Jan 242020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  I didn’t sleep well last night, but I kept my food down all day yesterday and this morning.  I’m going to do my best to force a week free of Medical Mayhem, before I let them perform more in their endless barrage of tests.  Pardon my frustration, please.  I’m just sick of sick.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:52 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: George Conway and his new group called The Lincoln Project created a second negative political ad targeting the vulnerable Senator from Maine, Susan Collins.

In the ad, they highlight the supposed “independent” credentials negated by her actions. They demand that Collins do her job during the Senate impeachment trial.

Amen!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Adam Schiff Ends Day With Powerful Argument For Trump’s Removal 

I think Schiff was speaking more to the American people more than to the Senators, whose ears and minds are closed. The real trial is the one in November. The onus falls on voters to send criminal Resident Trump* and the entire Republican Reich the way of the Whig Party!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a change of pace): Patsy Cline – Sweet Dreams

I’m so old that even this brings memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 212020

It’s a hectic day here in the CatBox, as medical mayhem is back in the driver’s seat.  For some reason my Medicare Advantage premiums stopped being deducted from my social security check, so I have to pay the bill and get it fixed again.  In addition, I have to call the hospital to get my stress test scheduled before my endoscopy (camera in stomach).  Lisa (Cardiologist) tipped me off that, once the hospital finds the stress test ordered, they will delay the endoscopy until after the stress test, and you know how much trouble I had scheduling that endoscopy.  Today is also a grocery order day and the first day of the Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch Show.  ARGH!  Have a great day!

Later:  I scheduled the stress test and straightened out the Medicare Advantage premiums.  Social Security Refusing to deduct Medicare Advantage premiums is a gift to American Seniors from Trump* and the Republican Reich.  I have put it on my card automatically.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Remember “Je suis Charlie”?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): MLK Jr.’s son reacts to President Trump’s tweet


When the impeached twit* tweets, he often puts his Republican racism in display, but in this case, he’s just lying.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Gun Rights Activists Rally Against Gun Control Legislation In Richmond


This is how Ammosexual, racist, violent Republicans celebrated MLK Day!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Platters – Only You – Lyrics


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 192020

I’m hurrying to finish as much work as I can, before WWWendy arrives.  This afternoon, I’ll meditate on the Holy Ellipsoid Orb.  I’ll be rooting for the Chiefs in deference to one, who shall remain Nameless.  I’ll also prepare tomorrow’s articles in advance, except for the puzzle.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:55 (average 4:12).  To do it, click here. How did you do?


In case you forgot, RepubliCare is the Republican Reich plan to replace ObamaCare.

Short Takes:

From Alternet: …Trump’s cold sweats are significant, because everyone who has been following this case knows that the Senate will acquit him. Not because he’s innocent — no one who has actually consulted the evidence is foolish enough to believe that — but because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republicans who control the Senate decided long ago that they would cover up for their shamelessly corrupt president no matter what he does. With such an assured outcome, Trump’s fears seem overblown and silly, even for someone crippled by sociopathic narcissism and its accompanying paranoia.

But it’s also true that high-profile travesties of justice, such as the one Senate Republicans are currently preparing to commit, can often provoke major political backlash. Getting a jury to acquit the obviously guilty can, as history shows, cause a public that’s already outraged about the crime to get even more furious. That, I suspect, is what Trump is sweating.

What the Senate is about to do is akin to the practice of jury nullification. That’s where a jury decides that either they don’t think the crime should be a crime at all, or that they believe people like the defendant should above the law, and so refuse to convict no matter how guilty the defendant is. This something that in theory, and sometimes in practice, can be used for good as when a jury refuses to throw someone in prison for a low-level drug offense, or refuses to enforce a law restricting free speech. But historically in the U.S., jury nullification has tended to be used to uphold injustice and reinforce racist or sexist systems of power….

As I so strongly implied yesterday, the Republican Reich is prepared to goose-step behind criminal Fuhrer Trump* into political extinction.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Senator makes prediction ahead of impeachment trial


Coons is spot on that testimony from Jon Bolton and Lev Parnas is both relevant and probative, while testimony from Joe and Hunter Biden is neither. Coons’ argument would be valid, if this were a legal trial. It is not. Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch and the Republican Reich set the rules.  They can would our objections to Joe and Hunter as an excuse to disallow all witnesses. So if Joe and Hunter appearing is what it takes to get us the real witnesses, bring them on!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 132020

It’s a hectic day, here in the CatBox.  I tried to refill seven prescriptions at Walgreens (now Alliance) Mail Order Pharmacy and, after trying at the website for three days, called them.  I learned that they are no longer the preferred mail order pharmacy.  I went to the Providence website and learned that Costco Mail Order Pharmacy is now the one.  It took me over three hours to set up my account there, enter all my prescription, call my doctor, and arrange for her to fax them over to Costco.  Then Walgreen’s sent me an email that they were processing my order.  I called them back.  It turns out they assumed I wanted to pay for those prescriptions myself.  I told that poor CS gal that they should changer their name again from Alliance to Ulysses.  “Why?” she asked.  I replied, so customers can call them Useless for short!!”   ARGH!!!  Needless to say, all that cut into my research time Big Time, so this is my only article today.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:06 (average 6:36). To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (NBC News Channel): Defense Sec. Esper Says He ‘Didn’t See’ Intelligence Showing Threat To U.S. Embassies


The threat was so immediate and immanent that impeached War Criminal Trump* and the Republican Reich ordered this murder seven months agoRESIST!!

From YouTube (FiveThirtyEight Channel): If Joe Biden wins Iowa, ‘he’s off to the races’: Nate Silver


I’ve always respected Nate Silver, but let’s work like hell to make sure that Liz or Bernie wins Iowa for America’s sake!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Heart – “Barracuda”


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 122020

It’s a queasy/busy day here in the CatBox.  I managed to keep the last three very small meals down, but not without discomfort.  It’s also another High Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  WWWendy and I shall be meditating between chores.  Good luck to both Pat and Nameless.  Please don’t fight, you two.  Have a great Sunday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:49 (average 5:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Back in those days, even the Democrats were Republican misogynists!

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Rep. Steve King blames Democrats and George Soros for his racism on the floor of the House


There’s one and only one reason people accuse Steve King [R-KKK] of racism on the floor of the House. The son of a bitch (apologies to dawgs) is a damn Republican racist!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Elizabeth Warren Channel): Elizabeth Warren: No One Should Go Bankrupt Over Medical Problems


Nobody has to tell me how medical mayhem can drive a formerly prosperous person to economic distraction. Liz could not be more spot-on!  RESIST!!

From CNN: Australia’s beleaguered prime minister, Scott Morrison, has admitted there were things he “could have handled much better” in the bushfire crisis and will propose a royal commission into the disaster.

The prime minister has been heavily criticized for his tone-deaf interactions with fire-ravaged communities and inaction over climate change.

From what I have surmised, based on comments from Aussies, the biggest mistake was made by Morrison’s father. He should have worn a condom.  Kudos to the firefighters from Oregon and all over the world helping to fight the fires there.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Paul Revere & The Raiders – Indian Reservation HQ Sound


Ah… the memories! RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 092020

It’s another tired/busy day, here in the CatBox.  WWWendy was stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway last night, so she arrived late, I ate late, and I got to bed late.  It’s a grocery delivery day from Store to Door, so I have to put them away.  I hope they come in the Noon to 1:00 range, instead of mid afternoon, but I never know.  I’m queasy every day, but I held lunch, supper and breakfast down.  I hope your day is full of love and resistance against the Republican Reich.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump is “incredibly angry” at Iran for taking the American people’s attention away from his impeachment for only about two days, Trump told reporters on Wednesday.

“When I did that drone strike, I was under the impression that it would knock impeachment out of the news for at least a month,” a visibly enraged Trump said. “Instead, it’s Wednesday and we’re back to this Pelosi garbage.”

Trump said that he had hoped that Iranians would react to his provocation in a way that might have forced Democrats to forget about impeaching him altogether, but “all I got for my trouble was a chickenshit couple of days.”

“Honestly, Iran reacted like it was Belgium or something,” Trump said.

Spot-on, Andy! You made it clear that the so-called “terrorist” side of the conflict is more sane than Republican side.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose health has become a preoccupation of the American public as the Supreme Court hews rightward under President Trump, announced this week that she was cancer-free.

Justice Ginsburg, 86, one of four liberal justices on the nine-member court, told CNN in a wide-ranging interview on Tuesday that treatment for a malignant tumor on her pancreas had been successful.

God bless Justice RBG and keep her alive, safe and healthy, at least until Putin’s Pervert* is no longer the impeached Resident, and Bought Bitch Moscow Mitch is no longer Senate Majority Fuhrer.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Congress Unimpressed By Trump Admin Explanation For Iran Attack


Sadly, did we expect anything else? Andy Borowitz gave us the only real explanation for the attack.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Fleetwood Mac – Dreams


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 042020

It’s a tired Saturday here in the CatBox.  I had a kink in my back last night that was so severe, that I finally gave up at around 2:00 AM and took an Oxycodone.  The Republican war to retain power still dominates the news, and since I covered that yesterday, this is my only article today.  Today and tomorrow are Holy Days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, the Festival of Cards Gone Wild.  Good luck, Pat!  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy day to de-stink the rancid TomCat.  We have lots of chores to do do, so please expect no more than a Personal Update from me.  Have a peaceful weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:03 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: The reasons that Donald Trump would need a massive distraction at this point are numerous. Every day seems to produce fresh evidence that the White House was fully aware that Trump’s delay of military assistance to Ukraine was simply against the law, and that multiple officials engaged in a criminal conspiracy to cover up for Trump and retroactively create an excuse for an inexcusable act. Somewhere right now, Mitch McConnell is probably drafting a statement claiming that the Senate could not possibly consider an impeachment trial “during a time of war.”

But onto that stack of dog-wagging rationales add this one: According to Forensic News, Trump’s loans from Deutsche Bank were underwritten by a Russian state-owned bank. That news reportedly comes from a whistleblower with access to documents from both Deutsche Bank and Russia’s state-owned VTB Bank. VTB Bank was also the proposed lender on the never-completed Trump Tower Moscow project.

The question of why Deutsche Bank would extend a series of huge loans to Trump has been dangling since before he ever announced his candidacy for president on a golden escalator ride. When Trump first went to Deutsche Bank, he was worse than broke. He had just finished bankrupting multiple casinos in New Jersey, and then had convinced investors to back a takeover of those casinos at a fraction of the original value. Then Trump deliberately allowed the investment group to go bankrupt so he could grab the whole deal himself at a fraction of what his investors had paid. Then he went bankrupt. Again. And along the way he was socked with a massive fine for money laundering at his now bankrupt (again) casino.

Trump was so fiscally radioactive that no American bank would let him in the door. But Deutsche Bank turned around and gifted Trump with loans that gave him a fresh start and an apparently miracle turnaround of his New York real estate empire. Those loans have always been the subject of head-scratching over just what Deutsche Bank could have been thinking. But if Forensic News is right, what Deutsche Bank was thinking was that it wasn’t risking a damn thing, because the Russian government was actually vouching for Trump through VTB Bank. If Trump didn’t come through, Vladimir Putin was offering to make it good.

As I have said for over a year, Trump* is Putin’s Pet Pervert!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Erin Burnett calls Trump’s 2011 video about Obama and Iran ‘unbelievable’


Is that projection or what? To be fair, if the Reich can show evidence that the “immanent threat” they claim is real, and that assassinating a leader of one sovereign nation in the territory of another sovereign nation can ameliorate that threat, I’ll be the first to say I am wrong. In the interim, the Republican track record for lying us into three wars, and the Trump* track record for lying about virtually everything, demand disbelief of every claim they make without proof.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Doors – Riders on the Storm (Official Audio)


I can’t stand the words to this song, but the music is incredible. Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Jan 022020

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox, and it’s a very slow day for news, so this is today’s only article from me.  I see the thoracic surgeon in two weeks, so I’ll know more about my cancer then. I hope that your your week is Republican free.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:09 (average 5:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): Full Frontal Rewind: How We Destroyed Health Care


Didn’t Sam do a great job with this?  American health care is screwed for three identical reasons: the Republican Reich!  RESIST!!

From CNN: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has requested immunity from prosecution in three corruption cases in which he faces indictment on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

Netanyahu submitted the request to the Knesset late Wednesday night, saying he plans on leading the country “for many years to come.”

“What is being done to me is a field court-martial by misleading the public,” Netanyahu said in a televised statement Wednesday evening in Jerusalem. “The immunity law is intended to protect elected officials from fabricated legal proceedings — from political indictment intended to damage the will of the people. This law intends to ensure that those elected can serve the people according to the will of the people, not the will of the law clerks.”

Charges against Netanyahu were unveiled in November. He’s maintained his innocence throughout the ongoing criminal proceedings, calling them an “attempted coup” led by the left and the media.

Butcher Bibi should share a cell with his beloved idol, from whom he has learned so well to dodge the consequences of his crimes.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): The Byrds – Eight Miles High – 9/23/1970 – Fillmore East (Official)


I had left NYC and the Lower East Side by then, but I loved the Byrds, I loved this instrumental version, and I loved Fillmore East. Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!
