Feb 202022

Glenn Kirschner – With Trump Losing on All Fronts, When Will Indictments Come? Balancing Frustration with Patience

Meidas Touch – Trump Is Guilty

Farron Balanced – How Did The MyPillow Guy Become Leader Of The Right Wing Crazies

MSNBC – Data Shows Odd Clusters Of Florida Voters Switching To Republican Party

PBS News – hanky alert – Yo-Yo Ma and Gabby Giffords perform ‘Sound of Silence’ to honor lives lost to gun violence

Puppet Regime – Putin’s President’s Day Advice

Beau – Let’s talk about the Superbowl, Star Trek and timelessness….

Feb 162022

Glenn Kirschner – Biden to Nominate Black Woman to Supreme Court; Ted Cruz is “Outraged”; and a True Story About Hope

Meidas Touch – Republicans BURYING THEMSELVES by making 2022 about Hillary Clinton!! Let them!

Lincoln Project – Twilight Struggle

MSNBC – How One Small Town Fought Off A QAnon Invasion

Robert Reich – Are Both Sides Actually Getting More Extreme?

Meet This Buddhist Cat Who Will Find Buddha Inside You    Do click on the “Watch on YouTube.”  Trust me, it is worth it.

Beau – Let’s talk about the Superbowl and trucks….

Jan 292022

Glenn Kirschner – Newt Gingrich Says Republicans will Jail Jan. 6 Panel Members if Republicans Take Power at Midterms

Meidas Touch – Democrat makes TRANSFORMATIVE pledge to protect voting rights in Texas

The Lincoln Project – Never Again

Thom Hartmann – Are Gun Makers Making AR-15 Assault Weapons for Kids?

Robert Reich – 5 Ways Your Company May Be Exploiting You

Armageddon Update – Stop The Steal

Beau – Let’s talk about what the media is getting wrong about the 6th….

Jan 222022

Glenn Kirschner – NY AG Leticia James Subpoenas Donald, Don Jr. & Ivanka Trump, While Eric Pleads the 5th 500 Times!

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda Rips Sean Spicer Into Pieces

politicsrus – Tax Grab – The legacy of the Trump tax cuts

Liberal Redneck – Liberal Redneck – Trashin’ Mitch McConnell

Littlest Kitten Ever Grows Up To Be A Mini Cat

Beau – Let’s talk about what Flint can teach us about the 6th….

Jan 172022

Glenn Kirschner – Oath Keepers Members Indicted for Seditious Conspiracy: Facts Show How Trump Inspired 1/6 Conduct

politicsrus – Let Truth Light the Way Part I

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda Reacts To Jen Psaki’s Viral Moment

Ring of Fire – Florida Republicans Introduce Bill To Spy On Public School Teachers

Armageddon Update – The Days Of Omicron

Orphaned Baby Otter Follows Kids Up From River

Beau – Let’s talk about my last day teaching in Virginia…. (despite the upside down cap, you might end up wanting a hanky.)

Jan 122022

Yesterday, I did take some time to disengageshort sessions with a couple of games just to relax. And deal with a package. And even to stream a movie (“The Canterville Ghost” with Patrick Stewart.) It’s a wonder I got both posts up.

Cartoon – (I’m pretty sure no one ever too TC up on this offer.)

Short Takes –

Here’s where election-denying candidates are running to control voting
Quote – An NPR analysis of 2022 secretary of state races across the country found at least 15 Republican candidates running who question the legitimacy of President Biden’s 2020 win, even though no evidence of widespread fraud has been uncovered about the race over the last 14 months. In fact, claims of any sort of fraud that swung the election have been explicitly refuted in state after state, including those run by Republicans.
Click through for states and names. These may be the most important elections of 2022. As Beau says, “If you live in one of these dtates, and you have ever desired to get interested in electoral politics, now is your time.” (Pass it on.)

Mother Jones – The Jan. 6 Insurrectionists Begging for Pardons Sound an Awful Lot Like Confederate Soldiers
Quote – Radical Republicans feared Lincoln’s 10 percent plan was too lenient. They were proved right when, after Lincoln’s assassination, President Andrew Johnson—who not a year earlier gave a speech saying, “I am for a white man’s government, and in favor of free white qualified voters controlling this country, without regard to negroes”—began undermining Reconstruction. He started by pardoning high-ranking Confederates. Among them was Harry T. Hayes, a former Confederate general who led the rebels at Gettysburg.
Click through for full story. I truly hope we can learn from their mistakes.

The Guardian – Why is so little known about the 1930s coup attempt against FDR?
Quote – The putsch called for [retired US Marine Corps Maj Gen Smedley Darlington Butler] to lead a massive army of veterans – funded by $30m from Wall Street titans and with weapons supplied by Remington Arms – to march on Washington, oust Roosevelt and the entire line of succession, and establish a fascist dictatorship backed by a private army of 500,000 former soldiers.
Click through for details. Those who follow the video thread know that Beau of the Fifth Column has spoken about the United States’ long history of choosing to “protect the Office of the Presidency,” and I expect that had a hand in hiding this history, though of course the rich and powerful were also prime movers. In my view, the best way to protect the Office of the Presidency is to ensure that anyone who defules that Office is held accountable.

Food For Thought:

Jan 112022

Glenn Kirschner – Short: How Kevin McCarthy Has Made Himself a Marquee Witness Against Donald Trump

Meidas Touch – Attorney SLAMS “feeding frenzy” against Merrick Garland: “Garland is the perfect guy for the job”

Thom Hartmann – Shocking Differences Between Trumpian GOP and Democrats

Rebel Headquarters – Crumbley Parents Denied Bond As New Evidence SHOCKS Case (This case is sounding more and more like an incident out of “People of the Lie.”)

politicsrus – May old acquaintance be forgot


Beau – Let’s talk about Ted Cruz, Russia, and pipelines….

Jan 102022

Yesterday, I didn’t get much done. I did some clearing of my desk, but you wouldn’t know it to look at it. I lost some time because there was a phone outage, and I thought I must have done something wrong witth the modem, and it took me a while to realize it wasn’t me. So I ended up staying up a bit late. Oh, well.

Cartoon  (also applies to today’s GOp platform) –

Short Takes –

Daily Kos (Aysha Qamar) ‘Huge loss for the community’: Police say Planned Parenthood building fire was intentional
Quote – The fire comes after another incident of hate toward the center in January 2021 during which someone fired a shotgun at the doors of the clinic, shattering the glass and peppering the reception area with holes, the Associated Press reported. In that incident too, the clinic was closed and unoccupied. What’s worse is the incident took place on the anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade case. The recent arson incident comes at a time when the U.S. Supreme Court is considering a case that could possibly overturn the landmark precedent.
Click through for full story. Or at least, as full as it can be. There is no suspect yet.

New Mexico – State prisons outsource personal mail to inmates to Florida firm, causing concern for some
Quote – Eric Harrison, public information officer for the Department of Corrections, told NM Political Report turnaround time is currently 48 hours for inmates to receive personal mail that the correction facility currently inspects for contraband. He said that when the incoming mail becomes outsourced to Securus Technologies in February, the incoming mail will still be given to inmates in “the same time frame we’re seeing now.”
Click through for differing views. I can tell you the reason they are doing this – it’s the same reason all rules exist – it’s bedause there are always jerks who ruin things for the rest of us. There are jerks who would happily soak paper in drugs befor writing on it and mailing it, so that an inmate can swallow pieces of it and get high. Heck, I’d bet my last pension payment that there are people who would cough on their letters before sending them — even if they knew they had CoViD – in the name of “personal contact.” Even a lipsticked lip print on a letter could be dangerous. Cruel I grant that it is. Ridiculous it is not.

Washinton Post – New York fire that killed 19 likely began with space heater, fire chief says
Quote – Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), who represents the Bronx, said that the country has a “crisis” in housing maintenance and that many of the buildings in his area lack basic fire safety equipment, such as fire alarms in every apartment and stairwells with self-closing doors. City housing code requires self-closing doors to slow the spread of fire and smoke from one unit to the rest of an apartment. “There is often a disconnect between the requirements of the law and the actual living conditions of these buildings,” Torres said.
Click through if you aren’t paywalled out. I really don’t have words. I believe Toeers is a caring person. I can’t help but wonder what hice voice sounded like as he used the word “disconnect.”

Food For Thought:
