Mar 172025

Yesterday, I hadn’t heard from Trinette, so I called her, and she’s fine – and out of state at a family gathering of some kind. And she sounds good. She has the same kind of post-nasal drip cough from allergies that I chronically have, which is annoying, but not dangerous (and by the ime of day I called, it would be gone for the day, and it was, for both of us). She was going to call or email, but with traveling (she drove) and all, time just got away from her. I’m just relieved to know she’s alive and well.

As Wonkette says, “[Y]ou can’t negotiate with bullies.” You also cannot appease them. If you try, they will simply take you for a sucker, and easy mark, and demand more and more. Columbia apparently is entering the FO stage of FAFO – and make no mistake, appeasement and attempted appeasement count as FA. Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

I would hope that this, as reported by Joyce Vance, would lead to any not-already-purged prosecutors resigning in protest. If there are any such. On the other hand, their loss would be incalculable. I don’t really know what to hope for. Other than impeachment – and that’s a whole nother can of worms. Really other than “Didn’t anyone besides me and holocaust survivors see this coming?” I don’t know what to say.

Belle setups

Cat & chicks+

May 252024

Yesterday, Robert Reich announced he is starting a series he is calling “Debunk” in which he will debunk the ten biggest political-economic myths. It’ll run for ten weeks. Any episode i don’t share i will at least link to so you can follow it.

The headline here says it all, really. And the artice connects the dota, with each new dot adding something more appalling.

This should bring a smile to your face. (I wonder whether they invited Bernie to the ceremony.)

Nov 232023

Happy Thanksgiving from TomCat


And from me –

And if you need a lttle something extra to be thankful for, this just might be it.  It certainly would have made TomCat’s day – if not his whole year (he would of course wish it had happened in Oregon, but the fact that it happened at all is eexlilarating.)

Sep 022022

Glenn Kirschner – Lindsey Graham says there will be riots if DOJ charges Donald Trump for his crimes

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Google BANS Trump’s Truth Social because NO MODERATION of HATE

The Lincoln Project – Tough on Crime

MSNBC – Familiar Trump Stall Strategy Plays Out In ‘Special Master’ Gambit

Ring of Fire – Kids-For-Cash Criminal Judges Ordered To Pay Victims Over $200 Million

Beau – Let’s talk about access to higher education….
