Jan 202025

Yesterday, Steve Schmidt posted a column which is near perfect for today. I can disagree with him on a couple of minor points, but that’s really just nitpicking. I cannot disagree with his conclusion, even though I don’t clearly see how it is to be done. Also, I read yesterday that the Mango Monster’s cryptocurrency scan is called $TRUMP. Does that make him a $TRUMPet? And to top off the day, the word “Villainaire[s]” has been coined.

Crooks & Liars is really speaking to elected Democrats here. But one of the things we do best is to nag our elected officials to do the right thing. So we need to think about how we can best do that under this administration.

This was in a Contrarian newsletter from Friday. I’m sorry to have to say that all the information is in a video, it doesn’t appear to have CC, and you need to jump on the button to unmute the sound. I missed about a minute but I think what I mostly missed was courtesies. Joyce Vance is known here as a Substack author, but from now on she will also be working (not alone) on a project for the Contrarian called the “Democracy Tracker. The idea is to have something which will catch us up to as much as a week’s important news into minutes. I want to say “Good luck with that,” but this time I really mean it. I hope they do pull it off. Everyone working with The Contrarian is an expert in their own right, so I think they do have a good chance. We shall see.

Jan 312023

Yesterday, I slept later than I have for months – apparently after all that worry I needed to. Of course the disadvantage of thet is that the longer I sleep, the worse the aches and pains are when I arise. Fortunately the TENS makes short (not instant, but short) work of that. Virgil called – his friend dialed for him – so I was able to accept the call. I stressed that he needs to gethis friend to dial for him when he calls – it’s not a matter of money (an “unaccepted” call is not charged for), but the stress to bothe of us (probably more to me than to him, since I am more aware of what’s going on.) I’m not sure how much he actually absorbed, but his friend will get the point.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

ProPublica – How Congress Finally Cracked Down on a Massive Tax Scam
Quote – After six years of failed efforts by the IRS, Justice Department and lawmakers, new legislation is expected to prevent the worst abuses of a tax-avoidance scheme that has cost the U.S. Treasury billions of dollars. Tucked into the massive, $1.7 trillion government spending bill signed into law by President Joe Biden on Dec. 29, a provision in the law seems poised to accomplish what thousands of audits, threats of hefty penalties and criminal prosecutions could not: shutting down a booming business in “syndicated conservation easements,” which exploit a charitable tax break that Congress established to preserve open land.
Click hrough for details. I had never heard of this, though it doesn’t realy surprise me. Sometimes, thankfully, our elected representatives are more knowledgeable than we are, which is good, since one can’t advocate on something one doesn’t even know is a problem.

PolitiZoom – Pelosi Attacker Calls SF Television News to Apologize… For Failing to Kill Paul Pelosi, ‘Unprepared’
Quote – David DePape called the KTVU newsroom from San Francisco County Jail Friday, the same day a superior court judge ordered video of the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi to be released. The call was unexpected. He told our reporter he had an important message…. In the chilling and bizarre phone call, he apologized for not going further. “I want to apologize to everyone. I messed up. What I did was really bad. I’m so sorry I didn’t get more of them. It’s my own fault. No one else is to blame. I should have come better prepared,” he says.
Click through for story. C.S. Lewis once penned the phrase “the disinterested hatred of evil for good” (not meaning a lack of intellectual interest, but an absence of an ulterior motive, such as greed or fear) in a way that suggested it didn’t really exist. I think it does – it may be rare, but some actions seem so far out as not to be explainable otherwise. Is this one of them? I don’t know.

Food For Thought

Dec 192020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox, combined with a severe case of Republicitis.  I’m late, because I just spent an hour on the throne.  It’s a Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, and it will be tomorrow too.  My Broncos are playing the Bills, and it will be televised here, because it’s a Saturday game, so I shall be meditating this afternoon.  May the blessed Orb shine its holy light on your team, unless they dump Buffalo dung on the prairie.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy Day, so please expect no more than a Personal Update.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Calling the prospect a “nightmare scenario,” Betsy DeVos warned that President-elect Joe Biden will pick an Education Secretary with a background in education.

The outgoing Education Secretary warned that putting someone with a “pro-education bias” in her job would be like “naming a fox to be Secretary of Hens.”

“For the past four years, I have worked tirelessly to keep our schools free from education,” she said. “It deeply saddens me to think that all of my hard work will go to waste.”

Even more alarming, she said, Biden may name a “knowledgeable person” to replace her, a decision she called “disastrous.”

“In order to be impartial toward education, an Education Secretary must be as ignorant as possible,” she said. “I don’t mean to boast, but I am going to be a tough act to follow in that respect.”

Dang Andy! Is it true that Betsy Blackwater took this to Trump* with the recommendation that he appoint Colonel Sanders as his Secretary of Hens!  RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: On Thursday, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel of outside experts voted to approve providing an emergency use authorization (EUA) for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. The agency is expected to complete the creation of the EUA on Friday, which would free up shipments of the vaccine to get on their way across the country this weekend. But they may have to get in line, because the first vaccine that was approved is already failing to reach states in the quantities expected. 

Despite months of listening to Donald Trump brag about the incredible military operation he had put together to distribute a vaccine that did not then exist, states are suddenly discovering that the shipments they were expecting have been drastically reduced without explanation. Meanwhile Pfizer seems just as confused—it says there are millions of doses sitting in its warehouse ready to go, but Trump’s team is allowing them to gather dust.

As Bloomberg reports, some states were informed on Wednesday that their supply of Pfizer’s vaccine would be cut drastically. For Oregon, that means a 40% drop in the 74,000 doses they had been expecting. Gov. Kate Brown tweeted that this was a federal decision made through “Operation Warp Speed.” Oregon is not alone. As The Washington Post reports, officials in multiple states were alerted that their shipments of the mRNA vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech would be “drastically cut” for next week.

Notices that they would not be getting what they were earlier told was on the way went out to at least six states. That list includes Illinois, Washington, and Maine, in addition to Oregon. Meanwhile, Florida officials seem to have lost their shipments of vaccine altogether, saying they disappeared from the online shipping system.

I trust that nobody is surprised that Oregon leads the shortage list, since the Republican Reich was unsuccessful attacking us with their Gestapo. I heard nurses in the hospital angrily speculating among themselves that it was intentional sabotage. As for Florida’s shipments, you will find the vaccine at Mar-A-Lago clinic. It may be obtained for $500,000 – $1,000,000 Bankster Bucks per dose.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): Low – Some Hearts (at Christmas Time)


I have never heard this tune before, but I consider it particularly appropriate, since this Christmas is such a lonely time for those who have lost loved ones and those separated from loved ones due to Trump* virus. May God grant them peace and relief, and may those of us who can comfort them do so. HUGS!!

31 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Mar 142020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  The pain in my back is so severe today that I just broke down and took an oxycodone.  I hope it kicks-in quickly.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, so please expect no more than a Personal Update or Open Thread from me.  We have a lot of goop-prep to do in addition to de-stinking the TomCat.  It snowed this morning.  It wasn’t much but it was the only this year.  Later: it’s snowing again!


Have a great weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:35 (average 5:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump Virus Update:



Short Takes:

From The Hill: One model from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggested that between 160 million and 210 million Americans could contract the disease over as long as a year. Based on mortality data and current hospital capacity, the number of deaths under the CDC’s scenarios ranged from 200,000 to as many as 1.7 million. 

It found as many as 21 million people might need hospitalization, a daunting figure in a nation with just about 925,000 hospital beds…

Another model built by experts at Resolve to Save Lives, a global health nonprofit, and the Council on Foreign Relations found the number of potential deaths could range from as few as 163,500, if the virus is no more deadly than seasonal influenza, to more than 1.6 million if the virus carries a mortality rate of just 1 percent.

Basically this mean that, thanks to Republicans’ inadequate response, due to their lust for power, somewhere between 163,000 and 1,700,000 Americans are likely to be murdered by Trump* Virus and the Republican Party.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Infection Rate Charts Forecast Steep Rise In US Coronavirus Cases

Jack Ma is also giving the US 500,000 test kits. He’s doing this in spite of the anti-Chinese racist rants coming from criminal Fuhrer Trump*, Faux Noise and the Republican Reich. Kudos to Jack for helping us. “Without testing you are blind,” Ho says, but the Republican party intentionally sabotaged our ability to test to “keep our numbers low” At least FEMA is in charge, because Trump* finally declared a national emergency. But will Trump* appoint Michael “Heck of a job, Brownie” Brown to head FEMA again?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): ROY ORBISON – CRYING – LIVE 1988


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Feb 092020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  I’m feeling better than yesterday and WWWendy will be here shortly.  This is my only article today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today,s took me 3:30 (average 5:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


A visual blast from the past.

Short Takes:From Mother Jones (H/T Daily Kos): Here’s something sleazy: In 2019, the state of Montana had to twice warn voters about mailers from the Republican National Committee disguised to look like official 2020 Census documents. They were actually requests for money and voter information to help re-elect President Donald Trump.

But the GOP hasn’t stopped.

In response to our recent request for your political mail, a Michigan resident sent us a document that looks almost identical to the one the GOP came under fire for last year. (We’ve lightly redacted the document.) Our reader isn’t alone—a Michigan TV station wrote about the practice causing “confusion” recently, too. We’ve contacted Michigan’s census officials and are awaiting comment.

Click through to view this Republican SCAM SPAM in it’s entirety! Is this sleazy? Yes! Is it typical of the Republican Reich? Hell, Yes!!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): New Hampshire Democratic Debate Cold Open

It’s nice to poke some good natured fun at our own candidates for a change. As much as Republicans need and deserve satire as disgustingly vile as they are, we need a brief break.  RESIST!!

From KOIN: A rally planned by the Ku Klux Klan at the Multnomah County Courthouse was canceled Saturday hours before its scheduled start. But throngs of anti-fascist protesters arrived, leading to the arrest of 3 people.

About three hours prior to the KKK rally taking place, the Portland Police Bureau announced organizers — who they did not name — had backed out of the event early Saturday.

Before the arrests, Portland police said it was a peaceful demonstration.

Olivia Katbi Smith, the co-chair of the Portland Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, said hundreds came out to protest the KKK rally.

Kudos to the Democratic Socialists! Oregon Leads the way!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Harry Nilsson – Everybody’s Talkin’ (1969)

I loved his The Point Album. Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!
