Sep 072021

Yesterday, I piddled around with a bunch of small household tasks. Can’t say as I really accomplished much, but sometimes getting a bunch of little stuff out of the way does feel like accomplishment.

Cartoon – Incidentally, I own a framed copy of the print made from this rendition by Bryan Moon of that occasion.  I love his work.

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Pathetic Arizona Manbabies Cosplay Gomer Pyle At Elementary School
Quote – Now, I could write a normal article, citing The Washington Post and Daily Beast, outlining the absurd and outrageous details of this dangerous nonsense. Frankly, these three don’t deserve the national attention or my resultant rise in blood pressure. Instead, I shall vent my spleen, and open a good, old-fashioned can of Brooklyn whoop-ass on them, as god and my DNA intended.
In case you missed this, click through. The principal is physically fine, as is the other staff member, but both were naturally terrified. Since, she has received so much support from the community, she can’t talk about it without tearing up with gratitude

CNN (H/T Carrie B) – Like Washington and Jefferson, he championed liberty. Unlike the founders, he freed his slaves
Quote – It was 230 years ago Sunday that Robert Carter III, the patriarch of one of the wealthiest families in Virginia, quietly walked into a Northumberland County courthouse and delivered an airtight legal document announcing his intention to free, or manumit, more than 500 slaves. He titled it the “deed of gift.” It was, by far, experts say, the largest liberation of Black people before President Abraham Lincoln signed the District of Columbia Emancipation Act and Emancipation Proclamation more than seven decades later.
Click through for the full (and virtually unknown) story. It deserves to be known far and wide. (Without going into detail, it appears possible that Carter Burwell, composer of the music for many films, especially Coen Brothers films, is a descendant.)

Common Dreams – House Dems Introduce Bill to Lower Medicare Age to 60
Quote – Researchers have found that there is a massive increase in the diagnosis of cancer among Americans who reach the age of 65 that could have been detected much earlier if they had access to Medicare.
Click through for some whats, whos, and whys. If we have to do it five years at a time, then that’s the way we will have to do it.

Food for Thought (Good news for mw) –

Sep 042021

Meidas Touch – Jaime Harrison DESTROYS ‘Criminal’ Kevin McCarthy

MSNBC – Deadline White House

MSNBC – Figliuzzi: Senate Asked All Wrong Questions About The Pro-Trump Attack On Capitol

Acurate Transcript here

Lakota Peoples Law Project – NoDAPL: Ruby Montoya is Not a Terrorist

Really American – Hillary Proven Right Again

Corey Ryan Forrester – Anti Vaxxer Defends the Children at City Council Meeting

Beau – Let’s talk about that law in Texas and tattoos….

Sep 032021

Yesterday, I was a little drowsy, having not slept well. As long as i could manage to do what I needed to do, I welcomed that – hoping it would help me get to sleep early last night, which I needed to do in order to get up so early today. By the time you see this (which should be fairly early), I will already be on the road. I’ll respond to comments when I return.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Hill – Federal judge approves bankruptcy settlement for Purdue Pharma
Quote – Purdue, the maker of OxyContin, filed for bankruptcy in 2019 in an attempt to settle about 3,000 lawsuits from states, tribes and other local entities related to the company’s aggressive opioid marketing that they argue contributed to the opioid crisis that has killed nearly 500,000 people over the past 20 years. The settlement plan would shield members of the Sackler family and hundreds of their associates from future opioid lawsuits.
Click through for details. “Controversial” apparently in this case (as too often) being a euphemism for “outrageous.” I will say it sounds like the judge was holding his nose when he signed it.

Crooks and Liars – Even Karl Rove Is Bashing Madison Cawthorn
Quote – Rove wants the Congressman to focus more on Western North Carolina and less on traveling around the country. If it’s his own money then that would be fine, but he’s using his donors’ money to fund his trips around the country to focus on grievance politics. He’s already burnt through much of his coffers at this point.
Click through for a little more detail. His primary opponent is hitting this hard against him. But … look at all the people who voted for Mr. “Not paying taxes makes me smart.” Sigh.

New York Times – Go-to Lawyer for Capitol Riot Defendants Disappears   (Following up)
Quote – While the government has not yet weighed in on the merits on [Pierce’s] claims, prosecutors did express concern in their letters filed on Monday about the young associate, Ryan Joseph Marshall, who has been standing in for Mr. Pierce at the hearings he has missed. For one thing, Mr. Marshall is not a licensed lawyer, prosecutors said, and has taken actions on behalf of clients “that he is not permitted” to take. Moreover, they went on, it remains unclear if and when Mr. Marshall will be able to get his law license given that he is under indictment in two criminal cases accusing him of corruption, theft and fraud in Pennsylvania. Mr. Pierce’s situation is not his first encounter with personal and professional setbacks. Last year, his law firm nearly collapsed in a swirl of debts and resignations. Then his most prominent client, Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man charged with murder at a racial justice protest in Wisconsin last year, fired him in a highly public spat that included allegations that a charity arranged for the defense had engaged in financial improprieties.
Click through for a lot of information. I really hope y’all can get past the paywall. This is so much more bizarre than any secondary source has yet published.

Food for Thought –

Addendum:  The dude who assaulted the reporter has been nabbed.

Sep 012021

Glenn Kirschner – Congress Prepares to Subpoena…Members of Congress. What might Jim Jordan Do if Forced to Testify?

MSNBC Chris Hayes – U.S. Troops Are Finally Out Of Afghanistan–And It’s Remarkable

The Lincoln Peoject – Last Week in the Republica Party

Really Americn – Attorney General Must Arrest Trump Now

Robert Reich – Is Billionaire Philanthropy a Sham?

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian – Explaining Humans to Aliens

Parody Project – MISS ME

Beau – Let’s talk about safe passage and a continuation of politics by other means….

Aug 312021

Glenn Kirschner – 3 Judicial Fixes: Increase Justices; Accelerated Docket for Inter-Branch Disputes; Court Watching. I do think maybe if we increase the number of Federal Judges in the Districys and in Appeals,we might have a better chance of getting consensus on increasing the Supreme Court as well. Maybe not … but it couldn’e hurt.

Don Winslow Films – #KevinMcCarthyScandal

Now This News – Jen Psaki on U.S-Made Weapons Falling Into Hands of Taliban. She has a lot more patience than I have.

Really American – Rand Paul Pushes Horse Medication

Liberal Redneck – Ivermectin (I know – not in accordance with medical ethics – but so tempting!)

Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq – Stop Being An Arsehole (Live At Bedfringe)

Beau – Let’s talk about learning from history….

Aug 312021

Yesterday, I received 3 packages from UPS and one from USPS. The one from USPS was small and delivered to my mailbox, so since I had to go out to the curb anyway, I bindled up a bunch of plastic shipping material (“popcorn” and heavy duty bubble wrap mostly), took it to the trash, and then took the trash to the curb. Today or tomorrow I’ll break up a few boxes and do the same for the recyclables. Pickip os Thursday, and I don’t put stuff out every week. Otherwise, the day was pretty uneventful.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Department of Justice – St. Paul Woman Charged in Child Sex Trafficking Conspiracy
Quote – According to court documents, from May 2020 through December 2020, Gisela Castro Medina, 19, and co-defendant Anton Joseph Lazzaro, 30, conspired with each other and others to recruit and solicit six minor victims to engage in commercial sex acts. Castro Medina, who was arrested on August 12, 2021, in Okaloosa County, Florida, made her initial appearance earlier today before Magistrate Judge Hope T. Cannon, in U.S. District Court in Pensacola, Florida.
Click through for DOJ press release. This has taken a couple of weeks to surface, but I figured the DOJ version would be the least sensational, and it appears to be. Law & Crime has photos.

The Daily Beast – ‘Wacky Guy’ Angrily Confronts NBC News Correspondent During Live Hurricane Report
Quote – Explaining that the rain had stopped in the area and mail delivery had returned in Gulfport, Brewster reported that the mayor of the town was still enforcing a curfew as they surveyed the damage. At the same time, a pickup truck pulled over in the background of Brewster’s shot, with a large, middle-aged man jumping out of the vehicle and running towards the NBC News crew. Keeping his composure, Brewster attempted to continue to deliver his report on the hurricane’s aftermath, but the man eventually grew disruptive and began shouting at both the camera crew and the reporter.
Click through for story and video. This kind of thing just breaks my heart.

AP News – Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, partner wed in New Mexico
Quote – Haaland wore a dress designed and sewn by her sister, said Interior Department spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz. The ceremony incorporated elements honoring her Native American ancestry. The former New Mexico congresswoman is a member of the Laguna Pueblo. According to Schwartz, guests had to be vaccinated to attend and wear masks per CDC and New Mexico guidelines.
Click through for story and photo. She looks absolutely gorgeous. They both do.

Food for Thought –

Aug 302021

Glenn Kirschner – First Insurrection Trial Set for 10/18; Answers to FAQs About the Insurrection Cases

Meidas Touch – Is Being an Anti-Vax, Anti-Mask Parent CHILD ABUSE?! | Legal AF

Ring of Fire – Marjorie Taylor Greene Is FURIOUS That Republicans Won’t Follow Her Plan To Impeach Biden

Crooks and Liars – DeJuana Thompson, founder of “Wpke Vote.”

Also Crooks and Liars – CIA Expert Explains Why No One Should Second Guess Biden

In Memory of Ed Asner (RIP)

Rocky Mountain Mike – Medicine For Horses, It’s Lame

Beau – Let’s talk about a story for people in Louisiana…. I looked at that title and thought I probably would not share it … and then I listened.

Aug 282021

Glenn Kirschner – Florida Judge Rules Gov. Ron DeSantis CAN NOT Stop Schools From Requiring Masks to Protect Children

Don Winslow Films – #TheTruthAboutIvanka

Meidas Touch – Texas Democrat: Greg Abbott is a Psychopathic Murderer

The Lincoln Project – Pro-Life

Really American – Republicans Taking Horse De-Wormers

Trump’s the Disease That Keeps on Spreading, by Mangy Fetlocks

Al Franken on The Only Former U.S. Senator on Tour Tour (Yes, it’s a promo. But he’s funny.

Let’s talk about civilians, equipment, troops in that order….
