Dec 122020

Now This News – CoViD reality

Now This News – I saw the tweet thread – but seeing and hearing her is better.

The Lincoln Project – Mitch’s Tears

Steve Schmidt on MSNBC (Nicolle Wallace). Not pretty. But real.

At least THIS is delightful.

Beau – Term Limits. I was opposed to term limits already, but he has some good reasons to be opposed I never even thought of.

Keith from yesterday – and he’s right, dammit.

Jesus Christ the Apple Tree (18th century English poem set by Elizabeth Poston between 1961 and 1967

Dec 112020

Georgia – Jon Ossoff – Breaks my heart, but MUST be said.

Meidas Touch – getting a little giddy – but I love it (full screen to read captions)

Chris Hayes – Very clearly stated and supported. Not really anything we don’t know, but it needs to be said.

Dr. Fauci – Please not he is not willing to go farther than “some degree of normality that is close to where we were” by the end of next year if 75-80% of the population is vaccinated. IF.

Henri – Cat Litterature [sic]

Beau – Texas. I think he’s wrong about Trump supporters as a group. Some will, yes. Not all. Probably not even a majority.

Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Greek) Yesterday’s was so fun and silly, today’s is more serious.

Keith is running so late now I think I’ll always be a day late. But he doesn’t get old, so…

Dec 102020

American Bridge – GEORGIA (2) (the CC on the second one is in Korean and I couldn’t change them. Auto translate didn’t work.)

Meidas Touch – Georgia – Well, this is a shocker. Did you ever expect to agree with Matt Gaetz on ANYTHING?

Michigan Attorney General

Beau – Sometimes shining a light on facts is more powerful than throwing shade. This is complex but extremely interesting. (We all need more civics.)

The Trumpty Dumpty Cycle Episode 6

Ritsch Ratsch Filibom (Swedish)

Dec 072020


GEORGIA – Tweet with photo from Senate “debate” for Georgia runoff. (And video)

GEORGIA – Now This News – Ossoff on Climate

Meidas Touch – Parody of Queen “Somebody to Love”

Kaavan is flapping his ears! That’s a sign of a happy elephant. Also his tail. Wonderful. (short version, then long version with more detail)

Beau – “I’m looking at you, Georgia.”

Now This News – Bickering Trees

Old – very old – Irish Christmas carol. “The Wexford Carol”

Dec 062020

Now This News – in case anyone missed this news

Five and a half minutes on citizenship, including some new test questions

Beau says this so well – at least I think so –

The Trumpty Dumpty Cycle – Episode 4

Keith – from yesterday, posted late (quite late)

A somewhat unusual carol – you may have heard it, but it never seems to make the lists.

Dec 062020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  I had a fine breakfast of steak in scrambled eggs, yogurt, rye bread and butter.  I took a morning nap.  I did my research.  Today is a holy day in the Church if the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are playing on Sunday Night Football this evening, so it will be televised here.  May the Holy Ellipsoid Orb shine its blessed light on your team, unless they play in an arrow head.  Have a fine Sunday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:15 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


An annual day of mourning for the Republican Reich!

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Lately, it seems that right-wing heroes and heroines du jour turn out to be slimeballs and reprobates. Well, add another to the list—Melissa Carone, the star witness in the Trump campaign’s attempt to overturn Biden’s win there due to baseless claims of voter fraud.

By now, you’ve seen Carone’s bonkers testimony before a Michigan state house panel, in which she claimed to have seen all manner of fraud while votes were being counted at the TCF Center. Her claims were so off the rails that even Rudy Giuliani had to try to rein her in. Earlier, she’d claimed to have seen ballots smuggled inside vans. A judge had previously ruled Carone’s claims were “not credible.”

For most of the week, people have wondered whether Carone had been too well served during her testimony. But it turns out there’s another reason to question her credibility. Two years ago, she was busted for sending obscene messages to her boyfriend’s ex-wife.

As I see it, sexual content is not what made this sleazy.  What made it so is that her boyfriend’s ex-wife apparently did not consent to be the recipient of Carone’s GOPORN. That she did this should not surprise anyone. The gospel in a Republican Reich is that women should be obscene and not heard.  RESIST!!

From NPR (Hat-Tip Mitch [ours, nor BBMM]): Under the order filed Friday, Judge Nicholas Garaufis of the U.S. District Court in Brooklyn instructed the Department of Homeland Security to begin accepting new applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program as soon as Monday.

In his ruling, Garaufis said the terms of the federal program must be immediately restored to what they were “prior to the attempted rescission of September 2017” when the White House began a series of maneuvers to dismantle the program.

The judge also instructed officials to reinstate two-year permits for qualifying applicants. Over the summer, the administration had begun issuing one-year permits.

Kudos to Judge Garaufis, who was appointed by Bill Clinton. There are few judges left that do not bear the 666 of Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch etched into their foreheads. Win the Senate!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Michigan Hearings Cold Open

As talented as she is, Kate just cannot convey the sense of evil with which Rudy 9/11 reflects the Republican Reich. Nevertheless, SNL was hilarious as usual.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): Nat King Cole – Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

May God grant that our nation and the whole world might overcome the pseudo-Christian hatred that the Republican Reich has inflicted on us!  RESIST!!

44 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!


Everyday Erinyes #243

 Posted by at 10:00 am  Politics
Dec 052020

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Last week we discussed conspiracy theories. Then, I came across this story. It’s about s different kind of conspiracy – one I believe we can all get behind. It was sent to Wonkette anonymously, so they published it with no author’s name, so I can’t attribute it to the writer But I can’t imagine he or she would not want it to be shared. And so, here it is.

A Little Bit of Christmas

An unsolicited submission from one among you that made me cry, and who wishes to remain anonymous.

My older daughter must have been seven or eight when she asked me to tell her the truth about Santa.

Truth is a dangerous thing as we all know. As Terry Pratchett says about the not-really-Santa of the Discworld:


“So we can believe the big ones?”


And lying was a thing I did not want to do. So I told her that I would provide the absolute truth about Santa on our annual trip to meet her Grandparents in New York.

Every year we would go to the outrageous Rockefeller Center Christmas Special that is all money and glitter and then live camels on stage for the real Jesus feeling at the end. I admit it was fun. We then went to one family play as well.

Yes, we are very lucky.

If you have gone to one of those plays then you know that at the end the ushers offer some of the letters sent to the New York Times but not chosen by the New York Times to support. I know that it is not intentionally cruel. But there are so many.

There are so many letters. We took one back, and opened it. There was a barely teenager who wanted cool tennis shoes. There was a small girl, I believe 4t, who wanted a pretty Christmas dress. A and I shopped together, the two of us. We spent serious time in Footlocker before deciding on a truly fabulous shoe with the name of the most gorgeous basketball player in my lifetime on the side. The sales worker assured us that this was *the shoe* for the stylish just-now-a teenager. It was all about the brand. Then the dress. We thought about velvet blue with white teddy-bear fur trim. But a Christmas dress was what was wanted, so we went with red brocade with lace. We guessed the matching shoe size, and matching tights. I can not remember if we bought the muff or the hat. Muffs are so fun. They are highly underrated accessories for sheer fun.

We took the gifts back to the theater as instructed. The person opening the door was so charming, and so taken by the outfit she took us to see the manager as exemplars for the gifting program.

Then we went home.

Christmas morning I whispered to her as she opened her own gifts, “And now YOU are Santa. You have met the real Santa. It is a vast conspiracy of kindness.” We talked about how she knew she would have gifts under the tree, but many people do not. Discussing the joy of that anonymous mother — giving her children what they wanted — led to the discussion of the moms whose letters of hope went unanswered.

We had to stop going to plays. They were confusing to first my father then my mom as dementia took them. We stopped going to New York two years later, so the younger sibling never was able to share that experience.

Instead, when the younger came home from second grade saying there was a boy who said Santa was not real, my older child nodded decisively, “There is a Santa. I have met Santa. Next year, I will introduce you.” Then one weekend the next year, I dropped them off together at the Mall with an Angel Tree. (Not the Angel Tree for children with one parent in prison, but one sponsored by the local shelter.

That Christmas morning, we all became coconspirators.

As a small family of adults, we have been matching each gift to each other with a donation of equivalent size. It is more likely to be than Toys for Tots, and includes environmental charities as much as local Boys & Girls Clubs. This year it is the Senate race in Georgia.

We are still part of the conspiracy. And in 2020 that conspiracy is desperately needed.

The kindness is the point.

AMT, I don’t know about anyone else, but to me, this story has “Yes, Virginia” beat six ways from Sunday. Of course, sharing it kind of has the effect of giving you the week off. And that’s fine. You deserve one. And you’ll likely need to rest up for what all is coming. Enjoy it.

The Furies and I will be back.

Dec 042020

GEORGIA – Jon Ossoff

Meidas Touch – GEORGIA

Now This News – not my Senator Udall, whom Corey Gardner cheated to defeat, but is cousin in New Mexico (who is planning to retire, sadly.

The Lincoln Project – GEORGIA

Parody Project/The Freedom Toast

A commercial from the Norwegian Postal Service showing – well, you’ll see (hanky alert for laughter)


Keith (yesterday, but 2 hours later than usual so I missed it.)
