Mar 052022

Yesterday, it snowed a little in the morning. Most of it was gone by midafternoon, although some always lingers on the north sides of objects like houses, cars, mailboxes, trees, and the like. I didn’t realize we were expecting any yesterday – I know we are for tomorrow, and a sub-freezing high temperature as well.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The NM Political Report – AG, SOS issue warning over Otero County ‘vigilante audit’
Quote – The effort, which echoes efforts made by conservatives and some far-right politicians throughout the country regarding the 2020 elections, was authorized by the Otero County Commission and outsourced to the New Mexico Audit Force. That group is sending volunteers door-to-door to speak to voters and gather personal information. Attorney General Hector Balderas and Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver issued a release to remind voters of their rights and what information is publicly available in the form of voter records.
Click through for details. Otero County is south of Albuquerque. Its southern border is shared with Texas. A kind of terrain which seems to attract bullies. I’m glad the SoS is dresing this. Otero cetainly needs new County Commissioners as well (I’d say the current commissioners should be required to repay the county out of their own pockets for the taxpayer money they have spent on this.)

Wonkette – Won’t Have To Have An Insurrection If You Let The Trumpists Count All The Votes
Quote – Once in place, those new precinct officers have started going mad with whatever power they have, using it to “remove or censure Republican leaders who contradicted Trump’s election lies,” and also to recruit all their MAGA buddies and Big Lie aficionados to sign up as poll watchers or poll workers. So if the next time you go to vote, the nice old lady volunteers at the polling place have been replaced by guys wearing body armor or Hawaiian shirts, you’ll know. Or they may dress like students or dress like housewives, blending in with the crowd.
Click through for more. I’m sure you are already aware of this plot (I certainly was.) But i have to love the way Wonkette presented it in the newsletter. After identifyinf the “Four Horsepeople Of The Republican Apocalypse” (Pestilence – DeSantis, War = Ted Cruz, Famine = Rick Scott, Death = Danny Bentley), the newsletter then presented this article with the header “And It Was Given To Them To Give Breath To The Beast.” So true.

Women’s History – The 19th – 41 years before Ketanji Brown Jackson, Amalya Lyle Kearse was considered for the Supreme Court
Quote – As the country prepares to watch the confirmation process for the first Black woman nominated to the nation’s highest court, The 19th revisits Kearse, who was the first Black woman judge on an appellate court and who still sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit. She was considered for a Supreme Court nomination by three different presidents, the first Black woman on record to receive such recognition. Kearse was a key figure in paving the way for Black women judges, who even with the high-profile nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court are underrepresented on the U.S. judiciary.
Click through for story. The three Presidents who short-listed her were Reagan, Bush Sr., and CLinton. She is 84 and still working(as a senior judge, which means a reduced caseload, but still.) There is much more packed into this relatively short article also.

Food For Thought:

I hope I will soon be able to go through posts of cartoons without getting my heart broken, smetimes more than once.

Mar 042022

Glenn Kirschner – 1st Jan. 6 Insurrection Trial: US v. Guy Reffitt. What to Expect from the Prosecution, the Defense

Don Winslow Films – #RunningOutTheClock

Meidas Touch – Tucker Carlson PANICS, tries to rewrite history of pro-Putin statements… But we have receipts!!!

Lincoln Project – CPAC: Days 3 and 4 in 135 Seconds

Marcus Flowers for Congress [ in Marjorie’s District] –

VoteVets – Party of Putin

Beau – Let’s talk about the Carrington Event….

Mar 032022

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump’s Election Crimes & the Legal Rights of We The People as Crime Victims

Lincoln Project – CPAC: Day 2

Truth Matters – A Prayer for Ukraine.  I did not put hanky alerts on any of these Ukraine-related videos, but I think I should say that, when Zelensky spoke to the UN, the translator got audibly choked up.

Guardian News – Ukrainian president speaks after Kharkiv missile attack: ‘Everything has changed’

Yevgeny Yevtuchenko’s poem “Babi Yar” read in Russian by Yevtuchenko himself, and translated and read in English by the owner of this YouTube channel. The English begins at 3:32.

Mrs Betty Bowers – Intro to Political Jargon 101

Beau – Let’s talk about Pamela Moses and Tennessee….

Feb 282022

Glenn Kirschner – Justice Ups and Downs: Two Judges Rule Against Trump While Two Prosecutors Resign from Trump Case

Lincoln Project – CPAC Day 1 in 105 Seconds

Farron Balanced – Florida Republicans To Force Teachers To ‘Out’ Children To Their Families

CBS News – NATO Deploys Response Force For First Time

MSNBC – Ukrainian President Zelenskyy: ‘We Won’t Put Down Our Weapon’

Robert Reich – Why Gerrymandering Could Get Way Worse

Beau – Let’s talk about Arbery, symbolic victories, and ripple effects….

Feb 272022

Glenn Kirschner – NY Prosecutors Resign, Reportedly in Protest Over DA Bragg’s Concerns About Indicting Donald Trump

Lincoln Project – Today’s Republican Party (BARF BAG ALERT)

MSNBC – SCOTUS Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson On Love Of Country And Constitution (Not everyone is going to like this … but it’s going to be tough for Rethugs to attack.)

Farron Balanced – Madison Cawthorn Wants To Kill Social Security To Force Seniors Back To Work

Brent Terhune is a comedian who imitates MAGAts so well people tend to think he is one. This is not that kind of video. This is real.

College Student Decides To Foster A Pregnant Dog Right Before Midterms

Beau – Let’s talk about what students can learn from Spartacus….

Feb 252022

Glenn Kirschner – Once Trump is Indicted, What Challenges Lie Ahead Regarding Impaneling a Fair and Impartial Jury?

Robert Reich – End USPS Sabotage

Lincoln Project – Weakness (BBA)

Ring of Fire – Stand Your Ground Laws Linked To 11% Spike In Gun Homicides

Armageddon Update | Tootin’ For Putin [re-posted from original release date July 2, 2020]

Liberal Redneck – Texas Targets Trans Kids

Beau – Let’s talk about Cruz, Hawley, and Nina Morrison….
As i said in the Open Thread, I am not going to be able to post everything Beau has to say on Ukraine, but personally, I consider him a top source.  I posted a link there to his video page.  And you can aklways get to his hole page from any of his videos by clicking on the picture on the left below the video.

Feb 242022

Greetings from the Deep Freeze! Yesterday, our overnight low was -4°F with a windchill of -7°F. Tuesday night it was -10°F with a wind chill of -24°F. It is expected to warm up today to a high of +22°F. There is very little snow on the ground – it’s just cold. By this time next week we should have a couple of days of highs in the 60’s before it goes down again. Never a dull moment. I did finish up my haircut … such as it is LOL.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Cal Matters – Meth, a mother, and a stillbirth: Imprisoned mom wants her ‘manslaughter’ case reopened
Quote – Since her guilty plea, Perez’s story has drawn national attention for her rare plea to manslaughter of a fetus – a charge that doesn’t exist in California law. Abortion rights advocates believe her case has broad implications for abortion access in California, potentially opening the door to criminal prosecutions of people seeking to terminate pregnancies. (Emphasis mine.)
Click through for details. This would not surprise me in many states. It does surprise me in California. And, with everything else going on, it scares me.

HuffPost – Rick Scott Releases Far-Right Plan For GOP Senate Majority
Quote – Scott’s plan starts off with requiring children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at school and disallowing teachers from portraying American history in a negative light, following state GOP legislatures in their efforts to ban the teaching of critical race theory. “Public schools will teach our children to love America because, while not perfect, it is exceptional, it is good, and it is a beacon of freedom in an often-dark world,” it says.
Click through for more. Mother Jones also covered this, calling it a “fever dream.” The only good thing I see about it is that it should be very helpful in getting Democrats to turn out. (If they can use imaginary fears, surely we can use real ones.)

Black History – Wikipedia – Charles R. Drew
Quote – He spent time doing research at Columbia’s Presbyterian Hospital and wrote a doctoral thesis, “Banked Blood: A Study on Blood Preservation,” based on an exhaustive study of blood preservation techniques. It was through this blood preservation research where Drew realized blood plasma was able to be preserved, two months, longer through de-liquification, or the separation of liquid blood from the cells. When ready for use the plasma would then be able to return to its original state via reconstitution.
Click through for bio. If you have ever had a transfusion, or had a loved one who has, you are in debt to Drew for his work. And so, of course, are thousands if not millions of others.

Food For Thought:

Feb 212022

Glenn Kirschner – NY Judge Slams Trump, Don Jr. & Ivanka, Orders Them to Sit for Deposition in AG James’ Investigation

Meidas Touch (Lost Debate) – Here are the 19 LEGAL CASES against Trump! (I think theremay be a misuunderstanding of the term “corpus delicti” here.)

Rebel HQ – U.S. Intelligence Accuses Conservative Website Of Secretly Helping Putin

Farron Balanced – Sidney Powell Sues Verizon To Keep Her Communications Hidden From Investigators

Armageddon Update – Super Bowl LVI

John Fugelsang – Caffeinated – Bribe Back Better

Beau – Let’s talk about San Francisco, DNA, and the rest of the country…. (This DA is Chesa Boudin, who is facing a recall election. I posted about this earlier and I was upset then and am even more upset now. He could use more help from ethical people)
