It’s another sick painful day here in the CatBox. Since I have to be up for Diana’s visit, I might as well put the time to good use with this article, but this is my only article today. Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update. WWWendy is coming a day late, because she works her bartending job tonight, and Diana can change my patch when she’s here. I’ll finish after Diana comes. Diana thinks I should call in. She does not think they’ll send me to the hospital. She thinks they’ll just set me up with the stent surgeon. TGIF!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:14 (average 4:43). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Trump* Virus Update:

Click for interactive map
US Cases: 6,880,914
US Deaths: 202,307
Plus thousands of Trump’s GOP plague murders Republicans are hiding from us.
These stats come from worldometer, an international organization. The NY Times also uses their data. they are more accurate than US (Trump*-muzzled) stats.
Short Takes:
From Daily Kos: A Michigan pastor has been hearing a whole lot from the public recently after sending an email to journalist Sarah Jeong—which was then posted by Jeong on her Twitter account. In the email, the christian (with a little “c”) David Muns threatens Jeong with genital mutilation, calling her a “bitter Asian woman.” The entirety of his statement will be discussed below, and includes graphic language, but those are the broad strokes.
Muns was supposedly responding to a meme that attributed a fake quote to Jeong, from her time on The New York Times editorial board. Someone (or someones) spent a good amount of time coming up with some wildly awful things to say about white folks and white children, and then attributed them all to Jeong. These quotes were debunked back in 2018, but Muns, not much for reading deeply into things, clearly missed the memo.
The nasty email that Muns sent reads: “How about if we took all the little bitter Asian women and had a lottery and cut their clits like the Muslims do. Not a very classy position is it, neither is your trashy little bitter personality towards white men. Only in a world where journalism is controlled by brain dead Liberals do you people even have jobs.”
If I were not feeling so bad, this typical Republican pseudo-Christian (the exact opposite of a real Christian) POS would get a parade! What a jerk! RESIST!!
From NY Times: When Donald J. Trump first ran for the White House, he promised to “come up with a great health plan,” one that would repeal the Affordable Care Act but replace it with something better while maintaining its biggest selling point: protecting people with pre-existing medical conditions.
Once elected, he swore he had a “wonderful plan” and would be “putting it in fairly soon.”
On Tuesday night, President Trump was at it again, during a town-hall-style meeting broadcast on ABC, where he was schooled by Ellesia Blaque, an assistant professor of Africana and ethnic literatures at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania. She told him she had a congenital illness, demanded to know what he would do to keep “people like me who work hard” insured — and cut him off when he tried to interrupt her.
“We’re going to be doing a health care plan very strongly, and protect people with pre-existing conditions,” Mr. Trump told her, adding, “I have it all ready, and it’s a much better plan for you.”
Amen. This lie is old bullshit. The only “health care” plan we’ll ever see from Trump* and/or the Republican Reich is RepubliCare. Those who can pay get overpriced care. Those who can’t pay get the RepubliCare Death Benefit. They get to die. RESIST!!
From YouTube (a blast of past protest): People Got To Be Free – The Rascals
Ah… the memories! Protest like the 60s! RESIST!!