Yesterday, it was just quiet. Which is just fine with me. I had time to work on cartoons a little, finished a sweater I’d been working on, checked my oxygen (94), mended a box I want to use for charity pickup – just little stuff, much of which I’d been procrastinating.
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Harvard Business Review – Frontline Work When Everyone Is Angry
Quote – Summary – It probably won’t surprise you to learn that incivility on the front lines of business is on the rise. After all, as the pandemic wore on, we saw in real time how frontline workers went from being seen as “essential” to being seen as, essentially, punching bags. What might not be obvious is that incivility doesn’t affect only workers who experience it directly — it also affects those who witness it, with consequences for businesses and society. Christine Porath has studied incivility for more than 20 years, looking at the experiences at work of people around the world. Her research shows that business leaders have the power to improve things, both for workers and for society as a whole. Click through for story. We laugh at “Karen”s – but it isn’t funny if you are the one on the receiving end of the Karening. One thing we can do is offer a word of thanks (especially if they are working outside in awful weather conditions) or a small compliment. And certainly a smile, if nothing else, helps.
Crooks & Liars – Labor Shortages So Bad, Even GOP Considers- Gasp! – Immigration
Quote – The way Republican state Sen. Michael Crider sees it, those moves have worked: Companies such as Amazon and Walmart have built new warehouses and fulfillment centers in his district just east of Indianapolis. But it didn’t take long for him to realize how all those new private-sector jobs could further strain short-handed local governments, particularly school systems, by luring away bus drivers and teachers’ aides. Click through for details. Yes, unemployment still exists (it even increased a small fraction of a percent last month.) But there are also areas where there are serious labor shortages too.
Glenn didn’t post Thursday (probably did Friday but I had already put in this non-Trump**-related scary vid.)
Talking Feds – MAGA Judge Issues SHOCKING Political Injunction
MSNBC – Trump nightmare deepens as Jack Smith hits AZ 2020 plot with subpoenas
Robert Reich – Does the Constitution Ban Trump from Running Again?
Parody Project – Republicans with No Plan (tune from “The Mikado”)
Stray Cat Paws At The Window Every Day Until Lady Adopts Him
Yesterday, I spent a fair amount of time struggling with the internet and email – trying to get paperwork to my doctor’s office to get my car registration renewed. His email account is set to reject any email from someone he hasn’t approved. He did approve me,but my email was not going through. Thinking maybe it was the number of attachments, I sent seven separate ones today – one for each attachment. But it was late in the business day, so I’ll have to check again today. They were all jpgs – before retiring I converted them all into pdfs in case I have to resend again. If I can’t get it done in time, I’m going to go see Virgil Sunday anyway (I did get confirmation yesterday; I looked for it Monday but of course that was a holiday.) In less personal news (but still kind of personal, since we all love the Carters), Rosalynn has been diagnosed with dementtia. She is still at home with Jimmy and is able to see loved ones and enjoy the spring weather.
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NMAI (National Museum of the American Indian) – Why We Serve
The National Museum of the American Indian is one of many institutions which come under the purview of the Smithsonian. There isn’t a lot of information about Native Americans that you won’t find somewhere under its umbrella. “Why We Serve” is a website dedicated to Native Americans in the military – active duty, veterans, and war dead. It’s an online exhibition that you can wader through, just as you would wander through a physocal exhibition on site. I was pleased to learn about NAWW – Native American Women Warrriors – group specifically for women veterans who are native Americans. The Museum’s “Object of the Month” for May is a blue jingle dress worn by Mitchelene BigMan (Apsáalooke [Crow]/Hidatsa) during the 2013 presidential Inaugural Parade. You’ll find it (along with three others) under the topic “War and Peace.”
The Warning (Steve Schmidt) – The distortion and delusion of the MAGA/GOP view
Quote – The greatest crime in human history began with the rise of a far-right political party of losers, crackpots, opportunists and alienation that sowed division, hate, intolerance and grievance against its enemies, status and condition. The Jews were the target of its scapegoating, hate, conspiracies and terror. Ultimately, an extremist political party became the State and then the nation. Hitler’s rise was abetted by countless small acts of moral appeasement and accommodation by people who were appalled by him. Ambition and cynicism fueled a merger of industry with extremism and hate with national identity. All of it was sustained by propaganda, lies, and conspiracy theories. Before it was over human civilization nearly fell. Click through for column. You’ll probably have to click on “Let me read it first.” It isn’t the full column, since I’m not a paid subscriber, but it’s enough to sound an alarm.
Yesterday, I learned something I did not know about the Marine Corps – not all that surprising, since it happened after my time – way, way after my time. But it makes a lot of sense. I just hope some of those mementoes are representative of other faiths. The manger Christans need to respect and in a way emulate is emphatically not the one that Aesop’s dog was in. And, yes, I did watch the National Memorial Day Concert (a day late) – it’s still available to stream if anyone else missed it the first time.
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John Pavlovitz – Dangerous Christian Drag Show
Quote – They shamelessly don their cheap, glittery regalia, meticulously transforming themselves into a sickening inversion of who they actually are, putting on an unnatural false persona designed to indoctrinate young minds by passing as something they’re not. It is a vile bait and switch that decent human beings should be sickened by.
The political Right is the worst kind of drag show: that of hateful, heartless bigots pretending to be Christian. Click through for essay. What can I say? He nails it.
Crooks & Liars – Dem Senator Schools Chuck Todd On Why Congress Can Regulate Supreme Court
Quote – “The Chief Justice has to make this decision, though, right?” Todd asked. “Separation of powers, whether, I mean, it’s pretty established, Congress can’t make a law that does that, right?” Whitehouse informed the host he was mistaken about how the Constitution works. “No, it absolutely can,” Whitehouse laughed. “Well, it doesn’t mean it’s constitutional,” Todd quipped. “Yes, it does,” the senator explained. “It means it’s constitutional because the laws that we’re talking about right now are actually laws passed by Congress. The ethics reporting law that is at the heart of the Clarence Thomas ethics reporting scandal is a law passed by Congress.” Click through for story. Chuck Todd is far from alone in (apparently} believing the “SC” in “SCOTUS” stands for “Sacrd Cow.” It doesn’t. Whitehouse is a gem.
Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”
Between an effective antibody for all the CoViDs (SARS-2) – mentioned in a short take today – and the promises of gene therapy, it’s been an impressive week. Yes, I realize I’ve put up a lot of good news/potentially good news today – but hey, it’s Mother’s Day.
Gene therapy helps combat some forms of blindness – and ongoing clinical trials are looking to extend these treatments to other diseases
New gene therapies are helping to treat certain forms of inherited blindness. GettyImages
An estimated 295 million people suffer from visual impairment globally. Around 43 million of those people are living with blindness. While not every form of blindness can be cured, recent scientific breakthroughs have uncovered new ways to treat some forms of inherited blindness through gene therapy.
Jean Bennett is a gene therapy expert and a professor emeritus of ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania. She and her laboratory developed the first gene therapy drug for a genetic disease to be approved in the U.S. The drug, Luxturna, treats patients with biallelic RPE65 mutation-associated retinal dystrophy, a rare genetic disorder that causes visual impairments and blindness in patients early in life.
In March, Bennett spoke at the 2023 Imagine Solutions Conference in Naples, Florida, about what gene therapy is, why it matters and the success she and her team have had helping the blind to see. The Conversation caught up with Bennett after the conference. Her edited answers are below.
Jean Bennett speaks at the 2023 Imagine Solutions Conference.
What is gene therapy and how does it work?
Gene therapy is a set of techniques that harness DNA or RNA to treat or prevent disease. Gene therapy treats disease in three primary ways: by substituting a disease-causing gene with a healthy new or modified copy of that gene; turning genes on or off; and injecting a new or modified gene into the body.
How has gene therapy changed how doctors treat genetic eye diseases and blindness?
In the past, many doctors did not think it necessary to identify the genetic basis of eye disease because treatment was not yet available. However, a few specialists, including me and my collaborators, identified these defects in our research, convinced that someday treatment would be made possible. Over time, we were able to create a treatment designed for individuals with particular gene defects that lead to congenital blindness.
Gene therapy treatments are now available in pharmacies and operating rooms all over the world.
Gene therapy is even being used to restore vision to people whose photoreceptors – the cells in the retina that respond to light – have completely degenerated. This approach uses optogenetic therapy, which aims to revive those degenerated photoreceptors by adding light-sensing molecules to cells, thereby drastically improving a person’s vision.
You created one of the first gene therapies approved in the US. What is the current state of the clinical use of gene therapy?
There are now many approved gene therapies in the U.S., but the majority are combined with cell therapies in which a cell is modified in a dish and then injected back into the patient.
Many forms of gene therapy are helping to treat blindness. GettyImages
The majority of those therapies target different forms of cancer, although there are several for devastating inherited diseases. The drug Skysona is a new injectable gene therapy medication that treats boys ages 4 to 17 with cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy, a genetic disease in which a buildup of very-long-chain fatty acids in the brain can lead to death.
The gene therapy that my team and I developed was the first FDA-approved project involving injection of a gene therapy directly into a person – in this case, into the retina. Only one other FDA-approved gene therapy is directly administered to the body – one that targets spinal muscular atrophy, a disease that causes progressive muscle weakness and eventually death. The drug, Zolgensma, is injected intravenously into babies and children diagnosed with the disease, allowing them to live as healthy, active children.
There are now more than two dozen FDA-approved cell and gene therapies, including CAR T-cell therapies – in which T cells, a type of immune system cells, are modified in the laboratory to better attack cancer cells in the body – and therapies for various blood diseases.
What are you currently working on that you’re most excited about?
I am very excited about some upcoming clinical trials that my team will soon initiate to target some other devastating blinding diseases. We will incorporate a new test of functional vision – how your eyes, brain and the visual pathways between them work together to help a person move in the world. This test utilizes a virtual reality game that is not only fun for the user but promises to provide an objective measure of the person’s functional vision. I hope that our virtual reality test will inform us of any potential benefits from the treatments and also serve as a useful outcome measure for other gene and cell therapy clinical trials involving vision.
What are the biggest challenges gene therapy faces?
The biggest challenges involve systemic diseases, or diseases affecting the entire body rather than a single organ or body part. For those diseases, super-high doses of gene therapy reagents must be delivered. Such diseases involve not only technical challenges – such as how to manufacture enormous amounts of gene therapy compounds without contaminating them – but also difficulties ensuring that the treatment targets diseased tissues without causing toxic immune side effects. That level of a problem does not exist with the eye, where relatively small doses are used and exposure to the rest of the body is limited.
Another challenge is how to address diseases in which the target gene is very large. Current approaches to delivering treatments into cells lack the capacity to hold large genes.
Cost remains a key issue in this effort – gene therapy drugs are enormously expensive. As drug manufacturers are able to refine this technique, gene therapy drugs may become more commonplace, causing their price to drop as a result.
AMT, this news carries a lot of potential. Some of it will probably not work as expected and hoped. But even if only a few of the possibilities pan out, the results could be amazing. I’m thinking today of the pain mothers of children with some kind of genetic problem have had to suffer ocer the millennia, and hoping that may someday be a thing of the past.
Yesterday, it being May Day, my mind filled up with associations, such as the fact that May 1 is the big labor holiday internationally (and once was here as well.) That led me to think of Odgen Nash’s poem about the man who hated spring – a psychological illness which had begum when someone told him to “Come down to Union Square, it’s Mayday,” and he had misheard it as “Come down to Union Square, it’s payday,” and the disappointment was more than he could handle (it ends with his wife shooting him, and his last words are “Thank you, honey, it was thoughtful of you to use the autumn-atic.” Which leads right in to the second short take.) Then my mind turned to Walpurgis – actually, I think, Mayday Eve – one of the four great pagan festivals which Christans, of course, associated with witchcraft. And then they associted witchcraft with people, especially but not exclusively women, who wanted to harm children. And that seques naturally into the first short take and comes right back the the Labor Day thought I started with.. I swear I did not plan any of that. It just happened. Coincidence actually is a thing. Also – I’m sorry to report that Gordon Lightfoot has died.
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Letters from an American – April 28, 2023
Quote – Those in favor of the new policies argue that fewer restrictions on child labor will protect parents’ rights, but in fact the new labor measures have been written by the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA), a Florida-based right-wing think tank. FGA is working to dismantle the federal government to get rid of business regulations. It has focused on advancing its ideology through the states for a while now, but the argument that its legislation protects parental rights has recently enabled them to wedge open a door to attack regulations more broadly. FGA is part of a larger story about Republicans’ attempt to undermine federal power in order to enact a radical agenda through their control of the states. Click through for full article (you may have to click on “Keep Reading.”). This a few days old, but any time is the time to address this (so close to Mothers’ Day, too.)
Colorado Public Radio News – Here’s why voters are unlikely to have a direct say in an assault weapons ban
Quote – In theory, a group can work to place a ballot initiative on the statewide ballot. That process involves taking a proposed initiative to the Secretary of State, agreeing on the language that would be on the ballot and gathering valid signatures as a sign of support. Then, and only then, will voters have a chance to have a say on a possible assault weapons ban. Non-fiscal ballot measures like gun control rules can only be considered in even-year elections. Click through for details, including the difficulty of defining an “assault weapon,” which is a huge problem no matter who is pushng the legislation. Legislators and activist really need to drop the term and think in terms of characteristices which make some weapons so deadly and legislate those, without ever giving any weapon a name. Also , this is Colorado, but most if not all states have some kind of process which is analogous.