While cleaning up my bookmarks (to make sure I can find them whichever browser I’m in), I discovered a Christmas special from Sam which must have aired Thursday night. I am putting it up today because it’s Wednesday.
Robert Reich – progressive mandate
Beau on Pat Robertson
Other PP with good Don
As many years as I “collected” Christmas carols, I have missed some. Here’s one I never heard until this year …
GEORGIA – Meidas Touch – “Georgia Ur Votin’ 4ME2” Patti Austin (no CC) https://www.democraticunderground.com/emoticons/cry.gif
GEORGIA – Now This News – “Who Is David Perdue” – Long but very informative.
GEORGIA – This would appear to be trolling…
The stakes have never been higher. Our freedom and our country’s future are on the January 5th ballot. It’s time to get out the vote for @KLoeffler and @Perduesenate. Together, we will Win Georgia and Save America! #gapolpic.twitter.com/ur5tOhTPq5
GEORGIA – Now This News – Long but full of information. Narrated by Natalie Portman
GEORGIA – Really American (sorry, no CC)
GEORGIA – Meidas Touch
Robert Reich on “Normal” – It’s all here – clear as day, and in a nutshell.
Now This News – I personally would not call the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. just “this church” but it really could have been any chunch which cares.
Mrs. Betty Bowers summing up 2020
Founders Sing – Silent Night
Henri – “The Cat Is Sat”
March of the Three Kings (French) – No competition here for pro ballet companies, but cute.
GEORGIA – The Lincoln Project – No one here is going to agree with this. But they aren’t talking to us. They’re talking to Georgia Republicans, and they’re doing it well. More power to them.
Republicans for the Rule of Law (CC in Korean – no idea why.)
Beau on the right tools. I’d like to just address his Tshirt, because it’s, to the best of my knowledge, unique to him (well, to his merch.) Of course, it spells out the word “evolve;” it’s not much of a stretch to see the 3’s as reversed E’s. But why the 303? Well, that refers to his “Rule 3o3,” which is one of his prime directives, if you will. It goes, “If you have the means, then you have the responsibility.” Something to think about.
Henri Introduction
Henri “Paw de Deux”
The word “carol” in English got applied to Christmas music almost exclusively, but originally, it meant “round dance.” And there are multiple countries which have carols that still reflect vigorous dance. (So do we, actually – “Deck the Hall” comes to mind.) The Swedish one a few days ago is an example. Here’s another, this one from Catalonia. (“Fum” is onomatopoeia for strumming a guitar)