Aug 262021

Glenn Kirschner – House Select Committee Demands Records Relating to 1/6 Attack for Trump, his Family, Advisors & More

Rep. Tim Ryan … in a tweet

Don Winslow Films – #VoteRacistTrumpOut

Really American – Governor Abbott downplays COVID, gets Sick

Liberal Redneck – An excerpt from another profile Trae did for Patreon. The fine print at YouTube show directions to the whole profile.

Frozen Kitten Brought Back To Life by Family UPDATE

Beau – Let’s talk about a technique for reaching out to your parents…. [or anyone older … or anyone who thinks they know more than you for whatever reason]

Aug 252021

Glenn Kirschner – Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio Sentenced to Prison But the Fed Prosecutors Might Not Be Done With Him Yet. Ask an American what the word “jurisdiction” means, and, unless you are asking an attorney or a cop or an amateur student of crime (in fact or fiction),you may get a blank stare. (And then people complain about the “justice system” – as if there were one, not hundreds.)

Don Winslow Films – #VoteRacistTrumpOut

Really American – Governor Abbott downplays COVID, gets Sick

The Hill – Jen Psaki CALLS OUT Fox News reporter for misrepresenting what she said

PBS – The Pandemic That Lasted 15 Million Years. Well, this is a fine kettle of fish (and other species.) There is A LOT of information in it so you may want to come back to it.

PUPPET REGIME – The Delta Skelter Song

Let’s talk about Trump’s most presidential act….

Aug 232021

Yesterday, I got to see my husband for the first time in a year and a half. Not only he but the staff also made me feel welcome. But it was still a long day, what with 2+ hours driving each way and an almost 5 hour visit. I put some details into a comment in yesterday’s Open Thread, so will try not to repeat myself. And this Open Thread will be short.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – FUX News Is Literally Poisoning People
Quote – Rachel reported tonight that in addition to having to deal with a collapsing healthcare system, Mississippi suddenly found today that an incredible 70% of the calls coming into their poison control center were from people who had ingested a drug called Ivermectin. What the hell is Ivermectin? It’s a livestock drug used to deworm horses! And why would a shitload of Mississippi residents suddenly start ingesting a livestock deworming drug?
Click through for more. This loaded quite slowly for me yesterday, but it did load.

Law and Crime – A Federal Judge Struck Down One of the Most Widely Prosecuted Offenses in Immigration Law, Slamming ‘Racist’ Origins
Quote – Gustavo Carrillo-Lopez was indicted in 2020 for a felony under 8 U.S.C. § 1326. That specific felony is one that has been on the books for nearly a century: reentry into the U.S. after having been deported. Carrillo-Lopez argued that his indictment should be dismissed because the statute violates his equal protection rights under of the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Despite the statute’s long history of use in cases like Carrillo-Lopez’s, his argument prevailed before U.S. District Judge Miranda Du.
Click through for story. I’m sure this is not the end of it, and it could be inteesting to watch where it goes.

AP News – Beshear critics vow to work with governor to fight pandemic
Quote – Top Republican lawmakers are promising to work with Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear to fight COVID-19 after a court ruling cleared the way for new limits on the Democratic governor’s emergency powers.
Click through for details. I’ll believe the headline when I see it happening.

Food for Thought –

Aug 152021

Yesterday it was pretty hot again. My lab results came, and look pretty good. They actually arrived Friday, but I was expecting 3 packages yesterday (which turned out to be four), so I waited in order not to go out more than necessary. Between the heat, the smoke, and the idiots, I really don’t feel terribly safe outside, even though vaccinated.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Quote – The tax document obtained by The Intercept, a publicly filed IRS form that included a list of donors, shows a handful of large corporate and individual donors to the Bradley Impact Fund. The contributions listed in the fiscal year 2018 filing range from roughly $782,000 to $1.5 million. The Bradley Impact Fund operates as a donor-advised fund, a vehicle frequently used to allow anonymous contributions by letting donors give to a fund and then directing their contributions to particular recipients…. “It might seem improbable that a low-profile family foundation in Wisconsin has assumed a central role in current struggles over American democracy,” [investigative reporter Jane] Mayer wrote. “But the modern conservative movement has depended on leveraging the fortunes of wealthy reactionaries.”
Click through for a whole lotta detail. You will recognize some names, others maybe not so much. But if you’re going to follow the money, you can expect that.
Reuters – U.S. Homeland Security warns fresh COVID-19 restrictions could spark violent attacks
Quote – In an interview with CNN, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said his department considered domestic violent extremists to constitute “the greatest terrorist-related threat to our homeland.” He said the Department was seeing expressions of extremism fueled by “false narratives” and “ideologies of hate.”
Click through for story. If they’d do this because of CoViD restrictions, what do you suppose they would do if their God-Emperor were arrested and held without bail? Asking for a friend.

Common Dreams – Child Hospitalization for Covid-19 Hits All-Time High in US: Report
Quote – The Delta variant, which is rapidly spreading among mostly the unvaccinated portion of the U.S. population, has caused hospitalizations to spike in recent weeks, driving up the number of pediatric hospitalizations to 1,902 on Saturday, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Children currently make up about 2.4% of the nation’s COVID-19 hospitalizations. Kids under 12 are not eligible to receive the vaccine, leaving them more vulnerable to infection from the new, highly transmissible variant.
Click through for more. I really can’t even.

Food for Thought –

Aug 062021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Tells DOJ Officials to Lie About Election, DOG Official Jeffrey Clark Does as Trump Directed

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Now This News – Cori Bush Reacts to Mark McCloskey’s Pardon

Liberal Redneck – Arkansas Governor Mad at Self

Rocky Mountain Mike – “I’ve Seen Unvaxed People”

Beau – Let’s talk about believing things without evidence…. So true!

Aug 032021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s $100 Million Democracy-Damaging Grift – Time for AG Garland/DOJ to Bring the Accountability

Incidentally, this is what Glenn was doing the day I thought he took off.

Don Winslow – #UniteAgainstCovid

CBS Sunday Morning – Alexander Vindman on truth and its consequences. And I’ll bet he has no regrets. Yu may want a hanky

Now This News – Oceanographers Spot Real-Life SpongeBob & Patrick (sound is music only0

Keith – OLBERMANN VS…McCARTHY’S EXCUSE FOR TALKING OF HITTING PELOSI. IS HE STONED? NO, SERIOUSLY – IS HE? (Keith didn’t mention this, but Covid can decrease male potency – the vaccine does not. I think spreading that truth might help.)

Beau – Let’s talk about criticism of the Capitol cops….

Aug 012021

Yesterday was hotter than expected, and it’s supposed to be cooler today. We’ll see. Today is Colorado Day, as you can tell from the cartoon. Colorado was admittied to the United States on August 1, 1876. It is also my birthday, and I am 76 today. I believe that makes me the “Oldest Inhabitant.” I will pop the closing credits from the film “The Music Man” down at the bottom, since it features the song “76 Trombones,” in celebration. I had hoped to do more, but my technology has failed me. I’ll probably get it set up eventually.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Raw Story – California MAGA rioter nabbed by feds after his own church prayer group turns him in
Quote – “On or about January 30, 2021, the FBI received an electronic tip from Witness #1, who stated that a member of his/her church prayer text group, Glenn Brooks, boasted of his active participation in the January 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Witness #1 also stated that Brooks sent photos of his attendance at the Capitol to the church text group that included other people at the riots/protest and a selfie photo of himself inside the Capitol,” an FBI special agent attested.
Click through if you like – there’s not much more detail, but there are pictures. Truning in terrorists is becoming quite the fashion. And it highlights the inability of these people to grasp that they are not supported by “everyone.”

New Mexico Political Report – Democrat Manny Gonzales wants to be mayor. Republicans run his campaign.
Quote – Both Keller and Gonzales sought public financing from the city, which required each candidate to collect $5 contributions from at least 3,779 residents–– 1% of all Albuquerque registered voters–– in order to qualify for over $600,000 in taxpayer money. The Albuquerque city clerk withheld public financing from Gonzales on July 9th, after Keller campaign manager Neri Holguin filed two ethics complaints alleging forged signatures and election fraud by the Gonzales campaign. Gonzales’s campaign has been appealing the decision and has also filed suit against the city. It remains unclear whether or not the campaign will receive the funding. Representing Gonzales is Carter B. Harrison IV, who has also worked as an attorney for the Republican Party of New Mexico. A decision is expected on Tuesday.
Click through for more. It’s not quite the full story. Manny has subsequently admitted that signatures on his petitions were forged, presenting the defense “Everybody cheats.” Though he is regsitered as a Democrat, I feel sure TC would have given him a parade. I apologize for not being up to that.

Wonkette – Montana Anti-Vaxx Law: ‘Religious Exemption’ For Masks But Not For ‘Not Letting Kids Die In Your Own Home’
Quote – When my husband fetched me from California as his war bride coming up on seven years ago now, I knew going in I was moving to a red state. But we were both under the impression it was a different kind of red: less Jesus-y, more libertarian-ish, with a labor background, a good state Constitution (Robyn frequently points out it’s the only state in the nation that doesn’t have “at will employment”), and a cadre of sportsmen (hunters and fishermen) who make damn sure we keep public access to our magnificent open space.
Click through for the first-person story. I’m with Becca. I don’t have kids, but if I did, I would not let anyone into my home with them unless I knew the person was vaccinated, or would wear a mask (or both).

Food for Thought

Seventy six trombones led the big parade
With a hundred and ten cornets close at hand.
They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtuosos,
The cream of ev’ry famous band.
Seventy six trombones hit the counter point,
While a hundred and ten cornets played the air.
Then I modestly took my place as the one and only bass,
And I oompahed up and down the square.


Jul 312021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Tells DOJ Officials to Lie About the Election Results & He “Will Take Care of the Rest”

Meidas Touch – The GOP’s BIGGEST FRAUD Revealed!

Crooks and Liars – Since General Honoré’s earlier vid got age-restricted before all could see it, here’s this one. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s something.

Robert Reich – What’s the Real Reason Democrats Won’t Protect Democracy? IMO it really isn’t fair to fault a President – even a Republican President – for not doing something that only Congress can do. (Faulting a Presidential candidate for promising something that only Congress can do is defiitely on the table, though.)

Armageddon Update: Delta Blues (The CC is in Dutch, god knows why – and I didn’t even try to change it this time.)

politicsrus – Opening Gambit HD

Beau – Let’s talk about executive privilege and Trump….
