Jan 282022

Glenn Kirschner – Barr Talks to House Select Committee with No Leaks: Two Important Takeaways from this Revelation

American Bridge – Family values are for suckers: Ron Johnson unloads child care costs on families

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Thom Hartmann – What Biden Has Done That You Don’t Know! – The URL he gives has “expired” – I’d recommend opening a transcript [via the 3 dots to the right of the line just over the red subcribe button] and copying and printing it.

Rebel HQ – Trump’s Cult Is Full Of Mental Derangement

Really American – Rudy’s t shirts

Beau – Let’s talk about Clyde Bellecourt….

Jan 272022

Glenn Kirschner – Jan. 6 Committee is Talking with Former AG Bill Barr, Signaling Further Trouble for Donald Trump

The Lincoln Project – Bloodlines

Ring of Fire – Some Of The Capitol Rioters Were Even Dumber Than Previously Thought

MSNBC – Records Request Points To Congressman’s Role In Assisting Fake Elector Meeting
Records Request Points To Congressman’s Role In Assisting Fake Elector Meeting

Liberal Redneck – Biden “Attacks the Press”

Mrs. Betty Bowers – Reading Ted Cruz

Beau – Let’s talk about agents, influence, and cultural opinion makers….

Jan 222022

Glenn Kirschner – NY AG Leticia James Subpoenas Donald, Don Jr. & Ivanka Trump, While Eric Pleads the 5th 500 Times!

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda Rips Sean Spicer Into Pieces

politicsrus – Tax Grab – The legacy of the Trump tax cuts

Liberal Redneck – Liberal Redneck – Trashin’ Mitch McConnell

Littlest Kitten Ever Grows Up To Be A Mini Cat

Beau – Let’s talk about what Flint can teach us about the 6th….

Jan 192022

Glenn Kirschner – Is Garland’s DOJ Investigating Trump and Company? Here Are Some Clues From Garland’s Past Work

Meidas Touch – How PLAYBOY saved Reporter Brian Karem’s Life on Jan 6!! |

politicsrus – Its Your Moment

MSNBC – Rep. Raskin: Jan. 6 Public Phase Will Hopefully Be Like Watergate Hearings (I didn’t realize how deeply good trouble ran in his family. That explains a lot.)

Really Americn – Republicans STEALING Americans Right To Vote

Rocky Mountain Mike – Pee All That You Can Pee

Beau – Let’s talk about Tucker, the lost and found, and the way it is….

Jan 192022

Yesterday, I spent some time figuring out what to wear today. In this case, it’s not a matter of appearance. I’m getting my booster today, and I need to come up with clothing which will keep me warm enough in below freezing temperatiures (a high of 30 is predicted) yet still nake it easy to accesss my deltoid without indecency, while at the same time, protecting me as much as possible from airborne droplets. That is not something which is immediately obvious – or at least not to me. So thought is required.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Letters from an American (Heather Cox Richardson) – Januaty 17, 2022
Quote – In this moment of struggle over voting rights in America, it is important to distinguish between voter fraud, which is vanishingly rare and has not affected the outcome of elections, and election fraud, which is coming to characterize a number of our important elections.
Voter fraud is about an individual breaking the law and is almost always caught. It is not a threat to democracy.
Election fraud means that people in power have rigged the system so that the will of the voters is overturned. When it happens, it threatens to destroy our nation.
Click through for full letter. She puts some things together. (I would point out that by no means of them are  proven to the point of being ready to go to court.) But she is no dummy. Her newletter is free to subscribe.

The 19th – Black women in Martin Luther King Jr.’s neighborhood will soon receive monthly cash payments
Quote – That work that In Her Hands will do in the coming two years will build on that established by other programs like Magnolia Mother’s Trust, the first privately-run guaranteed income program in the country. Launched in Jackson, Mississippi, in 2018, it gave 20 Black mothers $1,000 a month for a year, growing to cover 110 in its 2020-2021 year and another 100 in the most recent cohort, which will wrap up this March. All were living 200 percent below the federal poverty line and in subsidized housing. Most are working.
Click through for details and information on the successes of previous programs. Republicans are committed to the idea that people won’t work unless they are reduced to bare subsistence level, and that then they will work for pennies. That may seem intuitive, but these programs demonstrate it isn’t reality.

Crooks and Liars – Crockett And Lake Are Poster Children For GOP Harassment And Extremism
Quote – (in a tweet from Patriot Takes) Kari Lake supporter Ethan Schmidt: “I just love harassing people, especially cancer patients because they’re weak and vulnerable and easy targets.” Kari Lake is running for Arizona Governor and appeared in one of Ethan’s videos. Lake refuses to denounce Ethan Schmidt.
Click through for story. C&L republished this from “No More Mr. Nice Blog,” which I have provisionally added to the Blogroll. He does have other things to say. And he certainly has a point in this column.

Food For Thought:

Jan 182022

Yesterday was pretty quiet, as can be expected of a holiday, I suppose.We look to be expecting snow on Wednesday and a little more Friday – I”ll expect it when I see it.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Daily Kos (Kerry Eleveld) – Democrats’ Case Against GOP Extremism Gains Momentum
Quote – But the White House has made an overt shift from the behind the scenes inside game it worked for a solid year to a very public campaign against the saboteurs of our democracy. “I’ve been having these quiet conversations with the members of Congress for the last two months,” Biden said. “I’m tired of being quiet!” he added, pounding the lectern.
Click through for story. I have said since before the election that Biden would come to this point. Yes, he’s a consensus builder. But he’s not stupid. He may have resisted, but he can see that sometimes you have to fight for the right, and this is one of those times.

Raw Story – ‘Smoking guns all around’: Conservative connects dots showing Trump ‘election fraud on a massive scale’
Quote – In his weekend wrap-up, conservative Bulwark founder Charlie Sykes makes the case that there is more than enough proof that Donald Trump and his inner circle made a provable attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election through fraud. Jumping right into it, Sykes pointed to a CNN report that stated, “…then-President Donald Trump’s allies sent fake certificates to the National Archives declaring that Trump won seven states that he actually lost,” which have also been labeled forgeries.
Click through for more from the thread, which became a conversation. No new information here – the news is in who is saying it. But don’t expect the Qrazies to pay attention.

Common Dreams – Progressives Counter Cherry-Picked Quotes With MLK’s True Legacy
Quote – As the FBI, right-wing political figures, and others came under fire Monday for engaging in the annual trend of dishonoring Martin Luther King Jr. by sanitizing his beliefs, progressives in Congress worked to honor his legacy of fighting for a more just society…. {Per Ayanna Pres;ey. “T]he truth is Dr. King was a radical dreamer with a bold vision for revolutionary change. A disruptive movement builder seeking to upend an unjust status quo.”
Click through. Anyone seeking real change must be radical about it – I don’t mean extremist – radical means “pretsining to the root.” Change which does not begin in and grow from the root may spring up quickly, but then will wither away, like the plants in the parable.

Food For Thought:

Jan 152022

Glenn Kirschner – The case for Subpoenaing/Investigating Reps Jim Jordan & Scott Perry for Covering-Up Trump’s Crimes

American Bridge – AB21 Co-Chair Steve Bullock discusses NYT Op-Ed on CNN

No Dem Left Behind – NDLB’s Richard Ojeda on why Trump remains a grave threat to the Democratic Party

Crooks and Liars – If you can’t convince them with reason, can it hurt to try absurdity?

KAYAK – Mom’s a KAYAK Denier (oh. my!)

Beau – Let’s talk about why they aren’t talking to the committee….

Jan 132022

Glenn Kirschner – Jim Jordan Refuses to Testify/Incriminate Trump: Here’s How it Will Come Back to Bite Him

Meidas Touch – Cult expert REVEALS the secret SECRET CULTS of Mike Pence and Bill Barr!!

MSNBC – I wouldn’t call it breaking news myself – but I like the way they talk about it. “driving the insurrection,” “right wing networks,” “knock down this conspiracy theory.”

Ring of Fire – Ron DeSantis Mocks Florida Residents After He Let A Million COVID Tests Expire

politicsrus – Jan 6 Part 2

The Lincoln Project – Lasr Week in the Republican Party – I had read that Gohmert said that, but thought it must have been an exaggeration. Nope.

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump, Pence, and updates on the committee….
