Aug 192021

Maybe we need to nake a category forRepublicans who are so insane and destructive that their familie turn on them.  Besides Trump** and Paul Gosar, there’s Steve Miller, and now Laura Ingraham (see Meidas Touch video below).  And I’m sure I’m missing some.

Glenn Kirschner – Why Are The Criminal Trials For Insurrection Defendants Being Set Well Out Into 2022? Here’s Why

Meidas Touch – Laura Ingraham and Dinesh D’Souza OUTED Gay Students at Dartmouth, Leading to Suicide, Allegedly

The Lincoln Project – Monster Trump Rally

The Ring of Fire – MyPillow CEO Trashes Right Wing Media Outlet After His Cyber Symposium Flopped – So funny – TC always used to say TruthOut was so far left it made him look conservative. I always found them good on facts but not so much on opinion. I still get their newsletter. TruNews, on the other hand, is a projec of Rick Wiles, who has been certifiably nuts for years, maybe decades.

MSNBC – Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Recounts Jan. 6 Moment When The ‘Jackets Came Off’

So, the Liberal Redneck is on Patreon and wants to share an excerpt of a review he did for them

Beau – Let’s talk about me giving dating advice….

Aug 182021

Glenn Kirschner – Not Enough Evidence to Criminally Investigate Trump? Really? Here’s Why That Assertion is Dead Wrong

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Meidas Touch – EXPOSED: Laura Ingraham Was Raised by a Nazi Sympathizer, Brother Reveals

“Airborne” Richard Ojeda – Who’s to Blame For Afghanistan?

The Ring of Fire – Perverts Have Found A New Home At A Pro Trump Social Media Site

Rocky Mountain Mike (is on a roll) – Reinstatement Day

Beau – Let’s talk about numbers, mistakes, and getting ready…. This is not something I haven’t thought about, and I think it quite likely that it may prevent my visiting Virgil again (still).

Aug 182021

Yesterday, having made so many typos and other errors on Monday, I tried to pull myself together. Hopefully I can be a bit more accurace today. Mitch’s issue is not yet solved, but a lot of ideas have come up that he can try, and I also sent him some links to videos to tide him over.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – School districts impose mask mandates, defying GOP governors
Quote – “We believe that we have a constitutional obligation to protect the lives of our students and staff,” Rosalind Osgood, chair of the Broward County, Fla., School Board, said on CBS’s Face the Nation. “We’ve received, you know, threats from our governor. And it’s been really, really dramatic and horrible to be put in this position.”
Click through for more. It’s going both ways I’m really, really glad I’m in a position to just stay home – I only wish everyone were.

Mother Jones – This Former Pastor Is Changing Evangelicals’ Minds on COVID Vaccines
Quote – Chang’s group produces a series of videos that dispel some of the myths that circulate widely among evangelicals—some believe that the vaccine is a form of government control or that it contains fetal tissue and is therefore pro-abortion. The group works with organizations including the National Association of Evangelicals and the Ad Council to distribute the videos both to churches and through social networks. Chang’s technique seems to be working{.}
Click through for story and a link to one of the videos. I wish I were more optimistic about who is reachable … but anyone reached will help.

Upcoming event: This Sunday, August 22, is designated “Thank a Criminal Day.” I don’t kow who designated it, because there’s very little information about it. So it’s probably not “official” in any sense. But the point is to recognize that many people who, today, are considered heroes, were, in their own time, considered and treated as criminals. Some examples are Jesus, Galileo, Gandhi, Dr. King, John Lewis, Rosa Parks, John Brown, all those people who signed the Declaration of Independence (thereby committing treason against Great Britain), and so many others. There’s a saying, “the military may defend your freedom, but it was a criminal who gave it to you.” If you think of other historical figures, please recongize them in the comments. I can think of a few who are not yet recognized widely as the heroes they are, but I can and do hope they will be someday: Thomas Drake, John Kiriakou, Jeffrey Sterling, Reality Winner. All four have served time. All four are now, thankfully, out of prison now. I certainly want to thank them. Then there’s Scott Warren, who (after two trials) was finally acquitted of the terrible felony of leaving water in the desert to prevent “illegal” immigrants from dying, but who was locked up for much of the time from the charge to the final acquittal. If you think of more like this please share their names in the comments too. Then there are those who have spent time in prison for something which was not liberating,, which was in fact reprehensible, but who turned their lives around and became heroes. John Dean comes to mind. So does our own beloved TomCat. More examples of these would also be welcomed in the comments – I know they exist. I realize the date is four days down the road, but I wanted to give people time in advance to think about it, since this is an unrecognized day; plus the fact that I am working in advance means that the work itself is often behind when posted. I absolutely did not want to miss it.
There isn’t really a place to click to. Here’s the link to how I learned of its existence (two years old, but I didn’t see it until last year – and then late).

Food for Thought –

Aug 162021

Yesterday I was pretty well behind with everything. I did learn that Mitch got back from his trip safely, but he now cannot get in to PP. So it may be a while before we hear from him. But he’s fine. Does anyone else here know anything about Apple/Mac systems and Safari? If so, would you consider allowing me to send your email to Mitch? If you aren’t getting my emails weekly, the “Contact me” link under “Other Links” on the bottom right, second to last section, above “ links, now comes to me. If your email client is not set to pop up, right-click on it, select “copy email address,” and then paste it into your address line. I don’t swear that will work in every browser, but hopefully it will. If it doesn’t, you could leae a comment and let me know it’s OK – you don’t have to put your address in the comment, as WordPress will record your email in a place that only Administrators can see.

Cartoon –

There’s a typo in it – it was 11 seconds, not 0.11.

Short Takes –

Democratic Underground – Mary Trump: the most cogent description ever of our current peril as a democracy
Quote – McConnell is the greatest traitor to this country since Robert E. Lee (with the difference that McConnell has been trying to take our country down from within). He has always been expert at using existing rules and procedures in ways they weren’t intended to be used, and yet—whether it was denying Merrick Garland a hearing, pushing through Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation, or ending the filibuster as it applied to Supreme Court nominees but employing it to block legislation that would expand voting rights—his anti-democratic maneuvers have been performed within the bounds of the system.
Click through for the rest, and then, if you like, click through again to the meta-source.

PolitiZoom – WATCH: COVID ‘Shedding’ Theory Is More Deranged Than You Can Possibly Imagine
Quote – It is astonishing to me that as a species we have done remarkable things like send mankind into outer space. We’ve built technological marvels. We’ve extended life expectancy and the quality of life with surgical procedures and medicinal interventions of one kind or another. We’ve invented communication devices and transportation that were beyond imagining a century ago. Yet despite all that, there are people who listen to this level of ignorant witchcraft fear mongering and believe it to be true. “Don’t go near the vaccinated. They’ll contaminate you. They’ll shed on you.” Shed how? Hair, skin, cooties? Frankly, I’d rather listen to tales of witchcraft and sorcery than this non-intellectual make believe hooey.
Click through for story. I could go on quite a rant here, but I’ll restrain myself.

Washington Examiner – Rachel Maddow reports sign of life in Georgia criminal investigation of Trump 2020 election efforts
Quote – Prosecutors began the investigation in February, following Trump’s call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which he asked the official to “find” the 11,780 votes sufficient to reverse his loss. Maddow told her audience on Friday that she had an “exclusive” with new information regarding a top official at the Justice Department that will help the process move forward.
Click through for story, and then through again to Maddow Blog if you like.

Food for Thought –

Aug 142021

So yesterday I attempted to get my new noise generator up and running … and coudn’t get a peep outof it. So I fired off an email to customer service. In the eantime, the travel size works just fine. As far as weather – we’ve been hotter – but our air quality is the pits. We are a large, smoke-filled room. I’m staying in, thanks.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – Census shows US growth driven by minorities; white pop falls under 60 percent
Quote – A part of that decrease comes as a result of a new effort by the Census Bureau to measure the number of people who identify as multiracial, a population that skyrocketed over the last decade. But much of the drop in the white population, experts and demographers said, stems from an aging demographic that is producing fewer children later in life. “Whites, no matter how you count them, declined since 2010,” said William Frey, a senior demographer at the Brookings Institution.
Click through for exact numbers and ramifications. I consider this to be excellent news, but you know you can hear RWNJ heads exploding all over.

HuffPost – 3 Former Cops Charged In Wrongful Conviction That Sent A Man To Prison For 25 Years
Quote – It is exceedingly rare for law enforcement officials to face criminal prosecution in relation to their roles in wrongful convictions. But reviewing wrongful convictions has been a key agenda item for Krasner, one of the leaders of the progressive prosecutor movement. In 2018, his office created the Conviction Integrity Unit, which has helped secure exonerations for 22 people. At least 18 of the exonerated were Black men. The detectives charged on Friday worked on at least four of the cases that the Conviction Integrity Unit has helped overturn.
Click through for details, including (trigger warning) description of initial interrogation and also the Grand Jury findings document. This is why I actually sent money to Krasner’s campaign. Not much, but some. Oh, and there’s a little video too.

Reuters – U.S. Homeland Security warns fresh COVID-19 restrictions could spark violent attacks
Quote – In an interview with CNN, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said his department considered domestic violent extremists to constitute “the greatest terrorist-related threat to our homeland.” He said the Department was seeing expressions of extremism fueled by “false narratives” and “ideologies of hate.” U.S. Representative Bennie Thompson, chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, welcomed the DHS warning but said it was “troubling that the terrorism threat increasingly is based on grievance-based violence and conspiracy theories, especially related to the election and former President Trump.”
Click through. Dam right they “could” (read “will.” They won’t be happy unless they can kill all of us – but they’ll settle for any of us (and even some of themselves.) Here’s just one example. 

Food for Thought –

Aug 132021

Yesterday my new noise generator came, a day earlier than expected, and I didn’t get it set up yet. So, still “to be contiued.” Although with Mitch in Maine (though he should be back soon, maybe today), Pat away with family for the weekend (grandparents can also have empty nests), and Nameless having refrigerator issues (hopefully resolved soon?) I’m not sure there’s much interest.

Cartoon – (Incidentally, do read yesterdays cartoon again, or look up “quagga” on Wikipedia.  They are being brought back naturally, through selective breeding.  This is only possible because they are not a species but a subspecies.

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – New Oath Keepers Indictment Adds Defendants, Charges To Jan. 6 Conspiracy Case
Quote – The release of a fifth superseding indictment against the Oath Keepers involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection—adding two more men, one from Georgia and another from Florida, to what is now a total of 16 co-conspirators in the case, as well as further charges against one of the women already indicted—is stark testament to how the evidence against the Patriot organization’s members for their key role in the attack on Congress that day has been mounting steadily, doubtlessly aided by the participants who have turned state’s evidence.
Click through for deets. I wanted to talk about this, because this is how you handle a case that you need to get a start on even though you may not be ready for court. Each superseding indictment resets the clock on the right to a speedy trial. And that suggests the question, “So why aren’t they doing this with Trump**?” Well, in my opinion (granted, that and $5 will get yu a cup of coffee) they are not doing it with Trump** because his crazy followers would pose a greater public danger if he were locked up than they do if he is merely being investigated (and that very quietly) and blathering. As crazy as the Oath Keepers are, locking up groups of them doesn’t precipitate the same publc hazard, because it’s pretty clear that, if they try, they will also get locked up speedily. MAGAts not affiliated with any particular group, or even with many different smaller groups, are more susceptible to the “They can’t arrest all of us” mentality.

HuffPost – After 8 Months, Cities And States Are Still Sitting On Rental Aid
Quote – The amount is significant: $46.5 billion, a sum that nearly matches the entire annual budget of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. States, counties and cities with populations of at least 200,000 were eligible for the money, which offers up to 15 months of rental assistance to low-income individuals (12 months of past-due payments and three months for the future). But that money has been incredibly slow in getting to the people who need it the most. Through June, only 15 states and the District of Columbia had spent 10% or more of their Emergency Rental Assistance Program funds, which were initially approved by Congress in December.
Click through for story. The bottom line, it appears to me, is that Congress actually DID think of “the people sitting around waiting for money” and authorized this so that low-income people could actually pay them. But instead of goig after this money in their own states and localities, they’d rather sue tobe able to evict people. Am I off-base here? Be honest.

Mother Jones – QAnon Hero Claims to Present Sensitive Election Files at MyPillow CEO Event
Quote – On Wednesday, computer files apparently associated with the Mesa County election system were presented and analyzed live on a giant screen behind the stage by [Ron] Watkins, who beamed into the event via livestream. In a confusing back and forth, Watkins told the crowd that his lawyer instructed him to say that the files were from hard drives taken “without authorization” from [Tina] Peters’ [top Mesa County election official] office, and the hard drives should be returned to the clerk, and “we should stop this data review.” Peters then came on stage and said the the hard drives did not come from her office, “unless it happened during the raid.” Watkins then spoke again, saying that the drives made their way to him via Sheronna Bishop, a right-wing activist from Colorado who was reportedly one of Rep. Lauren Boebert’s campaign managers in 2020.
Click through for more. Mesa County is on the Western Slope, close to the border with Utah and about halfway between the northern and southern borders of Colorado. I’m almosy glad this was Colorado, because I guarantee Jena Griswold will get to the bottom of what happened, and I can’t say that about the secretary of state of every state. But I’ll bet Jena is furious.

Food for Thought –

Aug 112021

Glenn Kirschner – Interview w/Rep. Swalwell About Impeachment, Trump’s Election Attacks, Enforcing Subpoenas & More

Don Winslow Films – #MyLetterToRepublicans

The Lincoln Project – Marjorie Taylor Greene at AL GOP fundraiser

Ring of Fire – Trump Supporter Gets Busted For Voter Fraud, Then Charged With Murder (CO man tring to complete with FL man) Here is the latest update 

Now This News – Mattel Creates Barbie to Honor COVID-19 Vaccine Co-Creator (something probably no one cares about but me. But it does help, not all girls, but some girls.)

Baby Magpie Falls In Love With His Rescuer’s Cat (The title is just the tip of this iceberg – you may not need a hanky – but you may.

Beau – Let’s talk about what it means to be woke and Garth Brooks….

Aug 102021

Yesterday I got my grocery delivery and put all the perishables away – probably today I’ll put away the toilet paper and glue, and the bottled beverages. If I have room. I also placed an order for a new noise generator, because the one I have has been, for the last couple of nights, starting and stopping unpredictably which interferes with my sleep.  I’m aware it may not be the machine but the cord – but I can’t check that out without moving my mattress and I haven’t felt up to that. Besides, they are not terribly pricey. I just got a class action settlement which will cover it twice over (and you know how skimpy they are LOL.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Reuters – Prehistoric cave paintings in Spain show Neanderthals were artists
Quote – Pigments were made in the caves at different times up to 15,000 and 20,000 years apart, the study found, and dispel an earlier suggestion that they were the result of a natural oxide flow rather than being man-made. “The importance is that it changes our attitude towards Neanderthals. They were closer to humans. Recent research has shown they liked objects, they mated with humans and now we can show that they painted caves like us,” he said.
Click through for story.   I always like to stick up for the Neanderthalers. I’m convinced our worst traits as a species are not from them, but from ourselves.

Former Acting A.G. Jeffrey Rosen May Be Trump’s John Dean
Quote – Following the closed-door testimony, Senator Blumenthal stated that Rosen “discussed previously reported incidents, including his interactions with Mr. Clark, with the Senate Judiciary Committee. He called Mr. Rosen’s account ‘dramatic evidence of how intent Trump was in overthrowing the election.'” Additionally, Senator Blumenthal said that Rosen “presented new facts and evidence that led him to believe that the committee would need to answer ‘profound and important questions’ about the roles that individuals in Mr. Trump’s orbit played in the effort to undermine the peaceful transition of power.”
Click through for train of thought. Of course it’s pure speculation, at best an educated guess. But it would be nice.

LA Times – Why are vaccination rates so low? We found the worst county in each state and asked the politicians
Quote – Among the mayors who supported vaccination, the dominant sentiment was that they had done all they could to raise the rates and were never going to succeed.
Click through if you like, The response rate was low, and those who answered, asnwered exactly as you would expect. But the chart is interesting. I had to turn off my ad blocker, so I put the chart into a Word documebt (and I can make a pdf from it in seconds if that is preferred) and can send it easily.

Food for Thought – I like the way he conceptualizes.
