Jul 082022

Glenn – Supreme Court parade of horribles: what we CAN do about the court revoking our constitutional rights

Twitter – Ken Harbaugh is the Governor Missouri needs. But alas, he isn’t even running. (The CC is accurate.)

Rebel HQ – Richard Ojeda RIPS Steve Bannon’s Podcast

Represent Us – Retired Four-Star General Issues a Dire Warning for America

Mrs. Betty Bowers – Don Jr’s Intervention

Beau – Let’s talk about Moore v Harper and SCOTUS….

Jul 062022

Yesterday, I had not slept terribly well, but I got by with a few yawns. Virgil called, and, as promised, I told him about those of y’all who commented you are praying for him, and he was deeply appreciative, as predicted.  Quite touched, in fact.

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Democratic Underground [maxrandb] – Hey MSM! Maybe the “story” isn’t 2 Dem Senators that won’t kill the filibuster
Quote – Just like they publish thousands of stories of “Dems need to reach out to rural America bullshit” and ZERO “Retrumplicans need to reach out to urban America” stories. They report thousands of time that 2 Dems Senators don’t want to kill the filibuster. When is the last time you saw a story concentrating on the 50 Retrumplican Senators that couldn’t give one fuck if women die, or if teens need to carry their Uncles baby to term?
Click through for full rant. I am SO over RWNJs babbling about the “liberal media.” Sometimes I just need to express it..

The 19th – 10 anti-LGBTQ+ bills impacting students go into effect across six states
Quote – It is already hard enough for transgender and LGBTQ+ youth to see themselves reflected in the culture or in the academic materials they’re learning from, Topping said — and harder still for LGBTQ+ youth to simply go to school if they are getting bullied. Taking away the ability for students to talk with teachers about their identity or learn about queer communities in school may hamper their ability to dream of a future with people like them in it.
Click Through for states and details. As usual, the cruelty is the point – at least the immediate point. The long-term point is genocide.

Food For Thought

Jul 052022

Glenn – J6 hearing testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson presents both “smoking gun” and “loaded gun” evidence

Meidas Touch – BREAKING NEWS: Sources confirm Trump lunged in SUV at wheel on Jan 6th to go to Capitol (I never doubted it for an instant.)

MSNBC – In Wisconsin, A Portrait Of America’s Broken Democracy

CNN – Law professor who taught Merrick Garland predicts he will indict Trump

Farron Balanced – Ted Cruz Flips Out After Sesame Street’s Elmo Gets A COVID Vaccine

Beau – Let’s talk about people wanting more people….

Jul 042022

Yesterday, I went to see Virgil at the facility in Denver. The traffic was, I suppose, not all that bad; it was not bad enough to slow my speed, but it was ha=eavy enough to cause me concern about the potental danger of changing lanes (parts of I25 in Denver now have six lanes going one direction, and I thought I remembered how th junction with I225 worked, but I wasn’t positive – and it’s been so long since I’ve driven through there, it might have changed.) Fortumately my meory was correct and it hadn’t changed. The I225 junction with I70 was even easier – I225 just ends there and merges. The Havana Street exit was simple. I did turn the wrong way on the street the facility was actually on, but since I turned into a “no outlet,” it was quick to realize and quick to turn around. I arrived in good time and getting in went smoothly. Virgil was knd of late (they had to wake him up, and someone had to come with him.) He came with his walker, didn’t have a cast, and neither leg had any sign of swelling, but he said that both legs were still in pain, though somewhat improvred. So I think he’ll recover. I left before I saw all the good wishes, but I will share them with him and I know he will appreciate them. I will be watching the DOC site so that when I next visit I’ll know where to go. They may keep him there for some weeks or more, or they may return him to Fremont, or they may assign him to a different facility. But if I keep up with the website I won’t drive to the wrong place. Coming home, I knew where I was going, but there was a little rain so I still had to stay on my toes.

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Crooks and Liars – NM County Won’t Pay Capitol Rioter Couy Griffin’s Legal Costs
Quote – His defense sparked laughter from members of the audience Friday as he made the case for county legal representation and said it was time to take a stand against “tyrannical Marxists” who want to take away freedom. “Look this is hard enough without you all laughing,” Griffin said at one point in the meeting.
Click through for setup and details. There are probably more important stories out there, but I needed a chuckle and figured you all did too. (If anyone cares, “Otero” is pronounced “oh-tear-oh” [tear as in rip up, not as in a drop,] accent on the “tear.” Not trying to insult anyone’s inte;;igence, but I have seen it in various news stories with various misspellings recently.)

Wonkette – What The Hell Is Happening In Wisconsin?
Quote – This week, the Wisconsin high court ruled 4-3 that Republican political appointees can refuse to leave and hold their offices for as long as they want, at least until a Republican is elected governor. Yes, quite literally. The outcome in Wisconsin v. Prehn is a rule that will only benefit the justices’ fellow Republicans.
Click through. This is like the Garland appointment on steroids.

Food For Thought

Jul 012022

Glenn Kirschner – Even Mick Mulvaney concludes Trump incited an armed riot. So why has there been no accountability?

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to OAN Anchor’s TOTAL MELTDOWN over Pride Flag

The Lincoln Project – Now We Know the Truth

Twitter – Saw this on DU and had to share. Hanky Alert.

Parody Project – Anthem for the Insurrection

Beau – Let’s talk about pragmatism, unpacking the court, and dealbreakers….

Jun 302022

Glenn Kirschner – J6 hearing reveals Trump knew mob was armed, wanted to lead them to the Capitol to stop Biden’s win

Meidas Touch – Michael Cohen REACTS to Trump Officials Being Indicted and Subpoenaed

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – June 28, 2022

Robert Reich – This is Why We Need to Get Money Out of Politics

Liberal Redneck – Not So Supreme Court

Beau – Let’s talk about what they’re going after next….

Jun 292022

Yesterday, I watched the hearing, and this time I admit I did get a surprise. It had never occurred to me that coward Trump** might have actually meant it when he said he would be with the protesters. Temper tantrums, yes. Throwing china, yes. Ripping the tablecloth, yes. But actually walking? In his physical condition? That’s a surprise. I can’t say their evidence of witness tampering is surprising – that, after all, is typical Mafia stuff. And anyone who has the guts to truly testify about events will also have the guts to report attempted tampering. But that was a powerful call to witnesses inviting them to “suddenly recall” events they might have forgotten. To be truthful, there was a lot of content from Ms. Hutchinson that I was not able to make out – she is soft spoken – so I’ll be looking at the after-the-fact YouTube and see if there is CC there (in which case there will be a transcript.) While the hearing was going on, I also receuved email confirmation that I may visit Virgil Sunday – half a day only, so I chose the second half. That will give me a chance to get enough sleep. (Later – there’s no CC on the YouTube vodeo, but Wonkette and Robert Reich filled in some of the gaps for me, and I have no doubt Heather Cox Richardson will fill in any gaps that remain.)  Breaking news end of day – Tina Peters lost the GOP Primary for Secretary of State! Yay!

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The New Yorker – Does Hungary Offer a Glimpse of Our Authoritarian Future?
Quote – The Republican Party hasn’t adopted a new platform since 2016, so if you want to know what its most influential figures are trying to achieve … you’ll need to look elsewhere for clues…. A more efficient way to gauge the current mood of the Party is to spend a weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference, better known as cpac.
Click through for article. Perhaps the scariest thing is that it’s a bit less obvious than brownshirts. It’s already hard to convince people who aren’t paying attention to either history or current events that we are almost a fascist nation now.

Robert Reich – The roots of Trumpism
Quote – When I interviewed these people, the overall economy was doing well in terms of the standard economic indicators of employment and growth. But the standard economic indicators don’t reflect the economic insecurity most Americans felt then — and continue to feel. Nor do they reflect the seeming arbitrariness and unfairness most people experience. The indicators don’t show the linkages many Americans still see — between wealth and power, crony capitalism, stagnant real wages, soaring CEO pay, their own loss of status, and a billionaire class that has turned our democracy into an oligarchy. The standard measures also don’t show that for four decades, Americans without a four-year college degree have worked harder than ever, but gone nowhere. If they’re white and non-college, they’ve been on a downward economic escalator. Finally, the standard measures don’t show what most Americans have caught on to — how wealth has translated into political power to rig the system with bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, special tax loopholes, shrunken unions, and increasing monopoly power, all of which have pushed down wages and pulled up profits.
Click through for analysis. Someone could shoot Trump** on Fifth Avenue (or anywhere else) and Trump**ism would not disappear – far from it. To get rid of it, we need to dig deeper – a lot deeeper.

Food For Thought

Jun 272022

Yesterday, Sunday, I hadn’t slept well.I scheduled today’s posts early so I could spend some time going throug my closets (and everywhere else I have clothing) in order to se aside clothing to give to thrift stores. It’s going to take quite a while. In the roughly 11 years that Virgil has been incarcerated, I have lost six sizes, and I have never systematicall attempted to eliminate what no longer fits – living alone and with mobility issues I just haven;’t had the impulse to tackle such a huge task which arose so gradually. But now I have a motivating factor. If I can get this done (along with some other clutter) I eventually (and I do mean eventually) may be able to coordinate with a reputable group tp offer my home to women coming here to Colorado for abortions (assuming I live long enough to get there – but I am in decent health for my age – my issues are either non-life-threatening or medically controlled. So far.) AT any rate, I’m going to try.

Cartoon (not a live link, sorry) –

Short Takes –

Letters from an American – June 24, 2022
Quote – At [Thursday’s] hearing of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol, we heard overwhelming proof that former president Trump and his congressional supporters tried to overturn the will of the voters in the 2020 presidential election and steal control of our country to keep a minority in power. [Friday], thanks to three justices nominated by Trump, the Supreme Court stripped a constitutional right from the American people, … a right they indicated they would protect because it was settled law…. For the first time in our history, rather than conveying rights, the court has explicitly taken a constitutional right away from the American people. These two extraordinary events are related.
Click through for full analysis.  Richardson is a historian. The period in history she sees us as losing (or having lost) is not the last fifty years, but the period from 1933 to a981. I concur. This is so much bigger than abortion (and guns).

Crooks & Liars – Hey Gang There’s A (Grifty) Credit Card For Conservatives!
Quote – “Coign is America’s first credit card built by Conservatives for Conservatives. Coign was created to advance conservative values and embrace the American spirit. We align your dollars with your values. Unlike other leading credit cards, that give millions to the Left each year, Coign is helping Conservatives to align their dollars with their values. We’re proud that the dollars you spend are invested in Conservative causes.”
Click through for comic relief – although it’s also scary. If their base is dumbe enough to fall for this, they’ll fall for anything. (I assume a married woman needs her hisband’s signature to get this card.)

Food For Thought
