May 222022

Yesterday, I got up and checked the weather, and discovered we had had some snow, earlier that expected. I had to go out and brush it off before it froze – otherwise I’d never have been able to get it off this morning; But that had to wait until after the radio opera, which was Lucia di Lammermoor. Directors are always looking for new ways to stage this opera, likely because it is heard so often, and is so well written that, like La Boheme, there are some of us who know every note, and they want there to be some surprise. This production (though of course one can’t see it on the radio, but I saw some stills and watched a couple of shot excerpts) is supposed to be set in today’s American “rust belt,” but you wouldn’t go far wrog if you visualized “West Side Story.” But really, any environment with heavy-handed male domination works to conver how a young girl, emotionally (and mentally) fragile and with no allies, could reach the point murdering someone and then going into hallucinatory denial. Hence the “Mad Scene.” 19th century composers loved mad scenes because they were an excuse for highly decorated melidoes which could have nothing to do with anything actually happening (and of course sopranos love them too), and the one in “Lucia” is the best known for good reasons. But they were so prevalent, there is even a short one in the Ring Cycle (though it was only recently I realized that – it’s not presented as one.)  Finally, I sent copies to Mitch of all your responses to the update in Thursday’s Open Thread and he wants to thank everyomne.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

George Takei’s Comic Sands – GOP Group That Helped Take Down Cawthorn Now Has Their Sights Set On Boebert—And Critics Can’t Wait
Quote – So the American Muckrakers PAC said they are going after Boebert next with damaging info. Apparently they had a hand in Cawthorn’s demise. This should be fun…. They are starting with her finances. In the fall, it was reported Boebert wrongly used campaign funds to pay for her rent and utility bill. This came about when $6,650 was exchanged via Venmo with the payment labeled “personal expenses.
Click through. This may be the best news I’ve had all week.

HuffPost – Tucker Carlson Asked Hunter Biden For Help With His Son’s Georgetown Application
Quote – “Tucker and I have the greatest respect and admiration for you. Always!” Susie Carlson wrote back. “I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Buckley’s behalf,” Tucker Carlson wrote to Biden a day later. “So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.” The emails were part of records retrieved from a laptop Biden reportedly left at a Delaware repair shop in 2019, first reported by The New York Post.
Click through for story. To me the biggest story is that tucker ever had enough testosterobe to father a son. DNA testing anyone? And the second biggest surprise is that Tucker once had a decent human being as a friend.

Crooks and Liars – In Case Alex Jones Isn’t Detestable Enough, There’s This
Quote – [Marcel Fontaine] notified Jones that he was not the shooter. They ignored him. When he began to get threats, he notified them again that they were broadcasting a picture of the wrong person. The picture identifying him as the shooter remained on Jones’ website for a full day, visited by hundreds of thousands of people.
Click through for disgusting details. Jones should be held fully accountable for this. But who thinks Ken Pazton is going to prosecute?

Food For Thought

May 202022

Glenn Kirschner – All of gov’t approach to deal w/unrestricted gun access + unrestricted hate speech inciting violence

Meidas Touch – Former Federal Prosecutor REACTS to DOJ request of Jan 6 Committee Transcripts

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – May 17,2022

Robert Reich – This One Thing Is Making Your Life More Expensive

MSNBC – Why We Can’t Keep Ignoring Political Extremism

Ring of Fire – Trump Tells Dr Oz To Just Declare Victory As Votes Are Still Being Counted

Beau – Let’s talk about a problem at an intelligence school….

May 182022

Glenn Kirschner – Unrestricted guns + unrestricted hate speech = today’s American. Our government CAN tackle this

Meidas Touch – Francis EXPOSES Tucker Carlson’s influence on Buffalo Hate Crime

MSNBC – Garland Signals Criminal Case That May Involve Donald Trump Is Not Out Of Bounds (just in case you missed those magical, musical words “Grand Jury”)

No Dem Left Behind – No Dem Left Behind Endorses John Fetterman for U.S. Senate (PA)

San Francisco DA Recall – Dr. Angela Davis Opposes Prop H (I know everyone remebers her.)

CNN – ‘Millions of people absorb this garbage’: Acosta calls out Carlson for dangerous rhetoric (Acosta can usually be counted on to speak out … but one Acosta is not enough. We also have Lawrence, Ari, Mehdi, Chris, and Rachel – whom too few people watch.)

Beau- Let’s talk about why I look left and expectations….

May 132022

Glenn Kirschner – Elon Musk wants Trump back on Twitter, saying that Twitter’s ban was a “morally bad decision.”

Meidas Touch – Mitch McConnell FACT-CHECKED on his Roe v. Wade Lies!

The Lincoln Project – Last Week In The Republican Party

MSNBC – Ted Cruz Slammed By Father Of Former Marine Released By Russia For Lack Of Support

VoteVets – Best Chance

ACKAH TV – Amanda Gorman Speaks on Roe (CC more legible on full screem)

Beau – Let’s talk about what Republicans said with the vote in the Senate….

May 102022

Yesterday, I did a little constructive oversleeping. Even when everything goes slowly, any time I drive anywhere farther away than 5 or 10 miles, I stress and get very tired. (When I was in my twenties, I could actually lose weight drving long distances, even when eating as much as (or even a little more than) usual. I’m pretty sure that’s not true any more, but it’s still tiring. Hence the need for a little extra sleep. And it helps – though it probably would have helped more if I had awakened to a happier news day.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Nib – Restaurant for Vultures
Quote –

Click through for graphic article. I like vultures. I had very few plushies when I was a kid, but one day on my mid-teens I saw a lushie vulture and had to have it, and “Nigel” became a beloeved companion. So this story – which is less about vultures than about the many ways we contribute to loss of biodiversity, even when doing things which seem very positive, caught my eye.

Los Angeles Times – Column: Cops, not books? This town’s library may become a police station
Quote – [Frank] Cervantes [Library Associate] didn’t want to give too many opinions, partly because he had a bunch of kids to look after. But he did emphasize the importance of having a library in a small town like McFarland. He himself grew up in the even smaller agricultural community of Mettler, an hour away. His hometown had no library, but his mom was able to take him to libraries in bigger cities. “It was the difference,” he quietly said, “between a bright future and the futures that some of my peers had.”
Click through. I can guarantee tht if they do this, crime (or at least “crime”) will increase. If your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

No More Mister Nice Blog – The CDC Really Needs to Look into This Cluster of Right Wing Amnesia
Quote – I think I understand what’s happening here. The right needs to make the reaction to this decision the real story, in order to distract from the decision’s unpopularity and radical nature. Part One of this attempt to manufacture consent was the phony outrage at the leak, which the right blames on liberals, despite lacking any evidence to do so.
Click through for full blog. Right wing amnesia is nothing new But it’s getting worse … and their attacks on public education suggest that it’s currently far from bad enough to suit them.

Food For Thought

May 052022

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia special grand jury investigating Trump’s election crimes AND Lindsey Graham & Rudy as well

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Leaked Abortion Decision

The Lincln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

MSNBC – Sen. Whitehouse Joins The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell to Talk Ethics at the Supreme Court (There’s a reason why “borked” now mwans “screwed.”)

The Late Show – The Supreme Court Doesn’t Give A Damn What The Public Wants | How Gullible Is Susan Collins? (Yes, it’s long, but it’s Colbert – it flies by)

Mrs Betty Bowers – Stupidest People in Congress Awards

Beau – Let’s talk about science fiction….

Apr 262022

Glenn Kirschner – Meadows had advance reports of possible violence on Jan 6 yet he & Trump did zip to protect Capitol

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Shameless Kevin McCarthy Border Stunt!

The Lincoln Project – Former President Obama on Challenges to Democracy

MSNBC – Democrats May Have A New Weapon In The Fight Against The GOP’s Culture War

Cake and war: Ukrainians mark sombre Orthodox Easter (I’ve been to Orthodox Easter services – just Russian and Greek. They are absolutely gorgeous, and a feast for the senses Orthodox Easter is almost never on the same day as it is in the west. This year it was a week after ours.)

Cute Cat Stands Up Like A Person When She Wants Treats

Beau – Let’s talk about Disney and Desantis…. Beau’s take is sound. The branding he describes goes way, way back tobefore Disney World. It was part of Disneyland from its inception. But then Beau’s takes are usually sound.

Apr 252022

Glenn Kirschner – Lordy there are Cheney-McCarthy tapes! And they prove Kevin McCarthy is a coward AND a liar.

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to leaked Kevin McCarthy Tapes!

The Lincoln Project – Ron DeSantis: Bad for business

Ring of Fire – Judge Hits Capitol Rioter With Longer Sentence Due To Pathetic Defense

Really American – Dr. Oz Shady History With Foreign Dictators EXPOSED

Robert Reich – The Solutions to the Climate Crisis No One is Talking About

Beau – Let’s talk about new tools in Ukraine….
