Mar 202024

Yesterday, I learned that The Borowitz Report is now on substack. That email I received notifying me explains why I hadn’t received any newsletters for some time … although my New Yorker subscription is still up to date. This is not earthshaing in itself – I’m only sharing it to remind everyone that to read freecolumns on substack, there’s no paywall, but there is a request to become a paid subscriber, and you need to find that request and click on “Keep reading” or “Let me read it first” or whatever opt-out Substack has assigned to that particular participant. I recommend we all get used to it. Just since I started reading Substack authors, which is less than a year, Wonkette has joined it, and Talking Points Memo, and now Borowitz, and the number and names of people who blog there would suggest that one might not really need anythng else but Substack in order to be well informed. I’m not going there – I have numerous other sources I don’t want to give up – but just sayin’.

Yes, I know, Joe Manchin. But this time he’s exactly right. And if he can be right on this, he can be right on at least some other things. Which may explain why the party has put up with him for so long.

Right wing jurists. “History and tradition.” G.K, Chesterton once wrote that tradition is de,ocracy extended through time. His example was, Democracy says “Don’t ignore a good man’s opinion, even if he is (insert caste designator here.)” Tradition says, “Don’t ignore a good man’s opinion, even if he is dead.” Aside from the obvious facts that only men are included, and that all appear presumed to be “good” (IIRC he was writing in the nineteen-oughts), I have no objection to attending to the opinions of the dead. I’m fine if they vote. I’m not fine with their being dictators from the grave. History (with a little help from archeology) tells us that human sacrifice was a tradition for literally thousands of years. I don’t know, or know of, anyone who wants it back.

Mar 052024

Yesterday, I went through the mail that Trinette brought in on Sunday – there was less than usual total for the week, but more than usual I needed to deal with. A medical bill follow up for a bill I just turned ove to the HRA on Saturday evening. Another medical bill which a neighbor kindly put in my mailbox since there was a typo in the address. An envelope from Virgil which contained no letter, just a Xerox of a flyer for a convention (fact – since I’m not cleared to drive yet to see him, it’s unlikely I would want to go to a convention, even if I were interested :-)) And a renewal notice from PBS (including “Passport”). Yes, it’s time. And seeing as I also got an email telling me “Dead Man Walking” will be aired on and/or after March 19.

If you have ever pondered about why so many Republicans vote against their own interests – and, even harder to track, what that habit does to them – well, this post addresses that, and provides you with two further links, one to a podcast by John Fugelsang and the other to the book written by the author John is interviewing in the podcast. Hey, we know they are stupid. Sometimes we even think painfully stupid. But this points out they are actually heartbreakingly stupid.

Apparently the Trump** team did not make these deepfakes (I really shouldn’t call them that as they are not that professional – just the product of a crazy loner), but the Trump** team doesn’t appear to have disclaimed tham either.

Feb 242024

Yesterday, I received another grocery order. Only a week since the last ne, but there’s a terrific sale on some things I do use, and wich keep well frozen. The luck of the draw assigned me another really good driver. I adjusted her tip, and in my comments included that she needs to be teaching other drivers clsses in how to tie the handles of a plastic bag into a knot that un-knots easily in one movement so the bag can be used again. Pat may know what the knot is called (she said she’d be back probably today) but I don’t. But it’s marvelous.

This is a story about making change, and particularly, about one person making change happen. I’m impressed, not least because the western part of the state is generally pretty red.

There are still good people in the world (hanky alert.)

If you think Republicans believe their base is dumb, just wait till you see how dumb they think black people are. (The full URL includes “substack” so be prepared to look for a “keep reading” button.


Feb 232024

Yesterday, I had a visit from an old peoples’ services organization whom Trinette referred me to. She was very pleasant, but of course time was consumed

Certainly one doesn’t need to study the book (or the movie) to be able to see clearly what is happening,just based on published news (some true, some not so much). And just think how much more the FBI knows. With Trump** or without him, it’s not going to get any better unless it gets actively contained. And I have no idea how that’s to be done.

Feb 222024

Yesterday, After getting a quick note from Nameless that the site was borked, I spent over an hour on the phone (much of it waiting, and much of it being told we needed a developer and they couldn’t help), I had to ask for a supervisor (I felt like an awful Karen, but it did the trick.) It’s working normally now. Also yesterday, I received the email that my ballot has been counted. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to check out Monday’s Open Thread, because it contains an update on Colleen. Also, this will be kind of short, not just due to BlueHost, but I lost time on some other things too. Mama said there’d be days like this.

I’d like to hope you will see, or have seen, this story elsewhere than the Black Star. But I wouldn’t bet any important body parts on it.

From Mary Trump’s keyboard straight to God’s monitor!

Feb 202024

Yesterday, one of the first things I did was check on my credit crard, and saw that the erroneous charges have been removed. I slept in, but I checked caller ID and I have not missed any phone calls today. I also have not receeived an email on the subject. It’s possible they just voided the transactions and didn’t tell anyone, but it’s also possible the Card company deleted them, with or without notification. They are watching the account also, so at this point I don’t need to call them again. I knew I would not be on the hook for the charges.

Many of us have issues with family, or longtime friends, who are Republicans. We all handle these issues in our own ways, because that is who we are. If any of us is dissatisfied with what we are currently doing, Mary Trump’s thoughts on this may help, one way or another.

This explains a lot. And notice, it can be acomplished without any politicians getting involved in the process.

Remember Justin Jones? he has a message for us. (Don’t click on the Xitter link – give it time to load – and if it still doesn’t, the transcript is complete, only missing his photo.)

(We did help through Greece – and that was “obsolete” ammunition, and I guess all we had – now, Congress’s approval is required to give anything. We could sell, but….)

Jan 292024

Yesterday, what I mostly did was finish two knitting projects – one fair-sized one on which I’ve been working for some time, and one so small I started and finished it after finishing the large one.  Not exciting, but there it is

Crooks and Liars has posted a video by Cliff Schecter which really points up the difference between the time when the Republican Party had Joe MacCarthy, and now, when all Republicans are Joe McCarthy. And you may learn something about the Illinois loyalty pledge too. It’s under 7 minutes, and if you watch it at C&L you won’t have to pay YouTube to avoid ads.

Margaret Atwood has been using her Substack to share a multi-part history of what the French Revolution (which she calls “The French Revvie”) was really like. This link it to Part IV – subtitled “The Vengeance.” I used to warn that if we didn’t make some corrections – and quickly – we’d have another French Revolution. And, yet, when I saw it, I didn’t recognize it. Margaret did. No surprise that she is smarter than I am.

Jan 222024

Yesterday being a slow Sunday, I had plenty of time to beat myself up over not having accomplished anything. I tried not to, but the fact is I really didn’t accomplish anything. I’ll try to do better so that can pat myself on the back next week (hopefully without breaking my arm, as the saying goes.) It’s not just me – my email is down also.

Joyce Vance did a piece on gun control which is IMO quite pointed. Without saying so explicitly, it demonstrates that we have allowed ourselves to be snookered by thugs using our own Constitution into a position where we really can’t do much without repealing the Second Amendment. Yes, there are people valiantly trying, but our best efforts fall into the category of stable door when steed is gone.What we really need to do is to repeal the Second Amendment, and then adopt military rules on gun safety into federal law. Of course I don’t think that’s going to happen. And, what with ghost guns, it may be too late even for that. However, her column will give you enough information on the Uvalde report and the division at DOJ which produces such reports, to realize that there actually are people trying to do something – anything – to help. But it is, of course, an uphill battle. GOP has stood for “Guns Oveer People” for as long as I can remember.
