Jan 262023

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia DA Willis states that charging decisions are “imminent” for “defendants” for election crimes

The Lincoln Project – Elise Knew

Thom Hartmann – The Real Reason the Rich Flock to Davos…

Liberal Redneck – The State of Conspiracy Theories

Kitten Who Could Only Scoot Learns To Walk  https://youtu.be/rhShLzq46zI

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump paying Clinton….

Jan 202023

Glenn Kirschner – New interview with Michael Cohen suggests NY DA Bragg may be back in the Trump prosecution mix

Farron Balanced – Oops! Republicans Accidentally Admit They’ve Been Lying About Tax Cuts For Decades

The Lincolm Project – The Way I Handle Things

Politics Girl – Debt Ceiling Crisis

Stray Cat Stuck In A Wall For Over A Week

Beau – Let’s talk about explaining Earth to aliens…. (C.S. Lewis did something like this in the first volumne of his “Space Trilogy” – and he [deliberately] wrote himself into a corner where his hero had to fail to translate a concept because it flat made no sense. There’s a pdf here of the whole book – the conversation begins at the bottom of page 119 of the pdf [numbered 115 in the text] and the untranslateable concept appears at the bottom of the following page. The conversation ends near the top of pdf page 122 [118] – not terribly long, but a bit long to quote. Though you aay have to suspend disbelief a bit, it’s very reavealing as to some things we think we know but really haven’t a clue.)

Jan 202023

Yesterday, Weather Undergound advised me to maybe expect snow this evening, and maybe also a couple of days from now, during the night. I’m skeptical, but I’m also paying attention. Also, CPR reported that the judge to whom the Elijah McCain murder case is assigned has deemed there need to be three separate trials. Since there are five defendants, it will be interesting to see how that shakes out. Finally, the debt ceiling, but no deal, was reached. Axios has an article about emergency measures. (Did you know that the whole point of having a debt ceiling was to prevent this sort of thing happening?)

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Robert Reich – Back to another horrible, hellish, horrendous, totally absurd battle over the debt ceiling
Quote – Congress could defuse this bomb by simply raising the debt limit, as it has dozens of times under presidents of both parties for decades. But the MAGA radicals now in control of the House of Representatives are refusing to raise the debt ceiling unless President Biden agrees to devastating cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and other key programs. I was involved in a similar fight over the debt ceiling fight twenty-eight years ago, which holds some lessons for what happens now.
Click through for full article. This is not a first rodeo for any of us.

Letters from an American – January 17, 2023
Quote – Today the bill for the elevation of Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to House speaker began to come due. McCarthy promised the far-right members of his conference committee seats and far more power in Congress to persuade them to vote for him. Now they are collecting.
Click through for full letter. She covers multiple abuses, starting with committee assignments, but she does get around to the debt ceiling too.

Food For Thought

Jan 172023

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump’s desperate, unhinged social media posts make clear – he KNOWS indictments are coming!

Meidas Touch – Former Trump Aide Bannon pulls SNEAKY STUNT in criminal trial [not exactly pithy]

Farron Balanced – House Republicans Tear Each Other Apart Over Document That Doesn’t Exist

Really American – Chip Franklin EXPOSES Conservatives as being government-loving LIARS

World’s Most Adorable Badger

Beau – Let’s talk about Santos, McCarthy, and the new chapter….

Jan 152023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Fedora” by Umberto Giordano. It’s his second-best-known opera, the best-known one being “Andrea Chenier,” set during the French Revolution. “Fedora, based on a play by Sardou (right up there with Victor Hugo and David Belasco as an operatic inspiration) set in Russia in the 1880s, a time and place when the local political bogeyman was “Nihilism.” Fedora is a Russian noblewoman whose feance is killed on the eve of their wedding. After the arrival of the police and on-stage questioning of the servants, she comes to the conclusion that Count Ipanov did it – he was a nihilist sympathizer and her fiance a trarist. Learning Ipanov has gone to Paris, she decides to go there and attempt to seduce him to get a confession. Well, she gets a particl confesion, and invites him to come to her room and tell her the whole story. While awaiting him, she writes and posts a “come-and-get-him” letter to the police in Russia. When he arrives, he tells her that her fiance and his wife were having an affair, and that he caught them in flagrante and killed him (and he shot first). Between this news and the fact that Ipanov is basically a decent guy, she falls in love with him. But it’s too late – the letter is already gone. Eventually she has to confess that the “Russian woman” whose information sicced the cops on him is she – whereupon she takes poison and dis. It’s a “diva vehicle” which has been championed by Maria Callas and Mirella Freni, among others. An influential singer certainly can use her or his influence to get an opera performed which has been overlooked, but ultimately it’s the operagoers who decide whether any opera, new or revived, will make it into standard repertory. After those two strong attempts in the 20th century I’m not expecting this one in the 21st century to succeed, but I could be wrong – it’s a very strong cast. The Met audience is changing, if the choices each season are any indication. It’s becoming moch more interested in new operas, and much more open to the work of black composers, and to women conductors. There are still many who are older and fond of the old standard rep, which definitely shows up when there is voting on what old recording should be played on the “Listeners Choice” weekend. But that audience is dying off, and in any case, I suspect there are more than one would expect who, like me, are very open to the new stuff. Maybe if I live long enough a star tenor will come along who believes in “The Great Gatsby” by John Harbison, and I can hear it once more. Or a star baritone who believes in “An American Tragedy” by Tobias Picker, and I can hear it for the first tiem – since the mamager of the local radio station when it was a matinee was too cowardly to air it when it was broadcast.

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PolitiZoom – Closest Trump Allies Assert Biden was Set Up in Docs Case – Why?
Quote – Little did I know as I wrote yesterday that two of Trump’s closest allies in the public sphere, blowhard Sean Hannityjob and failed Surgeon General aspirant Adm. Ronny Jackson would take to the airwaves and do precisely what I decided to do not – circulate conspiracy theories about the placement and uncovering of the classified documents in question…. Now why, when the simple facts, as known, in the case are already so damaging to the President, would two of his biggest and most ardent supporters take to the airways to suggest in any way that Biden was not responsible for the security breech?
Click through for story. I admit it occurred to me, and, based on Lona’s comment on Thursday’s video thread, it appears to have occurred to her. Of course the idea that the setup could have been done by Democrats is pure projection. You might, if you looked really hard, find a Democrat or two who might contemplate it, but it would not be anyone in leadership, and the leadership would not permit it even if someone had the temerity to suggest it. Do they know that it was done, done by them, and are they pre-emptively trying to look innocent?

HuffPost – Here’s The Real Agenda Behind The Republican Debt Ceiling Threats
Quote – As McCarthy explained it, “one of the greatest threats we have to this nation is our debt,” noting that the ratio of public debt to gross domestic product ― a widely used metric for measuring the federal government’s debt levels ― had not been this high since World War II…. It’s absolutely true that the debt-to-GDP ratio hasn’t been this high since World War II (or at any other time in U.S. history). But it was so high back then because the U.S. faced a once-in-a-lifetime crisis that required a massive, sudden, one-time burst of spending. That’s precisely what just happened because of COVID-19, and why deficits (which lead to debt) suddenly spiked.
Click through for details. McCarthy is being extremely disingenuous (which is the polite way to say “attempting deliberate fraud.”)

Food For Thought

Jan 142023

Glenn Kirschner – Another special counsel appointed: Biden and Trump’s documents issues are different as night and day

Meidas Touch – Pete Buttigieg TURNS THE TABLES on Fox Host after Attempted ‘Gotcha’ Moment

Thom Hartmann – Will GOP Bring America To Its Knees?

Ring of Fire – Unhinged Republican Congressman Calls For Investigation Into ‘Compromised’ Jill Biden

Half-Pound Kitten Now Pounces On His Siblings Every Chance He Gets

Beau – Let’s talk about Brazil and lessons….

Jan 052023

Yesterday, McCarthy continued his losing streak. The quiet part that Boehner published out loud in his book is that these people just wast chaos. They literally wasnt to make government look bad so that they can destroy it. I’m impatient for Democrats to negotiate with the few sane ones and get behind a sane person, but I do uderstand that they might want to allow this to continue for a bit longer to draw attention to Republican shenanigans. But I hope they won’t allow it to continue for 2 months and 133 ballots, as happened in 1855-56. Even with a stable White House, that would not be helpful. Meanwhile, in the Senate, Patty Murray makes history as the first female President Pro-Tem. (That’s not actually an elected office – it is the senior member of the majority party – “senior” meaning the longest-serving.) Also, the Conversation published an article about several conditions which might have caused Damar Hamlin’s incident. Not what did happen – that can’t be determined without more evidence (sometimes an autopsy, and no one wants that.)

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New York Times (no paywall) – Brazilian Authorities Will Revive Fraud Case Against George Santos
Quote – But an older criminal case may be more pressing: Brazilian law enforcement authorities intend to revive fraud charges against Mr. Santos, and will seek his formal response, prosecutors told The New York Times on Monday. The matter, which stemmed from an incident in 2008 regarding a stolen checkbook, had been suspended for the better part of a decade because the police were unable to locate him. A spokeswoman for the Rio de Janeiro prosecutor’s office said that with Mr. Santos’s whereabouts identified, a formal request will be made to the U.S. Justice Department to notify him of the charges, a necessary step after which the case will proceed with or without him.
Click through for details. I love that “with or without him.” Pray for extradition. And the next time you hear a Republican say “George Soros,” respond “You mean George Santos?”

The 19th – Democratic women who made history in 2018 are stepping into leadership in 2022
Quote – Of the 35 Democratic women first elected in 2018, 25 ran for and won reelection in 2020 and 2022. And as Democrats prepare to enter the House minority in January under new leaders, many of those women are now stepping up into increasingly powerful leadership positions and are poised to exert more influence than ever before on the future of their party. “I am somewhat biased, but I do believe that the class of 2018 was a pretty extraordinary class,” said Rep. Veronica Escobar, who was one of the first two Latinas elected to Congress from Texas that year.
Click through for story. The rising stars in that class aren’t all women, but a lot of them are.

Food For Thought

Jan 042023

Glenn Kirschner – Hope Hicks texts reveal how Trump’s inner circle KNEW Trump was responsible for the Capitol attack

MSNBC – The Good Liars Duo Reflect On Their 2022 MAGA Moments

CNN – Great-granddaughter of lynching victim becomes first Black woman justice on MI Supreme Court (hanky alert)

Farron Balanced – Republican Election Official Pleads Guilty To Massive Voter Fraud

Cat Raises His Puppy Brother

Beau – Let’s talk about Santos shenanigans….
