Aug 182020

It’s a hot day (high 80°s), here at the CatBox.  Yesterday my visit with Diana was routine.  She’s a very nice lady, who pulls no punches and tells it like it is, but does so with compassion.  Tomorrow is my first Pembrolizumab infusion at the hospital.  I’ll leave after lunch on a TriMet Lift van, and WWWendy will pick me up between 4:30 and 5:00 PM.  When we get home, it will be a regular WWWendy day with TomCat destinking, patch changing, food gooping, and chores.  So I’ll be taking a morning nap to rest as much as I can first.  Therefore, please expect no more than a Personal Update from me.  Assuming that I have no adverse reactions, I’ll be back in the saddle on Thursday.  Tuesday is flush Republicans day.  Lower the lid so none get away.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 5,613,357
US Deaths: 173,778
Plus the many GOP murder victims Republicans are hiding from us

Short Takes:

From Willamette Week: A right-wing “flag wave” event in downtown Portland on Saturday ended with a far-right protester firing two gunshots into a crowd of Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

Seaside, Ore., resident and conservative activist Haley Adams advertised her Aug. 15 “Rally Against Domestic Terrorism” as a “flag wave” and stressed the group’s intent to remain peaceful. About 25 people attended the rally in front of the Multnomah County Justice Center.

This reporter saw several members of the protest arrive with weaponry—they open-carried a Scorpion 9 mm carbine and an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle. Others held Mace, paintball guns and a 9 mm handgun.

The flag wave rally exchanged chants and taunts for approximately an hour with a group of Black Lives Matter protesters before Adams’ group embarked on a march through downtown Portland. Counterprotesters [sic] followed closely, and there was a small exchange of violence between the two groups: Flag wave protesters were seen Macing BLM protesters and shooting them with paintball rounds and hard plastic pellets. Counterprotesters [sic] returned fire with Mace and Silly String.

At approximately 1:35 pm, about 15 conservative protesters retreated into the SmartPark garage at Southwest 4th Avenue and Yamhill Street. Ten minutes later, three cars sped out of the garage and down 4th Avenue. The driver of one car—a blue Dodge Dart—fired two shots at a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters as he left but didn’t hit anyone. Some of the BLM protesters recovered a 9 mm casing at the scene of the shooting.

When Republican Ammosexuals say “peaceful”, this is what they mean. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Bernie Sanders on How Democrats Can Win the Working Class


The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right! Combined with Bernie, he’s twice as right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, are wrong and need permanent vacations behind bars!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Vote Him Away (The Liar Tweets Tonight)


Amen! Amen!! Amen!!! Kudos to left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 172020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Diana, my palliative care nurse will be here shortly for my routine weekly visit.  The same stories still dominate the news, so my research took an extra long time.  It’s a relatively cool day: only 95° Angry smile.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:48 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click here for interactive map.

US Cases: 5,569,520
US Deaths: 173,143
Plus all the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

Short Takes:

From Euro-News (Hat-Tip Lona): CLIMATE JUSTICE

This is where Kamala Harris comes into her own. While she was district attorney of San Francisco, 15 years ago, Harris created an environmental justice unit, which specifically existed to deal with cases of environmental crime.

Harris identified that “crimes against the environment are crimes against communities, people who are often poor and disenfranchised,” as she said to the San Francisco Chronicle in 2005.

The nexus between socio-economic disadvantage and environmental damage is something Harris has sought to address consistently – long before terms like ‘intersectional environmentalism’ even existed.

More recently, Harris has sued major oil companies after they violated environmental legislation, and after the devastating Refugio oil spill in 2015, the company responsible (Plains All American Pipeline) were indicted on 46 criminal charges.

The following year, after Volkswagen was found to have cheated on its diesel emissions, Harris secured a €73m settlement from the car manufacturer for the state of California.

Although many so called progressives, aka regressives, have whined incessantly that Harris is a “corporate Democrat”, her track record on the environment is quite good.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Raw Story Channel): Trump claims ‘dogs’ are getting mail-in ballots

Barf Bag Alert!!


If criminal Fuhrer Trump gets any more full of shit, we’ll have to paint a crescent moon on his forehead. Obviously it is my feline proclivity to be biased against dawgs, but if they could vote, they would be far more responsible than Republican Sheeple.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): ANTI-REPUBLICAN FUNNY SONG


This song is ten years old. It was spot-on then, and the Republican Reich is so much worse now! Kudos to left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 142020

It’s a sickly day here in the CatBox.  I experimented with a new kind of goop this morning, and sometimes such experiments fail.  It blocked my tumor, and I spent most of the morning throwing up.  On the plus side, most of my goop experiments have been successful, giving me a variety of tasty things to eat.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Speaking of goop, today’s took me 3:29 (average 5:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Republicans HATE this treaty, ratified unanimously by our founding fathers.

Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map

US Cases: 5,418,071
US Deaths: 170,446
Plus all Trump’s* Murder victims Republicans are hiding from us

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a blistering takedown of Joe Biden’s running mate, Donald Trump on Thursday accused Senator Kamala Harris of maliciously speaking in complete sentences.

Blasting her penchant for hewing to the rules of grammar, Trump said, “A lot of people are saying, mean, nasty, disrespectful. To a new level, like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Sad,” he said. “Sick and sad.”

I’m not buying that fib, Andy! Trump is much too racist to say any minority can speak in complete sentences.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Trump Speechless After Reporter Asks If He Regrets Lying To Americans


The lies are bad enough. Even worse, he and the Republican Reich have murdered over 8.52 Americans with their Trump* virus plague for each of those 20,000+ lies!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): DUMP TRUMP SONG – Leigh & The Dumpettes


Amen! Flush!! Kudos to left wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Aug 102020

Last weekend, Resident Donald Trump*, Fuhrer of the Nazi Republican Reich, promised a press conference in which he would explain how he would provide his own relief plan for the American People.  It was really a campaign rally, delivered at taxpayer expense from his own Bedminster, NJ country club, while greedy Republican billionaires cheered him on.  Everything he said and everything his supporters, like Larry Kudlow, said later were lies.

According to the Washington Post, his so-called unemployment relief created a whole new program that would take months to set up.  States would have to pay $100 of the $400 per person per month payments, and pay for the administration of the program.  Trump also said he would suspend payroll taxes.  These are not taxes at all, but the entitlement payments that fund Social Security and Medicare.  He said he will terminate those “taxes”, if reelected.  The so-called rent relief provides for studies, but no relief at all. The measure on student loans is just a two month extension of the relief Democrats passed in March.

According to the NY Times, the Trump* plan included no relief for small businesses, schools, or state and local governments.

According to Market Watch, workers would still be on the hook to repay the payroll tax relief by April 15.  Unless governors request the unemployment relief and can afford to pay their share, workers will receive nothing.  Since Republicans are funding the program with money repurposed from from disaster relief funds, the program will run out of money in two months and leave nothing for disaster relief during hurricane season.

On the other hand, if Trump steals the White House again, and eliminates the “payroll taxes” permanently, Republicans will have an excuse to cut Social Security and Medicare, as they have wanted to do for years.

In short, this is nothing but a dog and pony show, intended to make Trump* look good before the election, but providing virtually no relief.

I’ll leave you with wise words from Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi calls Trump’s executive actions ‘absurdly unconstitutional’




It Is What It Is!

 Posted by at 10:58 am  Politics
Aug 052020

Criminal Fuhrer Trump* had an interview on Axios with Jonathan Swan.  I was vaguely aware of it, but when I opened my email this morning, I found a link from Lona that zeroed me in on how important it is.  Kudos to Jonathan Swan and Lona.


The President has implemented this strategy for the past five months, repeatedly touting “the pandemic is totally under control”, as cases and deaths have spiralled [sic].

It’s a message many within the medical world have criticised [sic] as being disconnected from reality and a danger to public health.

Swan pressed Trump on whether “wishful thinking” and “salesmanship” was an appropriate leadership style for handling the worst pandemic of the century, which has killed more than 150,000 Americans.

“Right now, I think it’s under control,” Trump said at one point.

“How? A thousand Americans are dying a day,” Swan interjected.

“They are dying, that’s true. And you ha… It is what it is,” Trump replied…

Inserted from <ABC News Australia>

That single horrific line may summarize both the interview and criminal Fuhrer Trump’s* total lack of empathy, but Swan was on Trump’s* case from beginning to end.  He did such a god job, that I’m including the entire 38 minute interview.  Unfortunately that’s also a lot of Trump*

AXIOS on HBO: President Trump Exclusive Interview (Full Episode)

Barf Bag Alert!!


To criminal Fuhrer Trump*. It isn’t what it is. It is what you made it, you asshole!


Aug 052020

It’s a routine day here in the CatBox.  I’m running a bit late, because I had to eat breakfast slowly, and I took a cat nap to rest my back.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:59 (average 5:06).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 4,920,917
US Deaths: 160,372

Short Takes:

From AlterNet: The Daily Caller has taken tens of thousands of dollars to help Republican campaigns raise money while performing political fact-check services for Facebook.

Federal election filings from the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee show that the two organizations rented email lists from the publication this year, paying $40,213.75 and $18,171.40, respectively.

The Caller, a right-wing publication co-founded by Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, has also since 2016 sent dozens of emails “paid for by Trump Make America Great Again Committee,” a joint fundraising vehicle shared by the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, according to Media Matters.

Media Matters also revealed that The Daily Caller has sent sponsored emails on behalf of a number of Republican candidates this year. Media Matters posted screenshots of the emails, from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C; Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio; the Senate Conservatives Fund; and the Bikers for the President PAC.

Their association with The Daily Caller, which is published excrement, hideously co-founded by Fucker Carlson, make this clear. With Fakebook, the only way to win is not to play! UNPLUG!!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Ending The Census Early Could Have Huge Political Consequences

The poorer people are, the more difficult they are to count and the more likely they are to vote blue. This is nothing more than a criminal attempt by the Republican Reich to skew representation in favor of the Nazi Republican Party for the next ten tears. We must defeat this scam!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Bruce Springsteen – The Rising (official video)

Kudos to the left-wing demonstrators! RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jul 292020

It’s another busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is coming to destink the sweaty TomCat, goop, and help with chores.  Then I have to meet with the building manager to renew my lease, an hour of routine paperwork.  Yesterday’s PET scan was as unpleasant as always, but it will be interesting to see the results a week from Friday.  This is my only article today, but expect me back in the saddle tomorrow.  Happy Heat Wave Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:18 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


As much as he botches about China, that’s still where his stuff is made.

Trump* Virus Update:


Click here for interactive map.

US Cases: 4,500,102
US Deaths: 152,388
World Cases: 16,936,005
World Deaths: 664,401
Trump’s Share of World Deaths: 22.9%
US Share of World Population: 4.3%

Short Takes:

From OPB: Gov. Kate Brown on Tuesday unveiled coronavirus testing-related metrics the state must meet before schools can reopen, and it became immediately evident that many of the state’s largest school districts will be online-only this fall.

Brown’s announcement was swiftly followed by news from school districts: Portland Public Schools will have online classes only until at least Nov. 5 for all grades. Beaverton School District will be conducting classes online until at least Nov. 13. Salem-Keizer, North Clackamas and Tigard-Tualatin districts will also start the year holding online classes with plans to stay remote until at least late fall.

The list is likely to continue growing.

According to the latest county reopening guidelines announced by the governor, the entire state needs to have a weekly positivity rate of less than 5% for three weeks. The latest statewide positivity rates for COVID-19 tests for the previous three weeks were 5.8%, 5.8% and 4.6%.

Portland Public Schools Superintendent Guadalupe Guerrero warned online classes could stretch past November for his district.

“As an educator, I know that there is no true replacement for face-to-face learning and the interaction between a student and a dedicated teacher or staff member,” Guerrero said in a statement. “But our announcement today is in keeping with our highest priority during a global pandemic, which is the health and well being of our students and employees.”

This is how Democrats manage education if the face of Trump’s* Republican plague. Kudos to Kate Brown! Oregon leads the way!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Dissembling, Defensiveness And Partisanship: AG Barr’s House Hearing


Lying Republican Nazi SOB! Barrf barfed!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): U2 – Sunday Bloody Sunday


Kudos to the protestors left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!

Jul 252020

It’s a lazy day here in the CatBox.  There is not much news that we have not already covered, so this is my only article today.  Portland is entering an excessive heat waning with several days over 90° and Sunday and Monday over 100°.  Tomorrow please expect no more than a Personal Update or an Open Thread.  Tomorrow WWWendy will be here to destink the sweaty TomCat, help with chores, and mega-goop.  Have a great weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:06 (average 5:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


We got rid of Lyin’ Ryan, but there are many more to flush!

Trump* Virus Update:


US Cases: 4,251,024
US Deaths: 148,529
World Cases: 15,998,009
World Deaths: 643,809
Trump’s* Share of World Deaths: 23.1%

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): White House Hijacks CDC Guidelines For School Reopenings

The Republican Reich do not care how many families they murder in their attempts to make life appear normal for electoral purposes.   RESIST!!

From YouTube (Trey Crowder Channel): Trae Crowder and Mark Agee on why the Right hates AOC so much – Evening Skews Clip

The Republican Reich hate AOC so much, because she tells the truth!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from civil rights): Sam Cooke – A Change Is Gonna Come (Official Lyric Video)

Support Black Lives Matter!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!
