Yesterday, I tried to catch up on things I need to order, starting with two prescriptions. I succeeded in ordering one; the other one, after counting, I put off for a week since I have almost 4 weeks supply on hand. Then there were a few jewelry supplies I’d ben pl;anning ro order but was waiting for a sale (and it’s almost Memorial Day.) So I put that order together and placed it. Then I started looking for a small “boom box” (yes, they are still using that term – that surprised me too), but didn’t get far, because the combination of features I want is appaently unusual. I also started a list for a grocery order, but did not place it, because it was Tuesday, and Wednesday is the day that prices change (if they are going to), and I like to know what I am getting into, so I’ll place it today for tomorrow.
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
Crooks and Liars – Wisconsin GOP Gubernatorial Candidate: None Of The Above
Quote – Wisconsin Republicans refused to endorse any of the four candidates for governor at their annual state convention for the first time — a symbolic rejection of the political apparatus that has been blamed by its own members for failing to deliver statewide victories in recent years.
Click through for answers to questions you undoubtedly have. There will eventually be a candidate, because there is a primary (sadly).
Robert Reich – Bombardment by the billionaires
Quote – This is the same crew, not incidentally, that’s been fighting unions and flooding Congress and statehouses with cash to support Trump election deniers, prevent tax hikes on themselves, and kill off Biden’s and the Democrats’ agenda…. This billionaire bombardment gives Biden and the Democrats an opportunity to tell America whose side they’re on and whose side they’re not on — in effect, to declare class war on the class warriors. Will they take it?
Click through for his reasoning and recpmmendations. The Reich on the left has a history of being right, and he has the education and experience to be. So I hope he is listened to. I franklly have no idea what, if anything, will work.
Just Security – Prosecuting Trump for the Insurrection: The Well-Founded Case for Optimism
Quote – For example, in one New York Times piece weighing the prospects for a Trump prosecution, the authors noted that Trump “would have a powerful argument about his mental state” against a claim that he pressured former Vice President Pence to violate his legal duties under the Electoral Count Act – i.e., that Trump “sincerely thought he was asking Mr. Pence to do something lawful” because of the “advice” he received from lawyer John Eastman, who concocted a baseless rationale for Pence to ignore the law. Likewise, in a second piece, the Times quoted a law professor for the proposition that “[t]he problem with Trump is defining his state of mind when it is so changeable. He believes whatever he wants to think and it doesn’t necessarily have to be grounded in reality. That’s a tough argument to a jury, to say he knew a particular thing.”
Click through for full article. This article was recommended by Glenn Kirschner, and it is very thorough – so thorough that I didn’t even try for a quote which summarized all the points. So I recommend you either read the whole article or skip it. Or you could, of course, save it for when you have more time.
Food For Thought