Nov 242021


Glenn Kirschner – House Committee Issues Subpoenas for Roger Stone & Others; Moving Up the Insurrection Food Chain (Working up the foos chain always made sense to me. Start at the top, you may wind up giving a plea bargain to the actual criminal, and executing [almost] an innicent person. That’s what happened to Julius Jones.)

Meidas Touch – Elie Mystal: What if Black people stormed the Capitol on Jan 6?

Don Winslow Films – #ShockingUnansweredJan6Questions Well, I can answer one question – the reason it took so long between forming the committee and the first subpoenas was because they had a ton of documents – and voluntary testimony – they needed to get through first. That is not just a theory, at least one person on the committee has said so publicly. And it makes sense. A good lowyer never asks a question of a witness to which he or she doesn’t already know tha answer. (I can answer a few of the others too, but I couldn’t back up those answers as I can with this one.)

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda: Special Place In Hell For People Like This Major Ojeda’s accent it fairly thick, but unlike so many on this subject, he knows whereof he speaks, and it’s worth the listen to get the facts.

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Parody Project – Blew It Again

Beau — Let’s talk about Thanksgiving and Sesame Street….

Nov 232021

Glenn Kirschner – NY Prosecutors Investigating Yet More Trump Financial Crimes; When Will the Indictments Come?

Courtesy of Politizoom, who refers to her as a “Karen in Training.” I don’t think she needs any training.

Now This News – It only took him TWO DAYS to collect all those bottles! That should scare people.

politicsrus – Beto 1 (I hope that means there will be more.)

Really American – Republicans Want National Holiday For RittenHouse

Smartest Stray Cat Follows Woman Home

Beau – Let’s talk about Birmingham, Biden, and deception….

Nov 212021

Glenn Kirschner – Defendant Jacob “QAnon Shaman” Chansley Sentencing to 41 Months in Prison for Capitol Attack

Meidas Touch – Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY verdict will inspire more vigilante killers

MSNBC – Media Dilemma: How To Cover Indecent Politicians Without Amplifying Them? (Sadly, Rachel is one of very,very few who even ask this question. But it’s nice for me to know that another of the very, very few is in Denver.)

politicsrus – Kevin Is a Creep

Caffeinated with John Fugelsang – Ep #3 Bribe Back Better

Puppet Regime – Obstreperous Turkey

Beau – Let’s talk about bad news for DeJoy and good news for the postal service….

Nov 202021

Yesterday (techncally, although it seems like the day before), I went out a bit after midnight to look at th eclipse I wasn’t expecting much bcause the forecast had been for 86% cloud cover. However, I was able to get a pretty good view, straight overhead. Impressive. I stayed until it looked like the thumbnali (close to that color too – maybe a wee bit more orange) and then went in as the temperature was close to single digits. And then went to bed and to sleep.  And eventually woke up.  And came here and posted.  And I reached out to the campaign for the NYT gift link, but had already writtrn my remarks, and I didn’t re-do everything.  Hope it isn’t too confusing.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Daily Kos (Walter Einenkel) – FBI raids homes of Colorado election clerk and former Boebert campaign manager
Quote – On the morning of Nov. 16, the FBI conducted federally-authorized law enforcement actions into potential criminal activity by employees of the Mesa County Clerk and Recorder’s Office and others associated with those employees. The activity occurred in both Mesa and Garfield Counties at four separate locations. Investigators with the 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office (Mesa County, Colo.) and the Colorado Attorney General’s Office assisted in the operations. No arrests were made, and the operations are related to ongoing investigations. Per order of a federal court, all documents related to these operations are sealed.
Click through for what details are not sealed. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.

Mother Jones – Disinformation Isn’t Just a Tech Problem. It’s a Social One, Too.
Quote – The rise of disinformation is the product of long-standing social problems, including income inequality, racism, and corruption, which can be easily exploited to spread false information online. “Saying that the disinformation is the problem—rather than a way in which the underlying problem shows itself—misses the point entirely,” the report quotes Mike Masnick, founder of Techdirt, as saying.
Click through for story – I suppose it’s arguable which comes forst, like the chicken and the egg, but wi need to be fighint on every front, and even then, we will not be able to eliminate the monstr. We may be able to make it controllable.

New York Times – San Francisco’s Top Prosecutor Will Face a Recall Election
Quote (from his email, because I was paywalled out of NYT) – San Francisco voters elected me because of the promises I made: I promised to end cash bail. We’ve done it. I promised to reduce youth incarceration. It’s down by 50%. I promised to release innocent people from prison. We launched an independent commission to ensure no innocent person is languishing behind bars. I promised to hold police accountable. We filed homicide charges against the officer who shot and killed Keita O’Neill — the first time in our city’s history that homicide charges were brought against an on-duty police officer.
Click through for the NYT story with a gift link – which means you are not paywalled out even if you are not a subscriber. And spread the word. Turnout is even more critical in recalls than any other election! And don’t cut the link – all that stuff is needed to pass the paywall.

Food for Thought –

Nov 112021

Glenn Kirschner – It’s Raining Congressional Subpoenas; Now More Than Ever, DOJ Must Indict Steve Bannon

Meidas Touch – GOP Lies

The Lincoln Project – Rebuild

Robert Reich – Is This Fall’s Labor Strike Wave a Tipping Point?

Rob Rogers – Melting Agenda (from 11/3)

Brent Terhune – Sesame Street Muppet Speaks Out (Brent is so good at this, I feel the need to remind everyone that this is ]

Beau – Let’s talk about a message to conservative parents….

Nov 102021

Glenn Kirschner – Garland’s “Enviable” Position as Attorney General; The Decision to Prosecute Bannon is an Easy One

Meidas Touch – Josh Hawley HUMILIATES himself with bizarre rant on porn and masculinity

MSNBC – Prosecutor In Trump Camp’s Effort To Reverse Georgia Result Considering Special Grand Jury

Ring of Fire – California History Teacher Removed For Telling Students Trump Is Still President

Really American – Gosar Posts Bizarre Video Threatening Biden and AOC

John di Domenico- Trump’s Foul-Mouthed Netflix Comedy Special Trailer

Beau – Let’s talk about Texas, schoolbooks, and the Attorney General’s race….

Nov 082021

Glenn Kirschner – Jeffrey Clark Violates Congressional Subpoena but w/Steve Bannon Still Unindicted, Will it Matter?

Rebel HQ – Ricky Schroder Calls For Chaos On Veteran’s Day

RepresentUs – Sen. Manchin: Be America’s Quarterback, Protect Voting Rights (They are airing it in the right place, I’ll give them that. But optimism, I don’t have.)

Ring of Fire – Republicans Who Believe Trump’s Election Lies Are NOT Planning On Sitting Out Midterms (Well, yeah – Republicans lie. Surprise!)

Sprouts – Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity

Washington Post/Smithsonian – The crane that fell for her keeper (h/t Mitch)

Beau – Let’s talk about what Democrats can learn from the election results….

Nov 082021

Yesterday, it was fairly quiet again. I had actually waited until morning to change the clocks, which I did when I got up, and also managed to change the newest one, which also shows date and temperature, from Centigrade to Fahrenheit. Let’s just say that was not intuitive. I know, it’s less scientific, but it’s more meaningful to me, being what I grew up with. And, because the degrees are closer together, it feels more accurate to me, although less scientifically useful.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Liz Cheney Brands Tucker Carlson ‘Un-American’ In Fox News Interview
Quote – “You know, it’s the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job,” the Republican lawmaker said. “It’s un-American to be spreading those kinds of lies and they are lies. And we have an obligation that goes beyond partisanship, an obligation that we share — Democrats and Republicans together — to make sure that we understand every single piece of the facts about what happened that day and to make sure the people who did are held accountable.”
Click through for a video and a little more text. I realize Cheney msy have a personal interest in 9/11 not being a false flag – because if it were, her dad was involved. But she still gets some points for recognizing and avoiding hypocrisy.

AP News – Culture war fight finds mixed success in school board races
Quote – But across the country, culture and identity fights were less decisive. The political tracking website Ballotpedia identified 96 school districts in more than a dozen states where race education and masking were part of the debate. It found that at least one anti-critical race theory or anti-mask candidate prevailed in 35 of the 86 districts in which it has determined winners, or 40%. “Where they won, they won in really high numbers,” said Doug Kronaizl, a staff writer for Ballotpedia, noting that candidates who won on the issue tended to be concentrated in the same districts. “But overall nationwide they didn’t win that much.”
Click through for specificities. This is hish on my worries list. County, municipal, and school board elections here are “non-partisan,” as I suspect they are in most states. That sounds good, but in practice it means you have no idea for whom you are voting, and no way to find out how they think. And school boards, cities, and counties are where cndidates for state and federal office come from.

GWN (Good Word News) – The longest partial lunar eclipse of the century is coming: date, how to look
Quote – According to NASA, a three-hour, 28-minute partial lunar eclipse will take place on November 18 and 19 and people around the world will only have to walk outside to get a glimpse. Night watchers on the U.S. east coast will be able to watch the event from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. ET, according to NASA. Those on the West Coast can watch the sky between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. PT.
Click through for a bit of background. Midnight till 2 is actually not too bad a time for me, so I may actually be able to see this one. And it shouldn’t require sunglasses.

Food for Thought –
