The military and I have often been on opposite sides over the years. They have served in wars against which I have protested, and devious politicians have used them as weapons against protests that included me. So one might think I have a low opinion of service people, but that is not true. I consider them honorable people who have been used as cannon fodder for dishonest political ends in most of the conflicts in my lifetime. I have always believed that protesters should hate the wars but love the warriors. Except for one very tiny portion of heroes KIA, I would never consider them “Losers” and “Suckers”!
When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.
Belleau Wood is a consequential battle in American history, and the ground on which it was fought is venerated by the Marine Corps. America and its allies stopped the German advance toward Paris there in the spring of 1918. But Trump, on that same trip, asked aides, “Who were the good guys in this war?” He also said that he didn’t understand why the United States would intervene on the side of the Allies…[emphasis added]
Inserted from <The Atlantic>
Photo credit: The Logical Indian
Because of Trump’s historical illiteracy, he may have been thinking of opposing the WWII allies. His Fifth Reich today borrows so much from Hitler’s Third Reich, that I bet he wishes the US had joined the Axis.
Here are two videos that document this hatred of American heroes.
Trump Calls Fallen Soldiers “Losers” and “Suckers”
Outrage, But Not Surprise, At Reports That Trump Called Fallen Veterans ‘Suckers’, ‘Losers’
There are losers and suckers in military cemeteries. They are the ones who voted for Trump in 2016 before dying. But troops that vote for Trump* in 2020, after he said this and continued to support Putin [R-RU] after Putin paid bounties for dead US soldiers, are the biggest losers and suckers in US military history.
Speaking as a dying man, if Trump steals the 2020 election, I will consider death a blessing.