Dec 302021

Glenn Kirschner – The Law’s Perception Problem; When Will Justice Come for Meadows, Giuliani, Clark, Trump & Others

Meidas Touch – Did Donald Trump LEAK Melania’s nude photos??!

Crooks and Liars – “The former Senator was not mincing words.”

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Really American – GOP Embraces “Fresh” Faces Of Hatred

Brent Terhune – Storming the Burger King Remember he’s a satirist)

Beau – Let’s talk about questions and the Potter case….

Dec 302021

Yesterday, I got in touch with BlueHost (It requires both BlueHost and WordPress to run PoliticsPlus) The passwortd TC had given me had been reset, so I got directions on what to send to whom at BlueHost to get credentials of my own, amd sent it all off off. I may not need help from BLueHost to update the comment system, but eventuually I will need them, and I value their advice. So progress is being made (even if it looks a little like sausage is being made,) Thanks to everyone for your feedback. We will get where we are going – and we’re not suffering all that much in the interim, which is a great comfort. Oh, and I also took out trash and recyclables. What with the holiday I don’t even know for sure whether there will be pickup tomorrow, but I have no problem leaving the polycarts/ wheeliebins/whatever they are called out until the contents are collected.

Cartoon –

Short Takes

Law & Crime – Federal Jury Convicts Ghislaine Maxwell of Sex Trafficking and Enticing Minors for Jeffrey Epstein’s Abuse
Quote – After a whirlwind trial slated for six weeks wrapped up in half of that time, a federal jury on Wednesday found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty of sex trafficking and conspiring to entice minors for years of Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse. Maxwell stood trial for six federal offenses for conduct spanning from 1994 to 2004, roughly breaking down into alleged violations of the Mann Act and a distinct federal anti-sex trafficking statute. She was convicted of five of them, adding up to the possibility of several decades imprisonment for Maxwell, who turned 60 years old on Christmas Day.
Click through for details. Is it just ne, or is it easier to get an convicion on a woman than it is on a man? (Not tht she isn’t guilty, but that there are so many men who are guilty and still at liberty.)

Reuters – Russia shuts Memorial Human Rights Centre in ‘one-two punch’
Quote – Russia’s Memorial Human Rights Centre was ordered to shut by a Moscow court on Wednesday, a day after its sister organisation – Russia’s oldest human rights group – was forced to close. The Human Rights Centre [kept] a running list of individuals it classifies as political prisoners, including Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny. The list includes Jehovah’s Witnesses and Muslims convicted of terrorism that Memorial says were victims of “unproven charges based on fabricated evidence because of their religious affiliation”.
Click through for the story. Autocrats are not even pretending any more.

AP News – Judge refuses to dismiss alleged Proud Boys leaders’ charges
Quote – “Defendants are not, as they argue, charged with anything like burning flags, wearing black armbands, or participating in mere sit-ins or protests,” Kelly wrote in his 43-page ruling. “Moreover, even if the charged conduct had some expressive aspect, it lost whatever First Amendment protection it may have had.”
Click through for more. I don’t know anything about Judge Kelly (like, for instance, who appointed him), but he appears to understand the First Amendment very well.

Food For Thought:


Dec 232021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Weaponizes Courts, Again: Sues NY AG Tish James in Effort to Stop Investigation of Trump Org

Thom Hartmann – Manchin Sours Bill But Biden Has Powerful Option

No Dem Left Behind – Happy Holidays from Richard Ojeda and NDLB!

VoteVets – Maj.Gen.(Ret.) Paul Eaton Discusses WaPo Op-Ed & 2024 Insurrection Threat With Chris Hayes on MSNBC. MGen Eaton has a good point. Sane people don’t tend to imagine the unimaginable (and aren’t very good at it when we try.) It comes much easier to wingnuts. I do thing the Pentagon’s announcement about revising rules and regulations with the goal of eliminating “expremists” is probably in part a response to that Op-Ed (or at least the announcement is; they were probably already working on it.) VoteVets has a series of clips on two of the three generals discussing this OpEd. I may post more.)

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Really American – Manchin BACKSTABS His Own Consituents

Beau – Let’s talk about BBB, the GDP, and Manchin….

Dec 232021

Yesterday just sort of melted away – gone before I knew it.  I did get some amall things accomplished, but nothing to write home about.  Of course going to see Virgil is far up front in my mond!  Oh, and Pat has company, so she’ll be a little scarce for a couple of days.

Cartoon –

Short Takes

Mother Jones – Mike Lindell Is Donating MyPillows to Kentucky Tornado Victims
Quote – But not to worry citizens of Kentucky. Mike Lindell is on the case! The founder of the MyPillow empire—and a MAGA world luminary—says he’s donating 10,000 pillows to Kentucky tornado victims. Those lucky souls may not have a house or a job, but they will now have pillows that Costco won’t sell anymore.
C,ick through for a little more insnity. This sounds like a business tax deduction to me. He will write them off as a donation at full retail value (which he could never possibly get for that many) and likely end up paying no taxes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had calculated the number to give with that in mind – just enough to zero out his taxes and not one pillow more.

Crooks and Liars – Surprise! Wingnuts Find A Vaccine They Like — Guess Why!
Quote – But apparently the J&J shot is good now because we’re saying that it isn’t — mainstream scientists have determined that it’s less effective than the mRNA vaccines against the Delta and Omicron variants, and it’s sometimes responsible for dangerous blood clots…. We don’t like the J&J shot anymore — so of course Wolf does.
Click through for more.  What is more dangerous than an educated idiot? No, that’s not the beginning of a joke – it’s a serious question.

Wonkette – Jan. 6 Committee Invites Coup- Curious Rep. Scott Perry In For A Little Chat
Quote – It’s nice of Thompson to let witnesses know up front that he’s already got ’em by the short and curlies, in case Perry wasn’t already on notice that the committee had a whole bunch of his comms after Vice Chair Liz Cheney read that text saying, “Please check your signal” during the vote to hold Mark Meadows in contempt. The Washington Post confirms that Perry sent that text to Meadows, who turned it over to the committee as a non-privileged document before he stomped off and quit cooperating. So Perry knows that Thompson and Cheney already have at least some of his comms.
Click through for more. Not that they don’t all sound alike.

Food For Thought:

Dec 212021

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Chutkan Imposes Stiffest Sentence Yet on Trump Foot Soldier Who Attacked the Capitol on 1/6

Don Winslow – Don Winslow Films – #JoeManchinRichAndShameless

VoteVets – Jonathan Capehart Discusses WaPo Op-Ed Featuring Three Retired Generals Warning Of New Insurrection [Well, this got real quickly]

No Dem Left Behind – TikTok’s school shooting challenge is PROOF we’ve failed our kids.

The Lincoln Project – Don Jr’s CPAC Speech In 30 Seconds

Karens Sing Christmas Carols – Put down any beverages before watching

Beau – Let’s talk about Earth’s Black Box….

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Dec 192021

Glenn Kirschner – Jim Jordan’s Text to Mark Meadows & the Crime of Obstructing a Congressional Proceeding

The Lincoln Project – The Fight

MSNBC – New Details Paint ‘Insane’ Picture Of How Right Wing Media Obtained Biden Daughter’s Diary

Robert Reich – How the Grinch Stole the Post Office

Armageddon Update – Taking The World By Storm

Puppet Regime – A Kremlin Christmas

Beau – Let’s talk about the post-Christian church…. (Oh wow.)

Dec 182021

Glenn Kirschner – Congress Refers Meadows to DOJ for Prosecution: Here’s Why Indicting Meadows is a Legal Layup

The Lincoln Project – Tucking Crazy

Thom Hartmann – Covid’s “Worst” Symptom May Get Anti-Vaxxers Out Of Bed Into The Pharmacy

politicsrus – Manchin HD

RepresentUs – Rep. Cummings urges to protect voter rights (No, he didn’t come back to life … but wherever he is, this is still who he is..)

Parody Project – Omicron is Coming to Towm.

Beau – Let’s talk about those text messages about the 6th….

Dec 172021

Glenn Kirschner – House Committee Votes Meadows in Contempt; Says Insurrection “Runs Right Through Mark Meadows”

Meidas Touch – Fox vs. Fox: Private Messages | #FoxRuse

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

MSNBC – Warnock To Senate Democrats: Bipartisanship At Whose Expense? (May I say Warnock rocks?)

Don Winslow Films – #NameTheTraitors (Yeah But. Even traitors deserve due process. And these particular ones are so placed as to avoid acountability if they don’t get it.)

Really American – Fox Hosts and Don Jr. EXPOSED re Jan. 6th Lies (I sure could use that emoji.)

Beau – Let’s talk about coup by PowerPoint…..
