Mar 012025

Yesterday, I learned that one of my Senators, along with two other Democratic Senators, voted to advance the nomination of the Peach Pasha’s cabinet nominees – this one for the Department of Labor. If all Democrats on the committee had voted not to advance her, she would not have advanced. (The other two were Maggie Hassan and Tim Kaine.) I immediately sent him an email telling him to expect to be primaried in 2026. Jared Polis’s term as Governor ends at the same time Hick’s Senate term does, and I think Jared would be better. I am having more and more difficulty getting through a single day without being reminded of a short story told by Igor Stravinsky in a book of reminiscences titled Dialogues and a Diary (co-author or maybe a translator Robert Craft.) I have been looking for it on the internet in order to provide a link, but I cannot find one now, and, short though it is, it is too long to make into a meme. Fortunately I have kept a copy, and will quote it in full after today’s cartoon. It makes me somewhat uneasy that it can’t be found now, actually. Are there already people editing history? And is this where we are headed?

I realize this is already long, but the disgusting display that our so-called President and Vice president put on with Zelenskyy prompted a DU user to share this link.  It’s to what you might call a “GoFundMe for Ukraine.”  Right up front, don’t touch the “necessary” box, do click the other three, and select the middle choice (if you do it wrong, the next page’s lower left has an odd little icon you can go back with.)  This is the only way Ukraine is going to get any money from the US for the next four years.

Robert Reich on some of the more egregious lies Dork Vader Muskrat is telling. Honestly, if I have to hear or read much more projection, I’ll likely be projectile vomiting.

Another by Robert Reich. I am not putting this into Sunday’s Thread because he’s right about the “modest” part. For example, sure, it’s good that DOGE staffers are quitting because they refuse to help Dork Vader dismantle government. But it won’t be good if they are replaced with loyalists.

+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=Here is the Stravinsky story:

Though my visual impressions of world events were derived largely from films, they also were rooted in personal experience.  One day in Munich, in 1932, I saw a squad of Brown Shirts enter the street below the balcony of my room in the Bayerische Hof and assault a group of civilians.  The civilians tried to protect themselves behind sidewalk benches, but soon were crushed beneath these clumsy shields.  The police arrived, eventually, but by then the attackers had dispersed.  That same night I dined with Vera de Bosset and the photographer Eric Schall in a small Allee restaurant.  Three men wearing swastika armbands entered the room, and one of them began to talk insultingly about Jews and to aim his remarks in our direction.  With the afternoon street fight still in our eyes, we hurried to leave, but the now shouting Nazi and his Myrmidons followed, cursing and threatening us the while.  Schall protested, and at that they began to kick and hit him.  Miss de Bosset ran to a corner, found a policeman, and told him that a man was being killed, but this piece of intelligence did not rouse him to any action.  We were rescued by a timely taxi, and though Schall was battered and bloody, we went directly to a police court where the magistrate was as little perturbed with our story as the policeman had been.  “In Germany today, such things happen every minute,” was all he said.

Jan 142025

Yesterday, it occurred to me that the name Zuckerberg – with just a little bit of license – translates to “Big Rock Candy Mountain.” I couldn’t even begin to count the possible disrespectful jokes that could be gotten out of that. Also yesterday, the story which was yanked last week did get published, and I went to the new link, and it is working. Here it is. You can see why I jumped to the conclusion I did. It’s very frank.

The Reich on the left is right again. I, and progressives and liberals I am aware of, generally have positive impressions of universities, nonprofits, and labor unions. The media is in a different position. But allowing media, however imperfect, to be destroyed by The new administration’s lawsuits and other attacks is not the solution. And that goes multiple times for small and independent media, who are as much more likely to promote truth as they are to come under attack. I know I probably sound like an obsolete “broken record,” but go over to Substack, see the many people who are posting there, and if you find someone or some two or so whom you respect (and preferably whom I am not regularly citing, to broaden yourself,) sign up for a free subscription. That costs nothing but time – and knowledge is priceless.

(Edited just before midnight to add link to Jack Smith’s Volume #1 (Jan 6)

Robert Hubbell debunks all the lies being pushed by MAGA about the Los Angeles wildfire(s). Unfortunately, the LA Times, now MAGA-billionaire-owned, is widely spreading them anyway. Was it Mark Twain who said “a lie can get halfway around the world wile truth is still putting its pants on”? Or is he just one of the many to whom it has been mis-attributed? Also, you might appreciate, if you have any past or present connection to California, his next rant is here.

Jan 102025

Yesterday, I learned Ben Meiselas (and of course his family) had to be evacuated from Los Angeles. He posted a roughly 16 minute rant about how right wing lies interfere with the capability of first responders to respond – in addition to all the other results of lies, none of which are good. Barbara Lee sent an email that she is opofficially running to be mayor of Oakland, CA. Robyn Pennachia at Wonkette ranted about a white man who claimed that on 1983 he could not get a job as a firefighter because he was white. She debunks that, but doesn’t address the fact that when he graduated at 19 his GPS was 1.7. Even on a 4-iscale, that is underwater (below “C” level.) But also, when I graduated from high school at 16 California high schools were using a 5 point scale, on which a 1.7 would be under a D average. I wouldn’t have hired him for anything, ever. Also, it was cold in my house. Overnight, high winds managed to blow open my back door. Even without wind I have to stuff something between the door and the jamb to keep it shut, and the wind had blown away the felt I had in there. I had to use some cardboard instead, and it’s thick enough to leave a crack between the door and the jamb, but it has warmed up some anyway.

Also yesterday, the Supreme Court denied Trump**  a stay of his sentencing.  As you read this, he will likely have been sentenced already.

The F* News complains (with reason) that the MSM is not giving us the background information and implications of Trump**’s greed to annex other nations (allied nations). So this article goes deeper into what his ideas could result in. Y’all are intelligent and could probably work it out, but this may at least save some time. And there are a few additional topics as well.

I’m reusing an older cartoon because it just fits with this Wonkette story. I have no Constitutional problem with people wanting to send their children to private schools (I do have a problem with how that affects our national security, but freedom of choice is also important.) Just not on my dime. If I have to pay for their children’s learning (and failurses therof), where’s my freedom? Where’s my choice?

Nov 262024

Yesterday, I learned a lot of things I would prefer not to have happened (as, I’m sure, did you.) For one thing, the National Women’s Health Network is permanently shutting its doors. On the plus side, it looks as though my phone is working again. And one computer has internet access. But I need it on both. So, though I’m up to blogging again, this isn’t over. (and I had almost 300 emails in my inbox yesterday morning. I got it down to under 30, but I didn’t clear it. So today will also be busy.

I think Heather Cox Richardson is writing for reality skeptics in this post, because it sounds as though she didn’t know for absolute fact that Trump** was lying, and I’m sure she’s smarter than that These people who nightmared up (to coin a phrase) Project 2025 claim to be business people. But I have an MBA from George Washington University, and one absolutely basic principle I learned there was that if you were put in charge of a group you had no been directly promoted from, you should never institute any changes for AT LEAST SIX MONTHS. In this case that would be six months from the day you take office, not from the day you were nominated, nor from the day you were confirmed, nor from the inauguration – you need to be actively, physically in that division seeing what is actually happening for six months before changing a thing. Apparently no one ever taught these supposedly educated business people that. Or else they just think that since they are white men they must know better.

Well, this, from The Root, was definitely not on my Bongo card, and I’ll bet it wasn’t on yours either. But it certainly sounds like jolly good fun.

Nov 012024

Yesterday, of course, was Hallowe’en. Without writing a novel, I need to provide the background that one of my backups when there’s a program on the radio i don’t like (or static, even worse) is “The Score” – a one hour each week program on film music which keeps a two-week archive on line. I went there today and listened to a program on scary movies rated G. The only one i found truly terrifying, and that really only because he featured its poster, was “The House with a Clock in the Wall” from 2018. Jack Black then just looks way, way too much like JD Vance now. And he was playing the good guy!

From ProPublica. Sure, this is Tennessee. But it’s also a preview of a Trump** second term anywhere and everywhere for anyone whom Tru,p** and his demons consider to be “the enemy within.” No one deserves this.

Sheesh! They are everywhere! Shasta County isn’t in the southern part of California – it’s about halfway between Sacramento and Oregon. The county seat even has a couple of universities. Stupid just is as stupid does.

Three million blind GOPs,”, See how they lie,”, They all ran after the people’s votes, tried to claim they were faked in totes, so much dumber than baby stoats, three million blind GOPs. Pardon me, I can get flaky when I’m mad.


Oct 262024

Yesterday, having spent the week hearing about how Trump** wishes he had generals like the generals Hitler had, I think I should throw in my two cents. Hitler’s generals were not competent. This is proven by the fact that they attempted to assassinate him more than once, and failed every time. Trump** and his supporters conveniently forget that detail. Now, if he could have generals like Hitler’s generals only competent, I could live with that. Also, I did sleep in a chair, and even though I’m short on sleep as a result, my back is much, much better. I think I’ll keep doing that for a couple of weeks before trying to sleep in bed again – if as I suspect it is an arthritis flareup, those are supposed to last two to four weeks and then calm down. When my knee flared in 2018 I believe it was, it took the full four weeks, but it did calm down and has not flared since. If I can’t resolve it myself, I’ll seek medical help – but even two weeks should give me a better handle on whether to go to the sports injury center again or just to urgent care.  Also, Robert Reich‘s Election Video of the Week gotposted.

I held this story from The 19th until the weekend because it is so different from anything you’d expect to see in the leadup to a presidential election (but appropriate for Hallowe’en. I suppose the story might anger some people – I’m thinking of anti-trans people who would be upset by a family who love each other this much – and I guess it could also make folks like you and me who respect every other human to be angry at how much they have suffered. But mostly I think it’s sad. I am not trying to pick on Missouri in general nor KC in particular (Tomorrow I’ll be singing KC’s praises). These are things which could happen just about anywhere, sadly.

You probably had no idea you were waiting for Talking Points Memo to publish this opinion piece (though not without facts to back it up) addressing bipartisanship, and the current pressure, especialy on Democrats, to be more bipartisan. But here it is.

Oct 172024

Yesterday, I finished my research and filled out my ballot. I sealed and stamped it, but haven’t mailed it yet. I’ll work that out by the weekend though. There were more propositions and amendments than usual, and the big book (and it was indeed a big book) which the state publishes was useless. I think I’m smart enough to figure out from the wordings and descriptions how to vote, but in case i miss something, I also wasny to know who is advocating for and against each one. That was where Colorado Public Radio really helps. And there were no County measures at all on my ballot. i did look through the flyer to double check, and there was one for the city of Monument (on the north side of Colorado Springs), one for the city of Colorado Springs (i do not live within the city limits), one each for two school districts, neither of which was mine, and one for a fire district which also was not mine. So, i’m not sure how my school and fire districts collect the taxes due them, but however it it, it will not change next year. That’s a good thing.

Heather Cox Richardson wrote this earlier this week, but I wouldn’t call it stale. Eric Hoffer, whom she cites to good effect, wrote “The True Believer” even longer ago, and his observations are by no means stale. I read it years ago, and have remembered a lot, but had forgotten his thought on why people double down on support even when the lies are blatant – or should I say expecially when the lies are blatant.

Personally, I consider every Republlican candidate to be repulsive these days, simply because they can’t win primaries if they’re not. But that’s a digression from the main point of this story from Atlanta Black Star.

Oct 122024

Yesterday, I heard from my “frosted sister” who lives in Bradenton, FL, right in Milton’s eye. I didn’t hear sooner because she had evacuated (which I was hoping she did), but she’s going back by Monday. The only structural damage to her house this time is to a room that’s more loke a covered porch, but she also lost a shed and a lot of fencing. (Michael, I think it was, took out all her windows, and she only just finished getting them fixed earlier this year.) I’m just glad she and her family and all their pets are safe. But now there’s this (Joyce Vance)   Finally, Robert Reich’s election video week is here.

There has been a lot of complaining by people who do not follow politics that “We don’t know who [Kamala] is.” This week she has addressed that with appearances in the media which this article from HuffPo addresses – and also the effect of it on the polls (mostly good).

Living through Hurricane Milton must be just like living through the pandemic for those in the path, except that the liars aren’t in power (at least not in federal power) and not everyone lives in the danger zone. Doktor Zoom’s “Don’t make me”is actually pretty mild. I’m a “Don’t make me rethink free speech” level myself.

Belle EVs

