of reducing equine crowding. And I can’t say what the horses are thinking, but the girls in this program must feel like they are in heaven. I haven’t been on the back of a horse for at least 50 years now, and I know myself better than to try it now, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget the feeling.

I don’t know what else one would expect from a Trump** nominee. But I also don’t know what the process is to fire an Inspector General. If it’s as hard as it is to fire a Postmaster General, that would explain why he hasn’t been fired. We can at least hope that this report from POGO will generate some action.

May 062024

Yesterday, I was able to see Virgil for the first time in just about six months. I hadn’t told him I was coming, for two reasons. First, when I emailed on Monday for a reservation, they immediately replied that I had been move to the inactive list and needed new paperwork. I know exactly where to go on the web to find the right forms and make sure they are the most up to date. So I got them done, scanned them, and emailed them back the same day (after their office closes, but waiting for them the first thing Tuesday morning. Between waiting for that, and this being the first time I was driving for just about six months, I was worried that something might go wrong. And that leads me to the second reason. Virgil does not handle disappointment well at all, but he’s just fine with being surprised pleasantly. (I’ about the opposite. I can handle disappointment, but not so good with surprises.) Well, i made the right decision. Turned out I had four almost-flat tires an a possible radiator leak. No tire needed to be changed, but inflating them was time consuming. I had allowed an extra hour, but was still 20 minutes later than I intended. But it was all well worth it. He was delighted. And we even got a “Happy Anniversary” from the prison dog (a black lab named JJ) including a few doggy kisses. I had no trouble getting my wheel chair the way I always have, but putting it back in, I had to come up with a different strategy. It took me several tries, but I came up with a process that works. And now that I know I need a plan B, I don’t expect to waste as much time in the future. Also, if anyone cares, the railroad bridge is functional again.

Heather Cox Richardson was tired Friday night, so decided to “look elsewhere for a break.” For her , that means an article on “Ten Famous American Horses” as a nod to the Kentucky Derby. Enjoy.

Since May 1 is Labor Day everywhere but here, and May is Labor History Month here, I thought it might be interesting to look at a situation in Canada where both the labor and the customers are fed up (but not, alas, with food, but with those proces.)

Sep 062023

Glenn is over-simplifying a bit. You don’t have to be 35 to be running. You need to be 35 on Insuguration Day in case you win. If you start running more than a year in advance of the inauguration Day, you could even be 33.
Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump is ALREADY DISQUALIFIED under the 14th Amendment from being president again.

The Lincoln Project – FAFO is right

Farron Balanced – Trump’s Indicted Lawyers Want Speedy Trials To Destroy His Legal Defenses

Patrick Fitzgerald – Over on Truth

“Zorse” Thanks His Rescuer In The Sweetest Way

I couldn’t agree more with Beau. I said the same thing about Boehner – and when it happened, we got Paul Ryan.
Beau – Let’s talk about McConnell and being careful what you wish for….

Jun 102022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump recruits & deploys the Proud Boys on 1/6, making him part of the PB’s seditious conspiracy

Meidas Touch – Harry Litman REVEALS identity of Secret Star Witness for Jan 6 Hearings

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – June 7, 2022

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Dives Into Scapegoating of D.A. Boudin (Of course the recall is over – and, sadly, our side lost – but the opportunty to learn is always present. Incidentally, I could actually agree with Tom Cotton to this degree – there are WAY too many Republicans running around loose.)

CNN – Ex-gun industry insider speaks out about Republicans and NRA

Mini Horse Tries So Hard To Make His Very First Friend

Beau – Let’s talk about an analogy to help people understand the climate….

Nov 252021

Glenn Kirschner – Justice in a Georgia Courtroom: Three Men Convicted of Murdering Unarmed Jogger Ahmaud Arbery

MSNBC 1 – Three Men Found Guilty In Death Of Ahmaud Arbery

MSNBC 2 – Rep. Swalwell: They Are Getting Closer To The Commander Of Insurrection, Donald Trump

The Hill – Psaki Shuts Down Reporter Who Asks About Biden Spending Thanksgiving In Nantucket Of course it was Baby Dooce)

Every Hallmark Thanksgiving Movie Ever (Hey, I looked hard for this.)

Wild Horse Immediately Recognizes His Girlfriend After Years Apart

Beau – Let’s talk about bad news for DeJoy and good news for the postal service…. Apparently this process was under Beau’s radar – wee all knew exactly how this would go, just not when. And, yes, DeJoy gifted Bloom a whole lot of money in stock. It wasn’t 4D chess. It was just a President who knows how government works.
