Aug 292024

Yesterday, my opinion of Jack Smith rose yet again – not just because of the new indictment, not even just because he has empaneled a new grand jury to authorize the superseding indictment, but because no one outside that tight little circle evenknew that a new grand jury was looking at it until it was published. That’s amazing. Also yesterday, Crooks and Liars had a story about a GOP chair who had been rejected by whatever in-group she was the chair of, but who refused to leave. Law enforcement was needed to remove her from the State Convention (not, obviously, Presidential, but Michigan’s primaried for state legislatures are coming up.) A judge ruled that the use of law enforcement in this case was legitimate. I hope the Colorado GOP is paying attention.

Personally, I don’t need to know something will hurt me directly in order to know that its bad. If it hurts someone else who doesn’t deserve to be hurt, it hurts me too. But I guess that’s just what makes me not a Republican. Still, it can be useful to realize how policies which hurt particular people end up hurting everybody (and the converse.)

Well, this is interesting. (And that’s throwing roses at it.) Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton must have become jealous of all the attention Harris and Walz are getting and decided thay wanted some of that. Sotty, Greg and Ken, attention because people hate you is not the same as attention because people love you. I hope you get sued within an inch of your useless lives.

Aug 072024

Yesterday, the exterminator came, and my rep is still out on family leave. The replacement didn’t kow whether it was a boy or a girl,so I asked him to take both to the office for the new dad and tell him to just keep the other one for the next addition. I may not have any childen of my own, but I still have a by God commitment to the future.

Steve Schmidt has a new video title: “The Schmidt Storm” I don’t know whether he plans on changing the name of his column or if this is just for the election – heaven knows it would fit either way. About this first use, he says “In the first edition of “The Schmidt Storm”, I answer your questions about the post-Trump Republican party, battling negative Kamala Harris narratives and preparing for another MAGA loss”

This story from The 19th was reproduced from Politifact. I couldn’t find it there (probably just didn’t have the patience), but I did want to point out that the “we” in the last sentence is “we at PolitiFact.” not “we at The 19th.”  I don’t know about the 19th, but personally, I would rate it “Pants on Fire.”
