Mar 052023

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Beau – Let’s talk about China’s peace plan and Russia’s reaction….


Everyday Erinyes #359

 Posted by at 5:29 pm  Politics
Feb 262023

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

James O’Keefe has been forced out of “Project Veritas,” the duplicitous propaganda organization which he founded 13 years ago. I wish I could call this good news, but I can’t. Project Veritas is 100% on board with all the work he has done for it – it just disapproves of his stealing from them to purchase luxuries. And he claims that his work is not done and that he will start a new organization – and we all know he is the poster child for disingenuosity.

Project Veritas fired James O’Keefe over fear of losing its nonprofit status – 5 questions answered

James O’Keefe stands accused of financial misdeeds.
Samuel Corum/Getty Images

Samuel Brunson, Loyola University Chicago

James O’Keefe, the founder of Project Veritas, says he has been fired. He is no longer leading the conservative nonprofit organization, which is known for its use of hidden cameras and false identities to try to catch members of the media and progressive leaders saying embarrassing things and to expose their supposed liberal biases.

To learn more about the accusations against O’Keefe and what the legal consequences might be for the tax-exempt organization, The Conversation asked nonprofit law scholar Samuel Brunson five questions to explain the situation and the issues it raises.

Who is accused of what, exactly?

The board of directors of Project Veritas has accused O’Keefe of “financial misfeasance.” Its allegations of financial improprieties by the man who until recently served as the group’s chairman include that he spent money donated to the organization on various luxuries for himself, such as charter flights and theater tickets.

If the accusations prove valid, it is possible that this misuse of Project Veritas funds could imperil the group’s tax exemption. A tax-exempt organization cannot use its money to benefit certain individuals, especially insiders such as its leaders and major donors. It can pay its employees, but the staff and its leaders cannot receive unreasonable compensation or any other type of benefit that looks like the tax-exempt organization is sharing its profits with them.

While it sounds odd that a nonprofit would have profits, it is not. The rule for nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations is not that they cannot make profits; it is that, unlike for-profit entities, they cannot distribute their profits to shareholders.

2. Why would it be a big deal if Project Veritas were to lose its tax-exempt status?

Tax-exempt status provides at least three benefits to Project Veritas.

First, these groups don’t need to pay taxes on most of their revenue.

Second, and likely more importantly, it means that donations to Project Veritas are tax deductible for many wealthy supporters. Through what’s known as the charitable deduction, donors can essentially get a subsidy from the federal government for their donations.

The third benefit: Tax exemption can provide a veneer of legitimacy to an organization by signaling to some potential donors that the federal government has approved of its activities.

But, in fact, tax exemption does not represent any type of government approval. That’s because the government cannot deny tax-exempt status on the basis of ideological disagreement.

3. How has James O’Keefe responded?

O’Keefe acknowledged in a long video posted to the Vimeo video platform that he had been forced out. The board has declared that he has had the opportunity to meet with its members to discuss allegations of financial misdeeds and mistreating staff members. But the man who founded the group 13 years ago has declined to take that opportunity.

O’Keefe also indicated in the video, which he said was being recorded on Feb. 20, 2023, that he may intend to launch a new organization. “I’m not done,” he said. “The mission will perhaps take on a new name.”

4. In a situation like this, are the authorities likely to look into the accusations?

The Internal Revenue Service could investigate the allegations if it wanted to do so. Although the agency is underfunded and understaffed, it sometimes uses high-profile and highly publicized instances of noncompliance to discourage other people and groups from violating tax laws.

That said, based on the publicly available facts, I can’t yet tell whether Project Veritas has violated the rules governing tax-exempt status. While O’Keefe may have misused the group’s funds, it looks like he did it without the board’s knowledge or approval.

The Tax Court, a federal court that adjudicates tax disputes, has explained that a charity does not lose its exemption just because an officer of the charity has “skimmed or embezzled or otherwise stolen from the charity.” Unless there is some evidence that Project Veritas deliberately allowed O’Keefe to use its resources for personal consumption, I suspect the IRS will not pursue this.

5. How can such a demonstrably partisan group have nonprofit status?

Project Veritas claims exemption as an educational organization. According to U.S. Treasury Department regulations, an organization that advocates for a particular viewpoint can be educational for exemption purposes, even though it “advocates a particular position or viewpoint,” as long as it fully presents the facts in a way that allows listeners to make an informed conclusion.

Does Project Veritas meet what the IRS calls the “full and fair exposition” test? If so, and as long as it complies with the other requirements for tax-exempt status, it qualifies as exempt – notwithstanding its ideological leanings.The Conversation

Samuel Brunson, Professor of Law, Loyola University Chicago

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, since you no longer pick people up and carry them off to Hades, I don’t really know what exactly you can do about this. I would love to see Poject Veritas investigated under the “full and fair exposition” test, but, although the infrastructure act gives them funds to hire mote people, I’m pretty sure they haven’t seen and won’t see a penny of it before nest yesr, and when they do it will not be all at once.

The Furies and I will be back.

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Feb 202023

Glenn Kirschner – Will DA Fani Willis pursue a narrow, focused indictment or a sweeping RICO indictment of Trump & Co?

The Lincoln Project – Fox Lies

Robert Reich – How Long Will It Take to Actually Change The System?

Armageddon Update – Mike Pence Subpoenaed By John Wick’s Smarter Triathlete Brother, Jack Smith!

Meet the woodcutter who built his own Hobbit House (This a rescue story of a different kind)

Beau – Let’s talk about China, balloons, recovery, and briefings….

Feb 192023

Glenn Kirschner – Proud Boys subpoena Trump to testify at seditious conspiracy trial. What could possibly go wrong?

The Lincoln Project – We’ll Name Them

Ring of Fire – Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Use Trump’s Legal Arguments Against House Republicans

Parody Project – King of the Con (This one actually had me singing along.)

Kitten Cries So Someone Will Rescue Him

Beau – Let’s talk about an alert to leave and some intelligence news….

Feb 162023

Glenn Kirschner – Mike Pence will fight a grand jury subpoena to testify about Trump’s election crimes, & he will lose

Twitter – Shannon Watts. It was just a matter of time before there was a two-time survivor.

Thom Hartmann – Biden’s Shocking Net Worth Revealed!

Liberal Redneck – Ohio Train Derailment and Corporate Greed

Brent Terhune – Chinese Spy Balloon

Pittie Begs His Mom To Keep A Pittie Puppy Half His Size

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s laptop problem….

Feb 152023

Glenn Kirschner – New ruling by Georgia judge brings Donald Trump one step closer to being indicted for Georgia crimes

Sen. Whitehouse Joins Lawrence O’Donnell to Discuss Supreme Court Ethics

Politicsgirl Enough of the Lies

The Ring of Fire – Lauren Boebert Loses Her Mind During Twitter Hearing

Rescued Kitten Becomes One Of The Girls

Beau – Let’s talk about something that didn’t happen in Baltimore….

Feb 142023

Political Voices Network – Neal Katyal: GOP Scared! Pence Gets an “A” for Loyalty, But Will He Have the Guts to Cross Trump?

The Lincoln Project – This Week in House Committee Hearings

MSNBC – Plaskett: GOP using ‘weaponization’ panel to air conspiracy theories ahead of 2024

Farron Balanced – Trump Goes Nuts After Conservative Group Snubs Him

Shy Rescue Puppy Asks For Pets For The First Time

Beau – Let’s talk about science in Montana….

Feb 092023

Yesterday, of course, I received many emails including or linking to post mortems on the State of the Union address. Just about all of the ones I saw were highly of favorable. Robert Reich’s was reserved for paid subscribers, and in advance of the address he had expressed a wish to hear something which Joe did not say, so I’ll be looking for a more public message from him. I picked the one from the New Yorker, not because it was necessarily the most insightful, but because it speaks from an unusual angle. See what you think. The weather prediction was for snow last night – not a long storm but fairly heavy while it lasted. We shall see.  (I did manage to get trash and recyclables to the curb, BTW.)

Cartoon – 09 Quincy RTL

Short Takes –

Democratic Underground (True Dough) – Tricks that Cops use
Quote – I have been taught to yell “stop resisting” and “drop your weapon” after firing a gun, because bystanders will remember you said it and their memory will automatically reverse the order of these events to make it make sense. Their tstimony will support yours, because of this.
Click through for thread. Yes, it’s a Twitter thread, but it has been posted as screen shots, not as an embed, so no one should have any difficulty seeing it, and it’s extremely revealing. As are many of the comments.

The New Yorker – Joe Biden, Once Again, Lucks Out with His Enemies
Quote – Biden, it seemed, had carefully prepared for their antics. Had he scripted their reaction, he could not have asked for a better foil than Marjorie Taylor Greene, the former QAnon promoter who flirts with white supremacy. Greene arrived for the State of the Union dressed for the TV cameras in an all-white fur-trimmed outfit that made her seem like a villain in a Disney movie. “Liar!” she stood and shouted at Biden, after he accused some members of her party of wanting to “sunset” Medicare and Social Security in the name of fiscal discipline. Unfazed, Biden challenged her and the others who were jeering him to prove that Republicans did not actually support such a thing. When they then rose to their feet to applaud, alongside Democrats, his pledge not to cut either Medicare or Social Security, Biden claimed it as a victory for the bipartisan dealmaking that he wants to be remembered for. “We got unanimity!” he exulted.
Click thrugh for full opinion. Of course, speech writers are largely responsible for the wroding of any Presidental address. But there was a good deal which was unscripted in theis one. For some of them, alternatives may have been pre-planned depending on the audience. But not for all. We have a President who can think on his feet under pressure.

Food For Thought
