Nov 112021

Glenn Kirschner – It’s Raining Congressional Subpoenas; Now More Than Ever, DOJ Must Indict Steve Bannon

Meidas Touch – GOP Lies

The Lincoln Project – Rebuild

Robert Reich – Is This Fall’s Labor Strike Wave a Tipping Point?

Rob Rogers – Melting Agenda (from 11/3)

Brent Terhune – Sesame Street Muppet Speaks Out (Brent is so good at this, I feel the need to remind everyone that this is ]

Beau – Let’s talk about a message to conservative parents….

Nov 112021

Yesterday, we were a bit shorthanded here. Pat took the day off for her birthday, and SoINeedAName’s computer suffered the Blue Screen Of Death so he was just able to post a short comment from his phone. Never a dull moment!

Cartoon –









Short Takes –

Black Girl Dies by Suicide in Utah School District Rife With Racism
Quote – A 10-year-old Black girl who was a student in a Utah school district that had been the subject of a federal racism investigation hanged herself over the weekend, leaving her family distraught over what they say were unanswered calls to address bullying. The girl’s mom, Brittany Tichenor, said she had contacted the Davis School District “multiple times” to discuss how her daughter Isabella was mistreated by her peers after starting fifth grade just months ago. Through sobs, Tichenor described during a news conference the relentless teasing that her daughter—one of just a few Black students at the Foxboro Elementary School—had endured without much help from school administrators.
Click through for background and story – if you can stand to. Rest in peace, sweet Izzy.

Crroks and Liars – Wait Until You Hear Why Cop Didn’t Render Aid To Ahmaud Arbery
Quote – Former Officer Ricky Minshaw was asked by prosecutor Larissa Ollivierre how Ahmaud Arbery appeared when he arrived at the scene. Minshew said he was face-down and looked “unresponsive to his surroundings, he appeared to be deceased.”
Click through for a little more and a video.

KSL (Salt Lake City) – District investigates after teacher turns Veterans Day talk into message against vaccine, socialism
Quote – “It was just basically full of anti-Asian rhetoric talking about how people getting free handouts like food from the grocery store is anti-American and for lazy people….” The parent also claimed Law expressed his support for the Jan. 6 riot in Washington, D.C., and that the “government telling us we should get vaccinated is the government being a bully and we need to fight back against the bullies.”
Click through for the whole disturbing tale. The station will not back up Linked in’s claim that he attended the Air Force Academy, but it’s certinly not impossible. The AFA has a long and notorious history of denyong church-state separation.

Food for Thought –

Nov 102021

Glenn Kirschner – Garland’s “Enviable” Position as Attorney General; The Decision to Prosecute Bannon is an Easy One

Meidas Touch – Josh Hawley HUMILIATES himself with bizarre rant on porn and masculinity

MSNBC – Prosecutor In Trump Camp’s Effort To Reverse Georgia Result Considering Special Grand Jury

Ring of Fire – California History Teacher Removed For Telling Students Trump Is Still President

Really American – Gosar Posts Bizarre Video Threatening Biden and AOC

John di Domenico- Trump’s Foul-Mouthed Netflix Comedy Special Trailer

Beau – Let’s talk about Texas, schoolbooks, and the Attorney General’s race….

Nov 092021

Glenn Kirschner – Once Judge Chutkan Denies Trump’s Bogus Executive Privilege Claim, Will Appellate Court Act Swiftly?

MeidasTouch – Insurrectionist Jenna Ryan who bragged she’s “definitely not going to jail” gets prison sentence

MSNBC – Even “Q” Is Disavowing Some of QAnon’s Fringe Conspiracy Theories

Really American – Ted Cruz Goes After Big Bird As Government Propagandist

Now This News – ‘Sesame Street’ Characters Get Vaccinated (this is what pissed off Ted Cruz – but you knew that.))

Rocky Mountain Mike – Brandon and Karen (parody of Mellenkamp, Jack and Diane)

Beau – Let’s talk about how Republicans plan to win in 2022 and 2024….

Nov 082021

Glenn Kirschner – Jeffrey Clark Violates Congressional Subpoena but w/Steve Bannon Still Unindicted, Will it Matter?

Rebel HQ – Ricky Schroder Calls For Chaos On Veteran’s Day

RepresentUs – Sen. Manchin: Be America’s Quarterback, Protect Voting Rights (They are airing it in the right place, I’ll give them that. But optimism, I don’t have.)

Ring of Fire – Republicans Who Believe Trump’s Election Lies Are NOT Planning On Sitting Out Midterms (Well, yeah – Republicans lie. Surprise!)

Sprouts – Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity

Washington Post/Smithsonian – The crane that fell for her keeper (h/t Mitch)

Beau – Let’s talk about what Democrats can learn from the election results….

Nov 082021

Yesterday, it was fairly quiet again. I had actually waited until morning to change the clocks, which I did when I got up, and also managed to change the newest one, which also shows date and temperature, from Centigrade to Fahrenheit. Let’s just say that was not intuitive. I know, it’s less scientific, but it’s more meaningful to me, being what I grew up with. And, because the degrees are closer together, it feels more accurate to me, although less scientifically useful.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Liz Cheney Brands Tucker Carlson ‘Un-American’ In Fox News Interview
Quote – “You know, it’s the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job,” the Republican lawmaker said. “It’s un-American to be spreading those kinds of lies and they are lies. And we have an obligation that goes beyond partisanship, an obligation that we share — Democrats and Republicans together — to make sure that we understand every single piece of the facts about what happened that day and to make sure the people who did are held accountable.”
Click through for a video and a little more text. I realize Cheney msy have a personal interest in 9/11 not being a false flag – because if it were, her dad was involved. But she still gets some points for recognizing and avoiding hypocrisy.

AP News – Culture war fight finds mixed success in school board races
Quote – But across the country, culture and identity fights were less decisive. The political tracking website Ballotpedia identified 96 school districts in more than a dozen states where race education and masking were part of the debate. It found that at least one anti-critical race theory or anti-mask candidate prevailed in 35 of the 86 districts in which it has determined winners, or 40%. “Where they won, they won in really high numbers,” said Doug Kronaizl, a staff writer for Ballotpedia, noting that candidates who won on the issue tended to be concentrated in the same districts. “But overall nationwide they didn’t win that much.”
Click through for specificities. This is hish on my worries list. County, municipal, and school board elections here are “non-partisan,” as I suspect they are in most states. That sounds good, but in practice it means you have no idea for whom you are voting, and no way to find out how they think. And school boards, cities, and counties are where cndidates for state and federal office come from.

GWN (Good Word News) – The longest partial lunar eclipse of the century is coming: date, how to look
Quote – According to NASA, a three-hour, 28-minute partial lunar eclipse will take place on November 18 and 19 and people around the world will only have to walk outside to get a glimpse. Night watchers on the U.S. east coast will be able to watch the event from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. ET, according to NASA. Those on the West Coast can watch the sky between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. PT.
Click through for a bit of background. Midnight till 2 is actually not too bad a time for me, so I may actually be able to see this one. And it shouldn’t require sunglasses.

Food for Thought –

Nov 072021

Glenn Kirschner – House Select Committee Issues 20 New Subpoenas BUT We’re on Day 15 of Bannon Indictment Watch (Of course those would be over and above the over 150 people they have already heard from, either in testimony or depositions)

Meidas Touch – Joe Biden HUMILIATES heckler: “I’m beginning to see why your wife left you”

RepresentUs – Sen. Warnock Calls Out Senate Obstructionists

MSNBC – ‘One Of The Dirtiest Tricks’ Of The 2020 Election Exposed In FBI Raid

Really American – Republicans Distort History To Rile Up Racial Animus

John Fugelsang – Breaking Bannon (Caffeinated)

Beau – Let’s talk about what Republicans believe makes America great….

Nov 052021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Lawyers Falsely Claim in Court Filing that FBI & Senate Committee Cleared Trump Re: Jan 6

Meidas Touch – QAnon cult humiliated after JFK Jr. fails to ‘reappear’ in Dallas, declare Trump king

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party…

CNN – QAnon believers gathered to see something physically impossible

Liberal Redneck – January 6th Was Not a False Flag

Puppet Regime – Biden’s Paid Leave Problem |

Beau – Let’s talk about Manchin and political games….
