Glenn Kirschner – Not his own video, but an appearance on Stephanie Miller from 11/28. So, not new. He just shows a slughtly different side of himself to Stephanie.
RHQ – Trump Rioter Hit By Most Ironic Karma
Now this News – Exhibit Sheds Light on Migrant Farmworkers’ Stories
Really American – INSANE “Dr.” Oz IS A Danger To America
The Alt-Right Playbook – I’m not sure whether this is a new end note or whether I just don’t remember it (or maybe issed it.) But hey, it’s worth watching multiple times.
Reuters – White House unveils Biden Christmas decorations
Beau – Let’s talk about Fred Gray, Alabama, and a new south….
Yesterday, I got the groceries put away. I finished all the cartoons for December. I put together and submitted the claim for reimbursement for my thyroid. And I puttered around a little with beads and pendants.
The Revelator – Invasive Species Are Threatening Antarctica’s Fragile Ecosystems
Quote – We mapped the last five years of planes and ships visiting the continent, illuminating for the first time the extent of travel across the hemispheres and the potential source locations for non-native species. We found that, luckily, while some have breached Antarctica, they generally have yet to get a stranglehold, leaving the continent still relatively pristine. But Antarctica is getting busier, with new research stations, rebuilding and more tourism activities planned. Our challenge is to keep it pristine under this growing human activity and climate change threat. Click through for details and prognosis. The Revelator is a niche publication, ;iterally all about saving the earth for human habitation, which means it’s very much about climate change and reversing its effects.
SILive – Honoring frontline workers and more: See how Jill Biden decorated the White House for Christmas
Quote – This year marks Joe and Jill Biden’s first holiday season in the White House as president and first lady. Jill Biden explained they were inspired by Americans across the country who remind us that “our differences are precious and our similarities infinite.” The year was also defined by the uncommon acts of compassion, bravery and selflessness by many — and the White House celebrates their service and sacrifice, Jill Biden said. Click through for more. I wanted an article that was positive about it, which eliminated Slate and the New York Times quickly. I think most of us are glad to have a President and First Lady who are human and humane. BTW, I think the video – in the Video Thread – shows more detail.
Glenn Kirschner – Former DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark to Plead the 5th Amendment for Crimes he Committed w/Donald Trump
Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party
Ring of Fire – Corporations Are Using Inflation As An Excuse To Jack Up Prices For Consumers
Represent Us – Why We Should Make Election Day a Holiday (Look, I’m not opposed to making Election Day a holiday. But I am violently opposed to the idea that doing so will solve all out electoral problems. Frankly, that strikes me as elitism and privilege at its ugliest. Making Election Da a holiday will not enfranchise low income workers paid hourly in call centers, retail establishments, and places like hospitals and prisons where some one must work, holiday or no holiday. In fact, it may further disenfranchise the poorest, who are desparate to cover minimum expenses – time and a half or double time are a great incentive not to vote. Unless we also make voting by mail, no reason required, nationally available, safe, and dependable, and continue to support early voting and making more places available to vote, all the holidays on the world are not going to enfranchise the people who need it the most.)
Liberal Redneck – Liberal Redneck – SCOTUS and the “Pro-Life” Crowd
Yesterday, my vision was back to normal when I got up, thankfully. Oh, and happy Hanukkah to all who observe it. It’s very early this year – I have already missed two days, for which I apologize.
Cartoon –
Short Takes
Daily Kos (Kerry Eleveld) – Republicans are desperate to believe 2020 was ‘stolen’ from Trump. Nothing will dissuade them
Quote – But when it came to Republicans, 62% misstated the results of the sham audit[in Arizona], with 32% saying the so-called audit found evidence of fraud and 30% saying it probably found fraud, when in fact the report located no 2020 fraud. So even when a sham process initiated by GOP lawmakers, promoted by Donald Trump, and conducted by pro-Trump sympathizers finds no fraud, a substantial majority of Republicans reject and distort the findings. Click thrugh for more numbers – if you need them.
AP News – Jan. 6 panel sets contempt vote for former DOJ official
Quote – The committee on Monday scheduled a vote to pursue contempt charges against Jeffrey Clark, a former Justice Department lawyer who aligned with President Donald Trump as he tried to overturn his election defeat. If approved by the panel, the recommendation of criminal contempt charges would then go to the full House for a vote and then to the Justice Department. Click through for more. This vote is for Clark, as you see. Meadows’s turn in the barrel will come.
The American media misses the true nature of the GOP threat — but an international outlet nailed it
Quote – While I don’t care about [Candace] Owens, and neither should you, we should care about the use of the right’s rhetoric of slander, of which the word “communist” has long played a part in American history. Liberals and progressives first looked to the government as a force of social reform in the early 20th century. Around that time, the Russian Revolution occurred (1917). Since then, the American right has smeared liberals by associating their policies and objectives with godless communism. Click through for details. As we know, left and right have nothing to do with authoritarianism, or its opposite Sadly, most people don’t know that. I’m sure that’s part of what stood in the way of seeing this.
Glenn Kirschner – Justice in a Georgia Courtroom: Three Men Convicted of Murdering Unarmed Jogger Ahmaud Arbery
MSNBC 1 – Three Men Found Guilty In Death Of Ahmaud Arbery
MSNBC 2 – Rep. Swalwell: They Are Getting Closer To The Commander Of Insurrection, Donald Trump
The Hill – Psaki Shuts Down Reporter Who Asks About Biden Spending Thanksgiving In Nantucket Of course it was Baby Dooce)
Every Hallmark Thanksgiving Movie Ever (Hey, I looked hard for this.)
Wild Horse Immediately Recognizes His Girlfriend After Years Apart
Beau – Let’s talk about bad news for DeJoy and good news for the postal service…. Apparently this process was under Beau’s radar – wee all knew exactly how this would go, just not when. And, yes, DeJoy gifted Bloom a whole lot of money in stock. It wasn’t 4D chess. It was just a President who knows how government works.
Today is Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for all of you who come here, read, and comment. I can’t really express that in words. I hope you can get a glimmer of that.
Crooks and Liars – FINALLY: Black Family Gets Imperfect, But Historic Justice
Quote – Merritt said of the police department on Friday: “We plan to root out injustice within that system. We plan to identify the specific policies that facilitate one of the deadliest police cultures in the modern world. Kansas City will remember the name Cameron Lamb because he will be known as the beginning of the end of the deadliest police culture in the modern world.” Click through. Beau addressed this also (In Saturday’s video thread, and here ) I surely do hope they follow through on that police quote.
Daily Kos (Walter Einenkel) – 13-year-old boy uses his Make-A-Wish to feed homeless because Mississippi officials don’t
Quote – According to Olagbegi, his family has always done service for the community. Since he was a young child, the Olagbegis would serve meals to people in need every month. After Olagbegi was diagnosed, the family had to put some of that service on hold. Make-A-Wish Mississippi’s Linda Sermons told WLBT: “We were excited this is our first philanthropic wish in our 20+ years of the chapter in the state—a huge milestone for us, but also this is the first meal that Abraham is able to serve.” Make-A-Wish helped Abraham Olagbeli begin Abraham’s Table. Click through if you wish. Einenkel is not shy to discuss how serious the need is for more. But I can’t imagine a chld of privilege coming up with this wish myself.
Yesterday, another quiet day.I love quiet days, but it makes it difficult to find much if anything to say about them. I guess that’s all right, though.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
AP News – Native American confirmed as head of National Park Service
Quote – Sams is Cayuse and Walla Walla and lives on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in Oregon. There, he gained a reputation for being unflappable. He has worked in state and tribal governments and the nonprofit natural resource and conservation management fields for over 25 years. “He is known for being steady at the helm and taking challenges in stride,” said Bobbie Conner, director of the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute on the 270-square-mile (700-square-kilometer) reservation. Click through for more details. It took way too lokg to confirm him – but it’s done now.
Daily Kos (Tevye) – Dead Man On The Ground. Bullets Flying. Others Running For Safety. He Ran Straight Towards A Madman.
Quote – As a young man, Anthony struggled with mental health issues and drug dependency. And seven years ago, he quit cold turkey and never relapsed. He went to counseling for a few years, but he regarded two things as his savior…..his skateboarding community and his activism.Any marginalized group in his community, be it those of color, those from the LGBTQ+ community, Jews ( he was Jewish himself ), Muslims, First Nations peoples….. if you were oppressed, you had a friend, advocate and defender in Anthony. He was there for you. Click through. Hanky alert. I can tell Tevye is angty, but he knows, none better, how to transform that anger into gried, and then into resolution.
Smithsonian – What Kind of Turkey are you?
Quote – More than just a traditional holiday trimming, the turkey is an American icon. Native to our continent, turkeys were domesticated by the ancient Maya, called a respectable “Bird of Courage” by Benjamin Franklin, and have been officially pardoned by Presidents since 1989. The Smithsonian has over 155 million objects in its collections—including a fair number of turkeys. This Thanksgiving, find your inner Smithsonian turkey by taking our short quiz! Click through to take the quiz. I took it ans was told I am “The Dignified Turkey.” That may be the first time anyone every called me dignified – and it may also be the last!