Mar 282022

Yesterday, I checked and double checked everything I need to go to the DMV today. I am not looking forward to that (I am looking forward to it being over, though.) I may actually not have to be there forever. I had to make an appointment – the earliest I could get was for today… but I made the appointment back in February. So that line may supersede the traditional line of people in person. Yes, I will definitely mask. If I am slow commenting, please be patient. Thanks!


Short Takes –

Daily Kos (David Neiwert) – Michigan militiamen hoped their kidnapping plot would spark nationwide ‘Boogaloo’ civil war
Quote – The defendants, … all members of the so-called “Wolverine Watchmen” militia, are leaning heavily on claims that the government entrapped them into the plot to abduct Whitmer from her summer home and put her on “trial,” for which they now face federal kidnapping-conspiracy charges. The trial’s outcome could have broad ramifications for how federal authorities tackle the rising tide of right-wing domestic terrorism, as well as ongoing prosecution of the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol insurrectionists.
Click through for story. Their lawyers are (maybe I should say “were”) going for an entrapment defnse, but these dudes are making that well-nigh impossible. I am not getting the impression that any of them have the tiniest particle of remorse, either. “FOFA,” as the saying goes.

Daily Beast – Madison Cawthorn Committed the One Unforgivable Sin of Politics
Quote – But Cawthorn did something far worse, at least for his own political prospects, and it may cost him his seat: He left his constituents—and then was forced to return to them, hat in hand, after the courts predictably struck down the state’s new map, and eliminated the district he left to run in, on Feb. 23…. The numerous candidates challenging Cawthorn in the GOP primary, slated for May, do not intend to let voters in North Carolina’s 11th District forget it. One of them is Michele Woodhouse.
Click through for the twists and turns. Irony may be dead to humans – but Karma remembers. Really, this could not have happened to a nicer guy.

Women’s History – Wikipedia – Fatima al Fihri
Quote – Fatima bint Muhammad Al-Fihriyya (Arabic: فاطمة بنت محمد الفهرية القرشية) was an Arab woman who is credited with founding the al-Qarawiyyin mosque in 859 AD in Fez, Morocco. She is also known as “Umm al-Banayn”. Al-Fihri died around 880 AD. The Al-Qarawiyyin mosque subsequently developed a teaching institution, which became the University of al-Qarawiyyin in 1963.
Click through for bio, including some historians’ doubts. Personally, I consider it far more credible for white male historians to doubt the existence of a successful woman than for male Muslims to invent (or accept if invented) an oral tradition about a powerful, successful woman. (Many people doubt the accuracy of oral tradition in any culture … but those who have studied it, while admitting there can be details which change, have found the substance to be pretty darned reliable.)

Food For Thought:

Mar 262022

Yesterday, I didn’t get my groceries. However, I did get my refund approved. The amount of the refund was $144, out of an order which (before delivery charges, which I didn’t expect to get refunded) was $177. Fortunately, there was nothing I neded urgently -I basically wanted to stock back up. But I can definitely wait. It was just frustrating. And I will say they were prompt. The interval between the email that said they were looking at it and the one that said it was approved was 14 minutes. I applid and was approved on Wednesday, and by yesterday the credit was already showong on my card. So that was good. Unfortunately, the car didn’t start. So I put in an online request for “roadside assistance,” which is covered by my insurance policy.And he came so fast (I was expecting a call with ETA, but the call that came was “I’m here”) I hadn’t gotten out to the living room. I won’t say it started right up – but when he got everything adjusted just right, it started right up. I ran it for an hour (sitting in the car with a small knitting project and listening to a CD), so it should be fine Monday.


Short Takes –

NM Political Report – Advocates call for end to Trump-era policy that prevents asylum seekers from crossing border
Quote – Nonprofit groups have called for an end to the Trump era policy, called Title 42, which prohibits asylum seekers from crossing the border. Trump initially said he was implementing the policy in order to protect the U.S. from the spread of the respiratory disease just a few days into the pandemic. Rodriguez said that, by now, the U.S. has the means to prevent disease spread among individuals who cross the border and with the numbers of cases in a downward trend and mask mandates lifting, the policy is even less defensible now than it was two years ago.
Click through for details. This is not just a bad policy. It is a violation of international law. I don’t say it might not have been justified as a temporary measure in a pandemic But two things – there needed to be quarantine accomodations so people would not have to live in misery, and also, temporary means temporary.With proper testing facilities we could have dealt with a lot of this two years ago, before it even started to become the humanitarian crisis it now is.

Mother Jones – Why Josh Hawley Is Smearing Ketanji Brown Jackson as Soft on Pedophilia
Quote – In trying to paint Jackson as a pedophile sympathizer, Hawley is tapping into the same thing as Posobiec: the recurring impulse of reactionaries who are on their back heels to try to reset an imperiled position in the culture wars. It’s a mini-version of the pedophile conspiracies QAnon, Pizzagate—which, uncoincidentally, Posobiec was a key early proponent of—and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, when numerous false child sex ring accusations were leveled at daycare centers.
Click through for more examples and reasoning. I had this penciled in for today before I saw Nameless’s article yesterday, but kept it because it doesn’t detract from his, but does offer additional information about motivations (and evidence that we are not the only ones looking at how dumb he is.).

Women’s history – Wikipedia – Rebecca Latimer Felton
Quote – Rebecca Ann Latimer Felton (June 10, 1835 – January 24, 1930) was an American writer, lecturer, feminist, suffragist, reformer, white supremacist, slave owner, and politician who was the first woman to serve in the United States Senate, although she served for only one day. Felton was the most prominent woman in Georgia in the Progressive Era, and was honored by appointment to the Senate. She was sworn in on November 21, 1922, and served just 24 hours. At 87 years, nine months, and 22 days old, she was the oldest freshman senator to enter the Senate.
Click through for bio. This is not the “first woman U.S. Senator” we would have liked to see. But she is the one we got. And I think her story has some educational points. But I promise to get positive again for the rest of the month (what’s left of it.)

Food For Thought:

Mar 252022

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump Flips (Politically) on Mo Brooks. Could it be that Mo Brooks has Flipped on Trump?

Meidas Touch – Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson takes Senator Cotton to School!

Lincoln Project – Josh Mandel: Ohioans or Trump?

Robert Reich – Why Abortion Bans Aren’t Pro-Life

Armageddon Update – Havin’ Fun Yet?

Shirley Serban – Song for Ukraine and the World – Give Us Peace / Dona Nobis Pacem

Beau – Let’s talk about Rule 303 Belorussian style….

Mar 242022

Glenn Kirschner – Donald Trump Appeals Judge’s Order Directing him to Submit to Deposition by NY AG Tish James

Meidas Touch – Republicans Exposed as Traitors | #GOPMustGo

Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republicam Party

American Bridge (Senator Hirono0 – It’s About Time

Don Winslow – #TedCruzLessonsForHisDaughters

No Dem Left Behind – Barrett vs. Jackson … what’s the difference?

Beau – Let’s talk about a claim about Mariupol and consistency….

Mar 242022

Yesterday, I had a grocery order coming – or, at least, I thought I did. When there was just a half hour left in the delivery window, I refreshed the tracking page and it said it had been cancelled. It appears to have been rescheduled for today in the same window – of course I will do my best to confirm that. Good thing I always try to order well ahead of need.


Short Takes –

No More Mister Nice Blog – Republicans Live In A Disinformation Bubble Just Like Russians
Quote – In the same way that we’ve come to realize, with astonishment, that Russians simply weren’t told that their troops had invaded Ukraine, and didn’t believe there was a war, Republican voters, I’m sure, don’t believe President Biden is doing anything effective on Ukraine’s behalf, and that only Republicans could save Ukraine. Russian citizens have an excuse for their ignorance: Media outlets that don’t toe the Kremlin line are suppressed. In America, it’s purely voluntary:
Click through for full post. From last week, but timeless – and putting information and disinformatin side by side does help us see what we are up against.

The New Yorker – The Shaming-Industrial Complex
Quote – Owen Flanagan, a professor of philosophy and neurobiology at Duke University, suggests that our tense political climate is the product of poor emotional regulation…. [T]he data-scientist-cum-journalist Cathy O’Neil suggests that shaming is structural: its ubiquity is the fault not of individual vigilantes but, rather, of the many industries that manufacture and exploit mortification for profit. At the heart of these diverging perspectives is an ambiguity built into the very concept at issue. Shame is an emotion—a person can suffer from its bilious bite, as Sacco did—but it is also a state of affairs.
Click through for full article. There’s no solution here, but lots think about. I’ll add a few thoughts of mine to the brew: Emotions cannot be controlled, but our actions in response to them can. People who shame others may need to be shamed for it, as it may be the only language they understand (however, the shameless cannot be shamed.) And anger is in itself not only a bad thing, but the only motivation for change – it’s all in how one uses it.

A military veteran knows why your employees are leaving
Quote – It has been an intense period full of unknowns. It’s hard to be self-aware enough to see the full impact of all these changes. I redeployed five times, and I got better at reintegrating each time. I had the benefit of practice, which allowed me to acknowledge what I was feeling, understand it better, and move forward. But the pandemic is a one-time thing, and most people never got a briefing from their chaplain about what to expect.
Click through for article. This is addressed to busines leaders, and it’s a couple of months old. But it has life lessons whichare far from stale. It’s sort of like a different kind of PTSD – one to which the pandemic made everyone vulnerable.

Food For Thought:

Mar 222022

Glenn Kirschner – As Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation Hearing Opens, the Republicans Launch their Attacks

American Bridge – Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s opening statement

Meidas Touch – Legal Expert Harry Litman Day 1 Confirmation Hearing Recap

MSNBC – Facing Racist Dog Whistles In The Senate

The Lincoln Project – Ohio GOP Debate – Any Questions

Farron Balanced – Tucker Carlson Freaks Out After Being Accused Of Spreading Russian Propaganda

Beau – Let’s talk about the Russian space agency’s new tone….

Mar 212022

Glenn Kirschner – A Tale of 2 Americas: First Black Woman Headed to the Supreme Court vs. Trump’s Racism & Misogyny

Meidas Touch – The GOP BLOCKED US on Twitter!! (Congratulations, Broothers!)

No Dem Left Behind – Marjorie “Traitor” Greene wants us to turn our backs on Ukraine and let Putin win!

VoteVets – War Powers

Radio Free Europe – Taking Calls On Ukraine’s Help Line For Russian Military Moms (and dads and sibs) – hanky alert

Brent Terhune – Elon and Grimes’ secret baby

Beau – Let’s talk about HB 800 in Tennessee….

Finally, I want to give a hat tip to a video Lona posted – a stirring prody of “London Calling called “Kyiv Calling. You can click on the link, or scroll back a few posts to see it (with her comments.)

Mar 202022

Glenn Kirschner – Mark Meadows’ Double-Wide Voter Fraud: Meadows Now Faces Federal AND State Criminal Investigation

Lincoln Project – The Parties on Putin

Tweet – Presidents Clinton and Bush bring sunflowers to Ukrainian church to show solidarity

MSNBC – GOP Fears Losing SCOTUS Clash To Biden, As Judge Jackson Rallies Dems

Liberal Redneck – Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Cracked – If Toilet Paper Commercials Were Honest

Beau – Let’s talk about Ukraine’s personnel problem….
