Jul 172022

Yesterday, I had a rather crowded late morning/early afternoon. The radio opera was Vivaldi’s “Bajazet” which I had never heard of, let alone heard, before. However, atthe same time, Theater od War was mounting a Zoom production of Aeschylus’s play “The Suppliant” (an unusual word in English these days – but think “The Refugees”), as a vehicle to jump start a discussion on Ukraine, and with an all-Ukrainian chorus (including a very remarkable 12-year-old girl.) My final decision was to watch the play (and subsequent discussion) but with the opera softly in the background. So I’m not able to share much about the opera. In the end I made the right choice, I think. There was a note that the session was being recoorded – it is not yet posted at their site, but if and when it is I’ll share the link. Also included were three professional actors whose names you migh recognize – David Strathairn (Danaus), Oscar Isaac (Pelasgus), and Willem DaFoe (Aegyptus.)The play dates to the mid-fifth century BCE (450 BCE plus or minus 10) but so much has not changed. One line: “Those who speak in foreign tongues are never fully welcome.) As are all of their productions, it was very moving. On top of all that, I received cinfirmation to visit Virgil today – so I’ll be around even less than usual. But I’ll be in as much as I can.

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I didn’t know who Mola was either. He appears to have been Franco’s Jeff Clark (or Roy Cohn) but he died in an air crash in 1937 and his name disappeared.

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CNN Politics – Why Republicans want to redefine one word in the Constitution
Quote – The Constitution refers specifically to the “legislature” in each state determining the time and manner of federal elections. Backers of the “Independent State Legislature Claim” argue that since the Constitution doesn’t name other parts of state government — including courts — they should have no power to check the legislature on the subject of federal elections. Even if a state’s constitution or laws give power to courts or a governor, the theory argues legislatures should be able to ignore them.
Clck through for full analysis. The case in question is Moore v. Harper. I don’t want to forget that myself, nor do I want any of us to forget it. After it’s decided, we’ll know whether it’s OK to forget it … or whether we eill never forget it, whether we want to or not.

Mother Jones – Don’t Fall into the Collusion Trap on Trump and January 6
Quote – This question is an important one, but it is also a trap. Trump and his comrades have been rather deft at developing a tactic to protect him from charges of profound wrongdoing: They raise the bar. If Trump is caught holding a match outside a burning house, Trump and his defenders will say, “Do you have proof he doused the interior with gasoline? That’s fake news. A hoax.”
Click through for full explanation. Neither the Committee nor prosecutors are IMO likely to fall into this trap, but since public opinion can help or hurt a case, it still matters.

Food For Thought

Jul 142022

Glenn – J6 hearing: more evidence of Trump’s crimes AND more evidence of persistent unfairness & injustice

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: Trump caught WITNESS TAMPERING by Jan 6 committee, referred to Justice Department

The Lincoln Project – Herschel Walker’s Green New Deal

The Ring of Fire – Majority Of Republicans Side With Mike Pence Over Trump In Election Feud

Ojeda Live – Ojeda BLASTS Republicans for Rooting for Suffering as an Election Strategy

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, Biden, and baby formula….

Jul 132022

Glenn – Steve Bannon’s ruse rejected by Trump appointed judge; Trump still using the big lie to sow division

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul DEBUNKS new Deranged Hunter Biden Conspiracy Theory

The Lincoln Project – The GOP’s Crazy Candidates

Robert Reich – The Secret to the GOP’s Assault on Your Rights | Robert Reich

Brent Terhune – The worst drag race I ever been to

Beau – Let’s talk about dominoes from the Colorado….

Jul 122022

Yesterday, having done the research on who picks up donations and who doesn’t, I scheduled a pickup with the Vietnam Veterans of America. The earliest date I could get was August 25, but that will work out actually – I can add to it in bits and pieces. It’ll be the first pickup but I’m sure it will not be the last.

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CPR News – A 150-year-old San Luis Valley farm stops growing food to save a shrinking water supply. It might be the first deal of its kind in the country
Quote – Farmers and ranchers across the San Luis Valley face a deadline: Their underground water source is drying up from a combination of overuse and a decades-long drought driven by climate change. To restore a balance of supply and demand, farmers and ranchers across the valley need to drastically cut how much water they pump out of the ground, according to the Colorado Division of Water Resources. If they don’t, the state has threatened to step in and shut off hundreds of wells, which local water managers say would devastate the valley’s agriculture-driven economy.
Click through to understand the dilemma. When I first came to Colorado in 1976, it was to Alamosa in the San Luis VAlley. That is where Virgil and I met and got married. We only left because we couldn’t find work there. CPR says this story is “hopeful and heartbreaking.” I concur.

Robert Reich – How to handle radical Republicans
Quote – Can we get real? There is nothing conservative about these so-called “conservatives.” They don’t want to preserve or protect our governing institutions — the core idea of conservatism extending from Edmund Burke to William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater. They are radicals, intent on wrecking these institutions to impose their ideology on everyone else. The Supreme Court’s Republican appointees have all but obliterated stare decisis — the conservative principle that the Court must follow its precedents and not change or reverse them unless clearly necessary, and with near unanimity…. Meanwhile, Senate Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell, are abusing the filibuster and undermining the legitimacy of the Senate.
Clickt through for suggestions. I agree there is nothing conservative about “conservatives” – and there hasn’t been for decades. “Radical” is certainly more adequate, refernceing the “roots” of government and society (which they want to completely tear up.) But radical slao has a positive meaning – wanting to reform government and society from the roots up – so I’, loath to give that th them. “Reactionary” may be the most accurate. Or “extremist” – except that they like that one.

Food For Thought

Jul 112022

Yesterday, I set up my meds for the next two weeks, because I hadn’t done it Saturday. Oh, well, that’s why I keep a couple of extras filled – so I can miss a day withut actually missing a day. And nthat was pretty much all I did. the weather is what my Aunt Mary used to call “enervating.” (Yes, love of words runs in my family – both sides.) And I want to save as much energy as I can for the hearings which I understand are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday.

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Crooks and Liars – SNEAKS: PA GOPers Advance Anti-Abortion Amendment Last [Thursday] Night
Quote – The first step happened last night, but the long-term plan is to get an anti-abortion constitutional amendment on the ballot next year…. In PA, the process is they need to pass through both chambers twice, in consecutive legislative sessions, then they hit the ballot. If Rs time the anti-abortion one correctly, it will hit the ballot in an off year, low turnout election with least amount of voter participation
Click through for story. Yes, this is one state, but it could happen elsewhere.

[Detroit] Metro Times – We interviewed the guy behind the viral ‘woke’ HVAC ad from Lansing
Quote – ”I can’t pretend like everything is ok,” the ad reads. “Gun fetishes are being prioritized, women are no longer in control of their own bodies. The earth is heating up. Black and Brown people are still being killed, brutalized, or otherwise harassed. Honestly, at this point, who gives a SH*T about HVAC. But if you’re hot, give us a call.”
I’ve quoted the ad. Click through for the interview.

Food For Thought

Jul 062022

Yesterday, I had not slept terribly well, but I got by with a few yawns. Virgil called, and, as promised, I told him about those of y’all who commented you are praying for him, and he was deeply appreciative, as predicted.  Quite touched, in fact.

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Democratic Underground [maxrandb] – Hey MSM! Maybe the “story” isn’t 2 Dem Senators that won’t kill the filibuster
Quote – Just like they publish thousands of stories of “Dems need to reach out to rural America bullshit” and ZERO “Retrumplicans need to reach out to urban America” stories. They report thousands of time that 2 Dems Senators don’t want to kill the filibuster. When is the last time you saw a story concentrating on the 50 Retrumplican Senators that couldn’t give one fuck if women die, or if teens need to carry their Uncles baby to term?
Click through for full rant. I am SO over RWNJs babbling about the “liberal media.” Sometimes I just need to express it..

The 19th – 10 anti-LGBTQ+ bills impacting students go into effect across six states
Quote – It is already hard enough for transgender and LGBTQ+ youth to see themselves reflected in the culture or in the academic materials they’re learning from, Topping said — and harder still for LGBTQ+ youth to simply go to school if they are getting bullied. Taking away the ability for students to talk with teachers about their identity or learn about queer communities in school may hamper their ability to dream of a future with people like them in it.
Click Through for states and details. As usual, the cruelty is the point – at least the immediate point. The long-term point is genocide.

Food For Thought

Jun 162022

Glenn Kirschner – Day 2 of J6 public hearings: Republican witnesses prove Donald Trump’s criminal intent

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Lauren Boebert’s Secret Off-Roading Accident COVER-UP

Ojeda Live – Top 5 Dumbest Republican Excuses on Guns

Armageddon Update – I’ll Give it a Shot!

Can A Puppy Adopt A Stray Kitten?

Beau – Let’s talk about an unintentional act in Parkland….

Jun 152022

Yesterday, I learned I will have to see Virgil tomorrow instead of Sunday. Actually, I learned Monday that Sunday was out, but it took some back-and-forth to confirm tomorrow. I shouldn’t be surprised – Sunday is both Father’s Day and Juneteenth At least that fact gives me hope that the whole summer won’t be like this. Anyway, was scrambling yesterday and will be for the next couple of days. The Wednesday hearing will now be Thursday which will help a little.

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Letters from an American – June 13, 2022
Quote – Once again, as it did last Thursday, the committee relied entirely on senior Republican officials and on members of Trump’s own inner circle to tell the story of how Trump tried to overthrow our government. This undercuts accusations that the committee is engaging in a “partisan witch hunt.” Notably, the committee itself is measured, polite, and serious, demonstrating to viewers what hearings used to be before they became ways to produce sound bites for right-wing media.
Click through for full letter. I’ve said I don’t want to turn into a J6 blog, and I don’t, but I couldn’t resist that quotation.

The 19th – These companies publicly oppose anti-LGBTQ+ bills. Some also fund lawmakers who sponsor them.
Quote – Lawmakers in six states who wrote, signed or sponsored anti-LGBTQ+ legislation received tens of thousands and, in a few cases, hundreds of thousands of dollars, from major U.S. corporations or their employee-led PACs and affiliates, in the 2020 and 2022 election cycles, Data for Progress found. Alabama, Florida, Arizona, Tennessee, Idaho and Texas have been prolific in their efforts to bar trans students from school sports, restrict gender-affirming care for minors and ban LGBTQ+ discussions from classrooms over the past few years.
Click through for details. This is, of course, standard, and not limited to LGBTQIA+. Probably the most egregious are companies who pretend to be green but donate to candidates in the pockets of fossil fuels. But they also work at duping POC and women of any color, as well as the disabled.

Food For Thought
