Yesterday, I visited Virgil. It was special to be able to see him on Christmas, and he returns all greetings including special holiday greetings. The Sergeant who heads up the visitation team got the day off (and I really can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. For part of the time, the warden personally filled in for him. Don’t get me wrong – prison is still prison and no one wants to be there.. But there are some employees who have hearts and consciences. Although the time of sunset hadn’t changed (or rather it changed and then changed back) I left a little later and it didn’t work badly. There are still some (and one in particular) dangwr spots, but with proper equipment most of the drive is much better. The mast ten minutes of my drive were in “civil twilight,” which is when the sun is over the horizon, but there is still enough light to see by – you don’t need your lights on to see better, but you do to be seen better.) I can handle that. It only lasts a half hour, though (both morning and evening). Then there’s another half hour of “nauticak twilight” where there is still some reflected light but you need headlights. There might be more light reflected off of a water surface, but on land it’s not the best time to driver. Sunrise is still getting later, abd some of the drive out is becoming a bit more hazardous, but it should start getting earlier soon, which will also help.
Cartoon –

Short Takes
Crooks and Liars – HERO: All In A Day’s Work For Sixth-Grader Davyon Johnson
Quote – His principal, Latricia Dawkins, told the local paper, “He is just a kind soul and well-liked by his peers and staff alike.” His mom, LaToya Johnson, is proud but not surprised. She said her son wants to be an EMT, just like his uncle Wendell Johnson.
Click through for story. One more good news story can’t hurt.
Democratic Underground – The President and First Lady stop their motorcade to look at a Biden themed Christmas tree...
There are a few words, but mostly pictures Great pictures. Click through for them.
Mother Jones – The Mother of All Vaccines May Be Closer Than You Think
Quote – Now, after three coronavirus-sparked health crises in the last 20 years—SARS, MERS, and COVID-19—researchers are working to develop so-called universal coronavirus vaccines for the next outbreak. While COVID-19 vaccines are an incredible feat of science—they were created faster than any vaccine in history—researchers say it wasn’t fast enough. Kevin Saunders, the director of research at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute, points out that hundreds of thousands of Americans died from COVID-19 infections while vaccines were being developed and approved. If we have a universal coronavirus vaccine ready to go in the future, even if it isn’t perfect, he says, it could cut down on hospitalizations and deaths, and buy researchers time to hone a virus-specific vaccine.
Click through for much more. The Walter Reed team has gone the farthest to date, but they are not alone, and others are also getting close. Now THAT’s good news.
Food For Thought: