Nov 072021

Glenn Kirschner – House Select Committee Issues 20 New Subpoenas BUT We’re on Day 15 of Bannon Indictment Watch (Of course those would be over and above the over 150 people they have already heard from, either in testimony or depositions)

Meidas Touch – Joe Biden HUMILIATES heckler: “I’m beginning to see why your wife left you”

RepresentUs – Sen. Warnock Calls Out Senate Obstructionists

MSNBC – ‘One Of The Dirtiest Tricks’ Of The 2020 Election Exposed In FBI Raid

Really American – Republicans Distort History To Rile Up Racial Animus

John Fugelsang – Breaking Bannon (Caffeinated)

Beau – Let’s talk about what Republicans believe makes America great….

Nov 062021

Glenn Kirschner – Federal Judge Chutkan Destroys Arguments by Donald Tump’s Lawyer on Executive Privilege.

Now This News – How Gang Leaders Are Helping Get New Zealanders Vaccinated. I like it. Progress doesn’t get made by being too chickens**t to take risks.

Really American – Congressmembers Say “‘Let’s Go Brandon”

Robert Reich – How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of Control

politicsrus -When Evil Came to America (pretty dramatic, but I won’t say the drama isn’t needed.)

Mrs. Betty Bowers – The United States of Freedom

Beau – Let’s talk about the FEC’s worst decision since their last one….

Nov 052021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Lawyers Falsely Claim in Court Filing that FBI & Senate Committee Cleared Trump Re: Jan 6

Meidas Touch – QAnon cult humiliated after JFK Jr. fails to ‘reappear’ in Dallas, declare Trump king

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party…

CNN – QAnon believers gathered to see something physically impossible

Liberal Redneck – January 6th Was Not a False Flag

Puppet Regime – Biden’s Paid Leave Problem |

Beau – Let’s talk about Manchin and political games….

Nov 012021

Glenn Kirschner – This is over a week old, and it is not his show … but I saved it in case he took s day off. It is Stephanie Miller’s show, and his demeanor is just a bit different with a good friend, and the material is not dated.

Don’t Choose Extinction  Nameless

Meidas Touch – Youngkin Chaos

Rebel HQ – Trump Republican Embarrassed By Epic Legal Order (Oh, this is rich – and about time!)

Really American – Fox Airing Tucker Carlson False Flag Propaganda

Politicsrus – Hallowe’en (sorry it’s late)

Beau – Let’s talk about justice delayed in Alabama….

Nov 012021

Yesterday was the first day of COP-26. Having been to a conference or two in my life, I am assuming that means today is the first full day of it. So I am trying to feature climate. You may have noticed we all are. Speaking of which, it was overcast and wet here. Since it was, and it’s expected to stay wet for at least a few days, I pushed myself to go out and put down some iris food. And to being the trash/recyclable carts to where they live. And to deal with the mail from the car and the mailbox (most of which went straight to recycle.) Incidentally it was also cold with a high of 36°F.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Toni Morrison’s 1998 Interview Speaks To ‘GOP Mom’
Quote – Youngkin tweeted a campaign video on Monday that featured the outrage of Laura Murphy, a white mom who years earlier tried to get Morrison’s classic novel, Beloved, banned from her son’s Advanced Placement English curriculum.
Click through – in case you mised Youngkin’s incendiary Tweet (recalling the infamous “Willie Horton” ad), it’s there. Sigh.

Reuters – G20 offers little new on climate, leaving uphill task for COP26
Quote – Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who chaired the Rome gathering, hailed the final accord, saying that for the first time all G20 states had agreed on the importance of capping global warming at the 1.5 degrees Celsius level that scientists say is vital to avoid disaster. “We made sure that our dreams are not only alive but they are progressing,” Draghi told a closing news conference, brushing off criticism from environmentalists that the G20 had not gone nearly far enough to resolve the crisis.
Click through for details.

AP News – ‘Last, best hope:’ Leaders launch crucial UN climate summit
Quote – Government leaders face two choices in Glasgow, Patricia Espinosa, head of the U.N. climate office, declared at the summit’s opening: They can sharply cut greenhouse gas emissions and help communities and countries survive what is becoming a hotter, harsher world, Espinosa said. “Or we accept that humanity faces a bleak future on this planet. It is for these reasons and more that we must make progress here in Glasgow. We must make it a success.”
Click through for more. If only today’s lead (right after Glenn) video would come true.)

Food for Thought –

Oct 312021

Glenn Kirschner – Bannon Indictment Watch Day 8: DOJ Has Yet to Indict Bannon for his Crime of Contempt of Congress

Meidas Touch – Let’s WIN Virginia! | 50K Doors in 50 Days

The Lincoln Project – Critical Race Theory

Robert Reich – What Happened to the Party of Limited Government?

MSNBC – The Purge Of GOP Truth Tellers Claims Its Biggest Trophy Yet (This is actually scarier than I was looking for…)

Hallowe’en – Vincent Price Performs The Thriller Rap Live 1987 Enhanced HD

Beau – Let’s talk about a leading cause, #SaferStorage, and T4CIP…. The date on this is 10/27, in case anyone wants to make a note of it. I have said for over 40 years that gun owners – responsible gun owners – should draft model legislation for public safety, or at least encourage it being drafted – because if they won’t, the resy of us most (and they will not like it.) Beau is the girst gun owner I have ever heard actually speak in this way.

Oct 302021

Yesterday, I essentially got ready for today. That didn’t leave much time free. By the time this posts, I’ll be on the road, and by the tie the video thread posts, I’ll be in the middle of my visit. See you all when I get back.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Pattern Of Democratic Clean-up On Aisle Republican Deficit Continues
Quote – Now we have the Biden economy doing what Trump had promised, but without having reversed any of the Trump tax cuts (yet). Just think how much better off our national finances could be if at least certain Democrats (cough, Sens. Manchin and Sinema, cough) would acknowledge that and help the president take the obvious next steps.
Click through for column. It’s short but meaty.

Mother Jones – The Owners of the Democrats’ Big Data Firm Have a Side Gig: Working to Elect Far-Right Republicans
Quote – The involvement of TargetSmart’s owners in electing right-wing Republicans has remained unknown among the political professionals within Democratic and progressive campaign circles. Informed about this, a former technology specialist for the Democrats says, “This is not a good look for TargetSmart.” And a union official notes, “This is pretty damning…In the world [TargetSmart] occupies, it couldn’t be much worse. A lot of Democratic consulting firms do work for corporations that don’t always support Democrats or progressives. But to have a sister company working on behalf of Republicans is not good for its standing.”
Click through for full story. Sadly, the cold fact is that big successful businesses and Republicans go together We all would be better off to stay aware of thet.

The Revelator (Center for Biological Diversity) – A Nose for Science: Conservation Dogs May Help in Search for Endangered Franklin’s Bumblebee
Quote – The quest to save a rare pollinator from extinction has just gained an unlikely ally: a mutt named Filson. A six-year-old Australian cattle dog mix with black and tan fur and oversized ears, Filson will soon join the mission to find the endangered Franklin’s bumblebee (Bombus franklini). The fuzzy pollinator, which no one has observed in 15 years, became a federally protected species this summer.
Click through for more, and not just bees. This really is exciting for anyone who realizes how connected we all are.

Food for Thought –

Bonus – a comment from the Wonkette newsletter:
A Journey Of One Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Baby Step. And we really do have a thousand miles to go when it comes to fixing America’s infrastructure, and this bill that was going to be a giant stride forward is ending up to be just one step. But it is a step, in the right direction for once. And we should embrace that, and own that, and harken back to a time when all the steps were backwards, into authoritarian nativism, which really wasn’t all that long ago.

Oct 212021

Glenn Kirschner – Why Trump’s Frivolous Executive Privilege Lawsuit Will Fail AND Why It Won’t Help Steve Bannon

MSNBC – Adam Schiff On Jan. 6 Vote To Hold Bannon In Contempt

Thom Hartmann – Was This SCOTUS Judge Working With Jan 6th Coup Plotter?

Ring of Fire – Republicans Are Terrified That Trump Will Destroy The Party Next Year

politicsrus – Native America

Liberal Redneck – To All the Americans Leaving Their Jobs

Beau – Let’s talk about an update on Biden’s wind-power push…
