Oct 312024

Yesterday, Common Cause reported that the Supreme Court had legitimized Glenn Youngkin’s illegal last minute voter purge in Virginia. That’s huge news, so you probably saw it. You may not have seen, however, that Common Cause is now on the ground in Virginia working to get all of them who are eligible re-registered. Virginia is a same-day registration state, so this is not impossible, just staggeringly challenging. They are accepting donations at commoncause.org. Also, Carrie Burton (NannyCarrie from Care2 and a long time follower here) sent me an email about a program her grandson Peyton is working with about which she is justifiably proud. (This may be a good time to introduce a new emoji I came up with for “tissue alert.”)

TC used to like to say, “The Reich on the left is right,” And that certainly is true of his analysis in general. When he speculates on thinks which might happen, it’s more difficult to assert “he’s right.” But this is certainly a speculation about which I hope,I hope, I hope he’s right. Incidentally, it also contains a photo which immediately reminded me – whay on earth would anyone ever think that white skin is superior to, or even more attractive than, other skin colors? Yes, you may consider that a barf bag alert.

I suspect this, as reported by Wonkette, has been going on for a long time, actually. But now is definitely the time to encourage more of it. And, in this connection, it would not just be for abortion and voting. Nofault divorce is also under attack.

Oct 282024

Yesterday, Trinette came by – besides the normal help with mail, trash, and rcyclables, she also helped with hangin up some drapes which I had finally gotten all the stuff preventing access pout of the way, helpedn me get an old fashined monitor (one of the big ones – remember those?) out of a corner so I can tie it up and put a handle on it, and took in for a refund a product which was an unauthorized substitution (and I already have the email that it’s processing)  I’m short of sleep – but I did mange to lie down for six hours las night and get up without being crippled.  Sorry yesterday’s went up so late in the day.  I’m pretty well useless when I’m not getting sleep.

As a child, Robert Reich had the privilege of meeting Henry Wallace (FDR’s VP in his third term.) He was so young at the time that he didn’t appreciate it them. But he does now. It’s interesting how often in history political figures have been put into place because the inseen party powers believed that those figures could be controlled by them – for good and for bad. Sometimes it has worked, and sometimes not.

At eight days before the election, I’m glad this film (64 Days) in Talking Point Memo‘s report has comeout,but hope it isn’t too little, too late.

Belle gotcha


Oct 272024

Yesterday, the radio opera was a new one, “The Shining,” by Paul Moravec, whose name is new to me. I never read the book nor saw the movie, but living in Colorado, and especially being married to the grandson of a former caretaker of the Stanley Hotel, on which the hotel in it was based, I did know something about the plot. This opera was based on the book alone, rejecting some concepts introduced by the movie. It was presented by the Lyric Opera of Kansas City. I didn’t previously know any of the singers. The opera has it’s own website at operatheshining dot com, and KC Lyric has some photos at their site from this production from March, 2023. One could tell is was a 21st century opera, not by any dissonance (of which there is very little in operas of today anyway), but by the structure. older operas have arias – standout songs, and the older the opra the more repetition in them – separated by sections of more speech-like music which moves the plot (the older the opera, the closer it gets to actual speech.) This opera was structured like a sung play and also included some straight speech. Danny’s part in particular was all spoken. Incidentally, an opera company whose name includes the word “Lyric” is messaging “please understand we are not the Met or La Scala.” But the production values looked pretty good to me, and the voices held up. (Chicago Lyric dropped the “Lyric” sometime in the last 10 years or so, and rightly so, and about time, too.) Also, if you’re still with me, I want to call some attention to the fact that MAGA spreading lies about groups is not limited to immigtants. They are now spreading lies about Benedictine nuns. The sisters are not amused.

This from Crooks and Liars is hardly breaking news. Probably we could also have guessed the names. But it’s good to see it in print in order to be prepared.

It’s Sunday, and we deserve a good news story. This one from the Atlanta Black Star is pretty darned good, and especially for Texas.

Sep 022024

Yesterday, Faithful America declared the week which begins today and runs through the 8th to be Christians Against Trump** Week. Now that’s the kind of CAT person you don’t even have to like cats to be. Sane Christians with any pet, or no pets, are welcome. The idea is to use social media for good to spread the truth that Chrisutanity is not about Trump**, and what it is about. Most of us are probably not on social media of any kind, but if anyone is, this is the week to spread truth on it.

Robert Reich is working on another video series whic, like “DEBUNKED!” will air on Fridays, starting September 6. It’ll be called “Spreading the Truth about the 2024 Election,” which seems a little unwieldy, but accurate. There’s more information at the link. I will, as I did with “DEBUNKED!” link to each installment in Saturday’s Open Thread.

This from Talking Points Memo is by itself, at least for me, more than enough reason to defeat DonOLD at all costs. But it’s scary. If I wanted to illustrate this story, it should likely be witha picture of a projector, because this is all projection. Violence is always from people with an authoritarian stand, It’s neither of the right nor of the left. But here in the west authoritarians have drifted strongly to the right, because a righ wing economy produces de facto oligarchy, which assists establishing authoritarian rule.Personally, I have observed violence at leftist protests, but not from the left. Where it has occurred, it has come from right wing counterprotesters.

Jul 042024

Yesterday, Rocky Mountain PBS advised me (and the rest of their mailing list) that the NOAA is nowchanging the altitude of everything in the US to accomodate rising sea levels. None of our 14,000+ foot mountains will be under 14,000 feet – YET. I think this is a good thing, although it needs more publicity. Applying sea level rise to every place where peole live may help bring the reality home. Also yesterday (I’m calling it yesterday – it arrived in my inbox before midnight, but she dated it July 3, and she’s 2 hours ahead pf me, so it probably was yesterday for her) Joyce Vance published a column answering some of the questions her readers had about the immunity opinion. It may well answer some of your questions too. It starts by answering a question I wouldn’t have been knowledgeable enough to ask, so there’s that. Finally, Rudy Giuliani has officially been disbarred in New York.
here’s a video for you to enjoy. (Xitter embeds on DU work for me, and I hope for you too. But if they don’t, here’s Youtube.)

The New York Times has become so useless that I understand if you are surprised that I am sharing this article (no paywall) – such a long one too. But there are also leaders of Black and Hispanic working class groups saying some similar things. As Democrats, our goal is to make life better and safer for everyone, isn’t it? We will fail and keep failing if we don’t start listening.

Of course they already think they don’t have to play by any rules. And they certainly won’t think they have to play by any new rules. Maybe, if we can be sharp enough, we could lock some of them up. That would be nice.

I’ll let TomCat have the last word today.

Jun 192024

Yesterday, Joyce Vance shared a link to the “Projct 2025” ducument which is the Republican Party’s plan for governing us (and it will be governing us – no representation here.) It’s 920 pages long, and they are joping we won’t read it (heck, I had to struggle with the URL. It resisted being cut. But maybe that’s a good thing. Every time this link is used, the Republicans will know it’s someone who was, directly or indirectly, referred to it by Joyce Vance. And the more of us do, the more they will know she has supporters.) Because they hope we won’t read it, I hope that all of us will at least open the link. If you go, start with the Table of Contents. Ignore the glittering generalities, such as “the general welfare.” All the chaters are aspects of government which they wasnt to take over and destroy. All they need is Trump**.  Try to enjoy your Juneteenth anyway (red beverages are apropos.  I have some res herbal iced tea, some raspberry iced tea, and some strawberry soda, so I’m ready.)

I applaud Colorado for leading the way here. Our law may not be perfect (in fact, it probably isn’t – it’s nearly impossible to achieve peerfection in the very first law on anything new. The Second Amendment certainly didn’t.)  But at least it’s a law. I hope other states will not just follow, but also alter details to make the law better.

If you disagree with me that Wonkette’s unique style adds to this story, you probably can find it elsewhere. I personally feel that people who say and do things such as the potential defendant in this potential litigation dod ans said deserve all the mockery that gets aimed at them, and likely more. There’s also a neat little twist of Virginia law in the story, and although I can see how it could be abused,I kind of like it.

May 272024

Yesterday, Trinette came by. I didn’t have a lot for her to do, but I had muffins to give her – gluten free with duck eggs and coconut milk (and raspberries.) Later, while looking for an image, I found this. Hanky alert.

Joyce Vance originally wrote this for café, but the Brennan Center picked it up (with permission). Sometimes the newest news is less important than much older precedents – in other words, history.

In addition to the Memorial Day Thoughts of his title, Robert Hubbell has some information on the Supreme Court, including how to file a complaint. Correct me if I am wrong, but wan’t it the right that was ao adamant that all people had to do was “Just Say No” to drugs? They need to learn to “Just Say No” to bribes – and sedition.

May 062024

Yesterday, I was able to see Virgil for the first time in just about six months. I hadn’t told him I was coming, for two reasons. First, when I emailed on Monday for a reservation, they immediately replied that I had been move to the inactive list and needed new paperwork. I know exactly where to go on the web to find the right forms and make sure they are the most up to date. So I got them done, scanned them, and emailed them back the same day (after their office closes, but waiting for them the first thing Tuesday morning. Between waiting for that, and this being the first time I was driving for just about six months, I was worried that something might go wrong. And that leads me to the second reason. Virgil does not handle disappointment well at all, but he’s just fine with being surprised pleasantly. (I’ about the opposite. I can handle disappointment, but not so good with surprises.) Well, i made the right decision. Turned out I had four almost-flat tires an a possible radiator leak. No tire needed to be changed, but inflating them was time consuming. I had allowed an extra hour, but was still 20 minutes later than I intended. But it was all well worth it. He was delighted. And we even got a “Happy Anniversary” from the prison dog (a black lab named JJ) including a few doggy kisses. I had no trouble getting my wheel chair the way I always have, but putting it back in, I had to come up with a different strategy. It took me several tries, but I came up with a process that works. And now that I know I need a plan B, I don’t expect to waste as much time in the future. Also, if anyone cares, the railroad bridge is functional again.

Heather Cox Richardson was tired Friday night, so decided to “look elsewhere for a break.” For her , that means an article on “Ten Famous American Horses” as a nod to the Kentucky Derby. Enjoy.

Since May 1 is Labor Day everywhere but here, and May is Labor History Month here, I thought it might be interesting to look at a situation in Canada where both the labor and the customers are fed up (but not, alas, with food, but with those proces.)
