Yesterday, I pretty much rested, or tried to. I kind of wore myself out Sunday and was having trouble staying awake. Some days are like that.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Letters from an American April 30, 2022
Quote – This letter is for the musician I met this week whose work takes her all over the country. She said that in her travels lately she feels something powerful building under the radar, and asked me if such a thing had ever happened before.
Click through for details.What we have here is history, and hope.
The 19th – She’s a White suburban mom. Can this lawmaker — and her viral speech — rally people like her for Democrats?
Quote – McMorrow said she is mindful of what it means to get media attention because she is a White woman. She highlighted Erika Geiss, a Black state senator, and Jeremy Moss, a gay state senator, who both gave impassioned speeches recently about inequities that have received far less attention. McMorrow said it shouldn’t be on marginalized people to do all the work. “If those of us who are not the ones negatively impacted by these attacks are comfortable and stand by and just let it happen, then it’s going to keep happening,” she said. “So now I’m looking at how I can make sure we’re elevating those voices.”
Click through – I posted the clip when it came out I”ve palyed a response or two. Now I want to feature her advice to Democrats.
Daily Beast – These States Are About to Put New Voting Laws to the Test
Quote – A number of states that have passed new voting restrictions in the past year—including Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, and Indiana—have primaries this month. Their outcomes will serve as the first big test of the impact of new voting restrictions enacted following the 2020 election and former President Trump’s election hysteria. Pulaski County Clerk Terri Hollingsworth, who serves as the county’s elections administrator in Arkansas, says executing the changes in her state has been “somewhat of a nightmare.” She’s worried about a new rule requiring voters’ signatures on their absentee ballots to match what the state has on file—fearing that signatures might have naturally changed over the years. “We’re not handwriting experts,” she told The Daily Beast.
Click throiugh for more analysis. These are some of the worst voting restrictions we have seen since Jim Crow. If you want to follow election law, this might be a good time to subscribe to the Daily Beast newsletter.
Food For Thought