Aug 272021

Glenn Kirschner – Federal Judge Sanctions 9 Pro-Trump Lawyers for Fraudulent Lawsuit Challenging Election Results

I don’t find that he links to the (110 page) opinion, but I will

Don Winslow Films – #TrumpMadeInChina

Really American – Marjorie Greene Returns To Twitter After Spewing Insane Conspiracies

Robert Reich – The Real Socialism in America is Not What You Think

Tiniest Kitten Is The Biggest Fighter

Beau – Let’s talk about the FDA approval and why you should get vaccinated now….

Aug 272021

Yesterday, I got my grocery deliviery and managed to get it all put away – not just the perishables. They were out of some things, but they didn’t attempt to substitute, for which I am most grateful. And i won’t run low on anything they didn’t have – I was ordering ahead.While I was in the living room waitig at the laptop, I decided to start going through TC’s old cartoons for September, and I found about 2/3 of the are usable. The ones which, for one reason or another, aren’t, I went theough a history site and found events to use to make new ones (a few days I am spoiled for choice.) That is quite a relief actually – getting that done, I mean. It was unbelievably humid here – for a while I thought I was back in the tropics. But it stared raining and cooled down. i wish that meant we were not in drought conditions, but alas, it doesn’t.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

I normally feature a video clip daily by “Beau of the Fifth Column,” and I have one today. It’s factual, and timely, and good information. But I also wanted to share a second one, and decided to do so here. This one is also relevant and factual, but it also pokes well deserved fun at MAGAts, anti-vaxxers, who don’t liev in really rural areas – I’m afraid it cracked me up.
Click through to watch.

Wonkette – Massachusetts Schoolchildren Saw Goody Johnson … Wait, No, They’re Calling For Her Pardon
Quote – Elizabeth Johnson Jr. was 22 when she was among those convicted of being in league with the devil and sentenced to death. She was never executed, but her conviction for being a witch remains on the books in Massachusetts. More than 300 years later, an eighth-grade civics class and a state senator are trying to do right by Johnson and finally get her an official exoneration. Of the 30 people convicted of witchcraft, Johnson is the only one the state of Massachusetts still legally classifies as a convicted felon and a witch.
Click through for the story It always makes me happy when a school class or group takes on an injustice.I realize not all the kids are all right, but many more are than not, and the experience of this accomplishment is a wonderful thing for them to have to prepare for the responsibilities of adult citizenship.

Democratic Underground – David Rothkopf: The reality of what we’re getting from our government right now.
I’m going to quote heavily from this because it’s from an (unrolled) Twitter thread, which makes it hard to see how heavy quoting would violate copyright. And also because the vastness of what it covers is such a big part of the message. But I cant quote it all. So you may still want to cleck through.
Quote – Right now, the administration is conducting a massive operation in Kabul that has resulted in the evacuation of 50,000 people in eight days. It is also overseeing a life and death battle against COVID that has already resulted in over 200,000,000 Americans receiving the vaccine.

It is also in the midst of negotiations in support of the passage of a vitally needed $1 trillion infrastructure bill, the biggest the US has passed in decades. It is also, at the same time on Capitol Hill involved in negotiations to pass a $3.5 trillion budget package. Taken together these two congressional initiatives would lead to the biggest investment America has made in itself and in projects vital to our national security and well-being in more than half a century.

The Department of Justice is working on hundreds of cases related to the attempted coup against the United States government on January 6th while actively conducting programs to reduce the future risk of domestic violent extremism. DoJ has also made it a priority to combat a nationwide voter suppression campaign by the GOP and abuses in the country’s police departments. Elsewhere the government has mounted an unprecedented campaign to battle the climate crisis, its consequences and to undo widespread efforts to put our environment at risk. Part of the effort to get out of Afghanistan involves ramping up programs to help Afghans who aided us find refuge in our country–programs that were shut down, stopped cold, under the Trump Administration.

At the same time, the administration is also trying to undo the damage done by their predecessors at the southern border and the Vice President has been instrumentally involved in seeking to restore programs that would reduce migrant flows at their sources in Central America.

in addition, the administration has been appointing judges at a faster clip than its predecessors and doing so in way that is bringing unprecedented diversity to the nation’s courts after years of efforts by the opposition to pack those courts.

What is more it is not just doing all these things–all these big, complex, urgent, essential things–at once, but it is doing them against scorched earth opposition that does not care who dies, whether they tell truth or lies, or whether the national interest is protected.

Because you likely have never seen this kind of display of government management virtuosity before. It’s hard to see the big picture sometimes for all the headlines…but this is the reality of what we’re getting from our government right now.

Food for Thought –

Aug 262021

Glenn Kirschner – House Select Committee Demands Records Relating to 1/6 Attack for Trump, his Family, Advisors & More

Rep. Tim Ryan … in a tweet

Don Winslow Films – #VoteRacistTrumpOut

Really American – Governor Abbott downplays COVID, gets Sick

Liberal Redneck – An excerpt from another profile Trae did for Patreon. The fine print at YouTube show directions to the whole profile.

Frozen Kitten Brought Back To Life by Family UPDATE

Beau – Let’s talk about a technique for reaching out to your parents…. [or anyone older … or anyone who thinks they know more than you for whatever reason]

Aug 252021

Glenn Kirschner – Proud Boy Enrique Tarrio Sentenced to Prison But the Fed Prosecutors Might Not Be Done With Him Yet. Ask an American what the word “jurisdiction” means, and, unless you are asking an attorney or a cop or an amateur student of crime (in fact or fiction),you may get a blank stare. (And then people complain about the “justice system” – as if there were one, not hundreds.)

Don Winslow Films – #VoteRacistTrumpOut

Really American – Governor Abbott downplays COVID, gets Sick

The Hill – Jen Psaki CALLS OUT Fox News reporter for misrepresenting what she said

PBS – The Pandemic That Lasted 15 Million Years. Well, this is a fine kettle of fish (and other species.) There is A LOT of information in it so you may want to come back to it.

PUPPET REGIME – The Delta Skelter Song

Let’s talk about Trump’s most presidential act….

Aug 242021

Yesterday, I was mostly able to rest. I know it looks like I did a lot of work, but most of the stuff more or less fell into my lap. I was able to do some crocheting (I’m working on a top for a friend who helps me out a lot – with rides when my Dodge was falling apart to picking up prescriptions that I can’t have mailed to sending her sons over to deal with my yard. And more. I like to show I’m grateful.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

AP News – Rev. Jesse Jackson, wife Jacqueline hospitalized for COVID
Quote – Jesse Jackson, 79, is vaccinated against the virus and received his first dose in January during a publicized event as he urged others to receive the inoculation as soon as possible. He and his wife, 77, are being treated at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
Click through for details (including some unrelated ones). Of course Jesse is fully vaccinated. I’ve not seen credible confirmation that Jacqueline is, but it would surprise me if she were not. Prayers still won’t hurt.

The Hill – Arizona elections officials launch bipartisan assault on GOP audit
Quote – Hobbs, Richer and others who object to the Senate-ordered review have been particularly critical of Cyber Ninjas and its chief executive, Doug Logan, who spread misinformation about the 2020 election before the firm was hired. The Senate signed Cyber Ninjas, a firm with no experience in conducting election audits, without a bid process, even though an experienced election audit firm had offered its own services.
Click Through for story. It’s nice that this is bipartisan. I have worked with many Republican County Clerks and Secretaries of State who took their jobs seriously and did not cheat. I’m glad there are still some around.

The New Yorker (Borowitz Report) – F.D.A. Withdraws Approval from “Whatever Drug Rand Paul Is On”
Quote – The agency emphasized that it did not know what drug the senator was taking, or whether he was taking any drug at all, but asserted that it was withdrawing its approval out of a concern for public safety.
Click through – This is the same day they approved the Pfizer CoViD vaccine. They are on a roll!

Food for Thought –

Aug 232021

Glenn Kirschner – A Colorado Election Official, A Security Breach, An FBI Investigation & My Pillow Guy’s Safe House. Oh, sure, it’s funny to Glenn – it’s not his state.

Meidas Touch – DeSantis ad

Don Winslow – My Letter to Republicans

The Lincoln Project – DeSantis Lies

Really American – Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Making Variants Worse

Armageddon Update: FUBARistan

Kitten Abandoned at Playground Rescued by Sweetest Guy

Beau – Let’s talk about the Saigon analogy….

Aug 202021

Glenn Kirschner – Kushner Associate, Ken Kurson, Pardoned by Trump – Now Indicted in NY. Hey DA Vance, Now Do Bannon

Meidas Touch – America’s Biggest Loser

MSNBC – Texas Schools Find Loophole For Mask Mandate Ban: The Dress Code

Ring of Fire – Anti Vaxxer Goes Totally Berserk During Townhall Meeting In San Diego. (Oh, gosh, Colleen, I’m so sorry you are geographically near this guy.

Liberal Redneck – Mike Pence and the Taliban

Stray Mama Cat Was So Feral That Rescuer Had To Wear Gloves Around Her

Beau – Let’s talk about what my life would be like if I was single….

Aug 202021

Yesterday, I finished loading meds to shift my replacement times to the opposite weekends and free up this one. Since I can’t seem to get my car radio working and don’t have time to get it repaired or replaced, I started hunting up my mp3 players to find one that works. The first one i found, though it said it was working (with a new battery,) I couldn’t get any sound out of, either with earphones nor with the portable speaker, which I would prefer to use. The second one has its battery built in but it was competely discharged, so I started charging it up, and, when partiallly charged, it started to play. I tried it with the speaker and the speaker works with it. However, I did not figure out how to add additional music to it, nor how to turn it off. So I started looking for an owner’s manual on line. I also completed my draft of the Furies (if any day of the blog suffers from this visit, it won’t be Sunday, it’ll be Monday.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – Suspect taken into custody after claiming to have bomb near Capitol
Quote – Manger said police were able to see a propane gas container on the truck. But he said officials have not yet been able to search his vehicle, adding they still need to “render it safe.” “It will take hours to assess the scene,” he said.
Click through for developments. Well, this was exciting (and a good reason to prefer boredom to excitement.)

HuffPost – Top General: No Intel That Afghan Government Would Fall In 11 Days
Quote – “There was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days,” said Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He said the U.S. anticipated “multiple scenarios.”
Click through for more. High tech intelligence is wonderful, but one can become too dependent o it. There’s a line from “Dr. Atomic”: “With respect, sir, anyone could have founf Los Alamos just by following the trail of beer cans from Santa Fe.” Beer cans (and the like) sould never be discounted.

Mother Jones – “Bar Rescue” Host and Laura Ingraham Discuss Cutting Unemployment Aid to Make Workers “Hungry” Like an “Obedient Dog”
Quote – I have a friend in the military who trains military dogs, Laura. And they only feed a military dog at night. Because a hungry dog is an obedient dog. Well, if we’re not causing people to be hungry to work then we’re providing them with all the meals they need sitting at home. I’m completely with you Laura. These benefits make absolutely no sense to us.
Click through for details, including nopologies. If you ever needed proof that the right wing does not consider “some people” to be human – here it is.+

Food for Thought –

