Jun 232023

Yesterday, I learned about the House voting to censure Adam Schiff for telling the truth. It probably came in the previous night, butit would have been after 10 pm my time, in one of the Substack newsletters. Ten pm is when I check for spam and close my email, even if i’m up later than that. I am actually less angry at the Republicans in the House than I am at the morons who sent them there. Adam’s full speech (a tad over 6 minutes is at his own website and also on YouTube, and one of my Substack sources provided a partial (but substantial) transcript:
“To my Republican colleagues who introduced this resolution, I thank you. You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood. You who are the authors of the big lie about the last election condemn the truth tellers and I stand proudly before you. Your words tell me that I have been affective in the defense of our democracy, and I am grateful.
“Speaker McCarthy would spend the nation’s time on petty political payback, thinking the censure or fine will force Trump’s opposition into submission. But I will not yield. Not one inch. The cost of the Speaker’s delinquency is high, but the cost to Congress of this frivolous and yet dangerous resolution may be even higher as it represents another serious abuse of power.
“I say this to Speaker McCarthy and others who wish to gratify Donald Trump with this act of subservience, try as you might to expel me from Congress or silence me with a $16 million fine, you will not succeed you might as well make it $160 million. The Speaker will never deter me from doing my duty no matter how many false justifications or slanders you level against me. You indict yourselves.
“Why were you silent, afraid, and unwilling to do your ethical, constitutional duty? Why did you cower? And why do you still? Will it be said of you that you lacked the courage to stand up to the most immoral, unlawful, and unethical president in history but consoled yourselves by attacking those who did?
“Today I wear this partisan vote as a badge of honor knowing that I have lived my oath, knowing that I have done my duty to hold a dangerous and out-of-control president accountable and knowing that I would do so again in a heartbeat if the circumstances should ever require it. I thank you, and I yield back.”

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Politico – The sleeper legal strategy that could topple abortion bans
Quote – Revs. Jan Barnes and Krista Taves have logged hundreds of hours standing outside abortion clinics across Missouri and Illinois, going back to the mid-1980s. But unlike other clergy members around the country, they never pleaded with patients to turn back. The sight of the two women in clerical collars holding up messages of love and support for people terminating a pregnancy “so infuriated the anti-abortion protesters that they would heap abuse on us and it drew the abuse away from the women,” recalled Taves, a minister at Eliot Unitarian Chapel in Kirkwood, Missouri, as she sat on a couch at Barnes’ stately church in this quiet suburb of St. Louis.
Click through for details. It seems to me fairly self-evident. MAGA “Christians” could use a mandatory “refresher” course in what religious freedom actually is.

Wonkette – Sam Alito Is Just Humble Fisherman Drinking $1,000 Bottles Of Wine Served By Billionaires
Quote – [Alito:] I stayed for three nights in a modest one-room unit at the King Salmon Lodge, which was a comfortable but rustic facility. As I recall, the meals were homestyle fare. I cannot recall whether the group at the lodge, about 20 people, was served wine, but if there was wine it was certainly not wine that costs $1,000. [Wonkette:] Okay, a) how would Alito know what the wine cost if he wasn’t, as reported by ProPublica, paying for his stay, and b) Sam Alito knows what a $1,000 bottle of wine tastes like, and it does not taste like whatever swill he does not recall drinking in Alaska.
Click through. I figured if anyone could manage to put a more colorful spin on this story, it would be Womkette. They did not let me down.

Food For Thought

Jun 202023

Yesterday was Juneteenth – a day to take a victory lap and celebrate one achievement in our history. And therefore today is a day to get back to work. Very few people can say that as well as John Pavlovitz (although the FFT, a cartoon originally published in 1876, is strong.) I hope your Juneteenth was pleasant and refreshing, since we all need to be refreshed periodically.

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John Pavlovitz – Are we there yet?
Quote – Yesterday, a friend who is a rabbi called to tell me that the Black Lives Matter flag in his yard had been ripped down, placed against their family’s car and set on fire. He and his family were of course devastated, but not just for his family but for what acts of violence like this represent and mean. In the fight against the cancer of racism, we are not there yet. But many people, like my friend and his family, people like you aren’t going to rest or be driven off course. We’re awake and alive in this day and that makes us dangerous to those still warring against equity…. Are we there yet? Not yet. Don’t let that truth dishearten you, let it move you.
Clck through for full column. Not much, if anything , I can add.

The 19th – What a teacher’s little red book taught the world about the Tulsa massacre
Quote – “Parrish’s work became a vital primary source for other people’s writings,” journalist Victor Luckerson wrote in his recently released book, “Built From the Fire.” “Yet her life remained unknown, even as the facts that she had gathered — such as several firsthand accounts of airplanes being used to surveil or attack Greenwood — became foundational to the nation’s understanding of the massacre. She was, quite literally, relegated to the footnotes of history.” Parrish’s great-granddaughter Anneliese Bruner is following in her footsteps as a writer and editor but didn’t learn of her connection to Parrish — or the events of Tulsa — until she was in her 30s.
Click through for story. Someone recently said that MAGA Republicans have the minds of toddlers – up to and including an obsession with genitalia. How many violent crimes have been based on lies involving genitalia?

The New Yorker – The Celebration of Juneteenth in Ralph Ellison’s “Juneteenth”
Quote – “We were owned and faced with the awe-inspiring labor of transforming God’s Word into a lantern so that in the darkness we’d know where we were. Oh God hasn’t been easy with us because He always plans for the loooong haul. He’s looking far ahead and this time He wants a well-tested people to work his will. . . . He’s tired of untempered tools and half-blind masons! Therefore, He’s going to keep on testing us against the rocks and in the fires. He’s going to plunge us into the ice-cold water. And each time we come out we’ll be blue and as tough as cold-blue steel! Ah yes! He means for us to be a new kind of human. Maybe we won’t be that people but we’ll be a part of that people, we’ll be an element in them, amen!”
Click through for details. I hope you can stand one more article about Juneteenth. Ralph Ellison is best known for “The Invisible Man.” When he died, he left a good deal of unfinished work, including “Juneteenth,” which was put together by an editor, but most of it is pure Ellison. If you are paywalled out, I’ll send it in an email if you let me know.

Food For Thought

Jun 152023

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump arraigned on his criminal indictment BUT judge imposes NO conditions on his release

The Lincoln Project – Trust

MSNBC – Eric Holder: Jack Smith won’t be ‘deterred by anything Donald Trump throws at him’

Brent Terhune – Cracker Barrel Has Fallen

Tiniest Kitten Is The Biggest Fighter [If this is a rerun, I apologize. I’m getting to the point where I’m not always sure.]

Beau – Let’s talk about FD-1023s and shows…

May 212023

Glenn Kirschner – Interview w/comedian Buddy Winston (part 2): writing for Jay Leno & appearing on … Bill O’Reilly?

The Lincoln Project – Brand Unsafe

Robert Reich – The First Step to Fixing the Electoral College

Parody Project – The Normalization Song

Mama Dog Who Lost Her Puppies Was Heartbroken Until She Got Kittens

Beau – Let’s talk about the Durham report….

May 212023

Yesterday, The radio opera was Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” Of course everyone knows the legend of Don Juan, the great seducer, and that the story has many variations, including laughs in some (Mozart called it a “drama giocoso,”and yes, that’s “joke” in the “giocoso.” It’s one of the operas studied in “Music Appreciation” classes, and it’s frequently performed, and I really thought I knew it until a week or two ago the broadcast had a “Singers’ Round Table” – a feature in which singers discuss how they appraoch their roles, how they prepare, what the latest director has come up with, and the like. Two of the singers were two of the sopranos in this broadcast, and one of them caught my attention by saying (of course I paraphrase) “It’s not just that Giovann’s a bad man – its that he ruins everything. He comes into a room and cjaos comes with him.” Prior to this, I had not thought of Don Giovanni as a Republican. Now that it’s been pointed out, I definitely see it. Seeing Giovanni as a Republican gave me an additional new insight – at the end when he defies the Commendatore’s ghost, he’s often portrayed as “Well, he’s awful, but atleast he’s brave.” No, he’s not. To be bravr, one needs to overcome fear, and the only thing he’s afraid of is looking weak, which he thinks he would if he admits he’s wrong or even just not perfect. So he caves in to that fear and just doubles down. And incidentally enters the “find out” stage of FAFO. Incidentally, I learned of a new job in the world of opera. In addition to the Director, most operas require a chorus director, and many require a fight director. But this is the first I have heard of an “intimacy director.”  I wonder what the qualifications are.  Well, I’m off to see Virgil.  I’ll report my safe return as soon as I can.

Cartoon – 21 Alexander Nevsky

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Crooks & Liars – George Santos’ Comms Director Roots For His Expulsion, Resigns
Quote – She resigned by email, writing “Unfortunately, you never took one point of professional advice given.”… “With respect for my colleagues, the people of New York, and most importantly, myself, I am honored to tender my resignation,” Woomer said in her resignation email.
Click through for story. Oddly, she doesn’r seem to have said anything about not getting paid. But I doubt she did. At least not in full.

Wonkette – Of Course The ‘Homeless Vets Displaced For Immigrants’ Story Is A Hoax
Quote – At no point did any of these people take a moment to ask themselves, “Why would anyone do something that would obviously garner so much bad publicity by kicking unhoused veterans out of those specific hotels when there are obviously many, many other hotels and motels throughout New York state?” Clearly, not one of them considered the wise words of the great American jurist Judge Judith Sheindlin here — “If it doesn’t make sense, it’s usually not true.” It did not make sense. And it wasn’t true, which was quickly discovered after the hotels in question were asked about it. The whole thing was a hoax cooked up by Sharon Toney-Finch, whose only excuse now is that she thought it would help the imaginary veterans who were kicked out of their imaginary hotel rooms in order to be cruelly displaced by imaginary immigrants.
Click through. I’d seen this a couple of places and decided to share it from Wonkette, which gives it the sarcasm it deserves.

Food For Thought

May 192023

Glenn Kirschner – Justice Matters public service announcement; Interview series – Using Humor in the Fight for Justice

The Lincoln Project – How Many Lies

MSNBC – We don’t have a choice’: Sen. Markey on expanding Supreme Court to 13 seats

Rocky Mountain Mike – Drag Ron (Parody of “Rag Doll” by The Four Seasons)

Growling Baby Foxes Turn Into Sleepy Puppies On Their Rescuer’s Lap

Beau – Let’s talk about Missouri and a failed power play….

May 182023

Yesterday, like most of the rest of the world, I learned about Martha Stewart being on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit edition. Having cordially disliked Ms. Stewart for decaded for personal reason (she stiffed my cousin’s boyfriend), I can’t be impartial, so I’ll leave it at that. It’s not that important. But Jesse Watters saying the quiet part out loud – yes, he really said that the GQP needs to be able to blackmail the FBI – that’s noteworthy.

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Daily Beast – GOP Oversight Chair Says He’s Lost Track of His Biden Corruption Informant
Quote – On Wednesday, Comer—the chairman of the House Oversight Committee—held a much-hyped press conference in which he promised to expose the preliminary findings of four months’ worth of scrutiny into the Biden family’s business dealings. Publicized as a “judgment day” for President Joe Biden, the conference ultimately proved anticlimactic, largely consisting of Comer throwing around vague, unsubstantiated accusations and failing to link the president to any of his relatives’ alleged “influence peddling.” But on Fox’s Sunday Morning Futures, Comer offered up what appeared to be a partial excuse: The probe’s primary informant had flown the coop.
Click through and try to keep a straight face. IMO it’s not hard to see that this “informant” never existed.

Crooks & Liars – Ukraine Sending Messages On Their Bombs Too (hanky alert?)
Quote – This has been going on for a while now but seems to be getting a lot more organized…. As always, check out any organization first before sending your $50 or whatever…. Thousands of messages have been sent, ranging from the sardonic to the bitter, among them one from Valentyna Vikhorieva, whose 33-year-old son died in the war. “For Yura, from Mom,” Ms. Vikhorieva asked an artillery unit to write on a shell. “Burn in hell for our children.”
Click through for story. I don’t know whether ths will hit everyone the way it hit me, but I put up an alert just in case. The funds raised are going to support Uktaine and that’s a good thing. But the human suffering and the waste of life represented just got to me.

Food For Thought

May 122023

Yesterday (all tornado warnings having expired at 7:34 pm the previous night), the precipitation continued, but it was mostly rain. I said that quarter-sized hail would not be breaking any car windows, and I stick to that, because automotive glass is tempered. I didn’t promise no windows in buildings would break, and I didn’t promise there would be no hail bigger than quarter-size. Tennis-ball size was reported along I-70, and some golf-ball-size was photographed with a quarter to show the difference. One tornado was reported, in Morgan County (way northeast of me) which lasted from 5:55 to 6:45. I guess I’m going to have to put up a sign that says “Do not touch my roof. It’s under warranty and you are not certified by Gerard.” Because the roof vultures will be around as soon as the sun is back.  Springtime in the Rockies!

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Colorado Public Radio – [Democratic Rep. Joe] Neguse is reintroducing a bill in Congress that would boost pay and benefits for wildland firefighters
Quote – Now Neguse is reintroducing Tim’s Act, a bill to increase federal firefighter pay and benefits, with fellow Democratic Rep. Katie Porter of California. Tim Hart was a smokejumper who lost his life fighting a wildfire in New Mexico in 2021. Neguse credits Tim’s wife, Michelle, as one of the driving forces behind the legislation. Neguse and Porter pushed some parts of the bill across the finish line last Congress, such as improving retirement benefits and a temporary increase in pay through the bipartisan infrastructure bill. But Neguse wants to finish the job.
Click through for details. Speaking of weather, it’s nice to have a bit of good news, even if it’s currently tentative. Yes, our (primary) fire season runs right through our hail season (and beyond.) Not that we can’t have fires just about any time. As can California.

Crooks and Liars – Nine GOP Senators (All On Judiciary) Got Checks From Harlan Crow
Quote – “There should be bipartisan outrage about the undisclosed gifts and travel billionaire megadonor Harlan Crow has given Justice Thomas,” Accountable.US president Kyle Herrig said last month. “Senate Judiciary Republicans should join their Democratic colleagues to act. However, their silence so far may be because they have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from Crow as well.”
Click through for full list, including pictures of 8 of the 9. You will recognize every name. Every one of them is nationally known (and not for any positive reason.)

Food For Thought
