Aug 092022

Glenn Kirschner – DA Fani Willis puts Lindsey Graham in his place in her motion seeking his grand jury testimony

Meidas Touch – Greg Abbott plan to Infiltrate Beto O’Rourke rallies BACKFIRES as supporters switch sides

The Lincoln Project – Victor Orban at CPAC

Farron Balanced – Giuliani’s Ex Wife Wants Him Jailed As His Alimony Checks Bounce

MSNBC – What Happened To CPAC? Standards Have Plummeted At Conservative Gathering (Evidenly the first “C” in “CPAC” now stands for “Crazy”)

Beau – Let’s talk about DOJ, Breonna Taylor, and Louisville….

Aug 052022

Glenn Kirschner – Pat Cipollone gets a grand jury subpoena. This spells real trouble for Donald Trump & “Team Crazy.”

Meidas Touch – Burn Pit Victim Exposes HEINOUS Republican Lies about Veterans Bill (yes, it has now been passed, and this is one reason why.)

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party Aug.2, 2022

Thom Hartmann – Why The GOP Thinks We Drink Children’s Blood? Featuring Mike Rothschild

Bear Cub Brothers Separated For Months Can’t Stop Hugging Each Other

Beau – Let’s talk about the wages of freedom….

Aug 042022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s lawyers preparing for him to be indicted; looking to blame Trump’s crimes on “fall guys”

Meidas Touch – Tucker Carlson LOSES IT after President Biden Takes out 9/11 Plotter

The Lincoln Project – Weekend

Robert Reich – The Current Plot to Rig U.S. Elections

If Social Media Were Honest | Honest Ads (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok)

Beau – Let’s talk about the Supreme Court altering football….

Aug 012022

Yesterday, I went to visit Virgil – or tried to – but my car broke down and I had to get a tow and a ride home from my roadside assistance program. That went reasonably smoothly, and I have sent an email to the mechanics (they will have it by the time you read this) and a “JPay letter” to Virgil – that is a message which is electronically transmittied to the facility, printed out, and given to the offender – it’s the fastest means of communication from me to him, since I can’t call him, he has to call me. It is faster than snail mail, but not as much as I would wish at times like this.

Cartoon – 01 O2 RTL

Short Takes –

Crooks and Liars – Louie Gohmert Melts Down After Dem ‘Impugns’ His Lies
Quote – Rep. Cicilline then told Republicans to read the documents and stop making false claims. “Good luck with that,” the chairwoman said. This set Louie Gohmert’s hair on fire. “The gentleman … is not allowed under the rules to impugn false statements by this side,” Gohmert said.
Click through for full extent of – whatever it is. Sometimes one wonders whether they are delusional or just plain dumb. Louie is delusional – but this was just plain dumb. [The meeting chair at that point was Madeleine Dean (D-PA)]

Daily Beast – Dr. Oz’s Turkish Nationalist Pals Living in His Secret N.J. Condo
Quote – Dr. Mehmet Oz owns an undisclosed apartment in New Jersey that houses close associates of his who are linked to groups that have denied the ethnic cleansing which occurred in the formative years of the modern Turkish state. Bergen County records show that since 2006 Oz and his wife have owned the condominium in the borough of Fairview, a seven-minute drive from their mansion overlooking the Hudson River, where the county sent the unit’s property tax bill as recently as this year. Yet this apartment is oddly absent from the otherwise exhaustive disclosure Oz made in April as a candidate for the U.S. senator from Pennsylvania…. What was possible to ascertain is who those tenants are: a pair of apparent longtime friends deeply involved in Turkish nationalist activism and connected to groups that have fought to prevent the United States from recognizing the extermination of Armenians on Turkish territory during World War I—which Oz himself has refused to describe as a genocide, despite a consensus among respected historians.
Click through for more. Yes, Republicans lie, and no, other Republicans don’t care. But this is like denying the Holocaust happened. People like that are dangers to democracy.

Food For Thought –

Jul 302022

Glenn Kirschner – Important new data points indicate DOJ does, in fact, have Donald Trump in its criminal sights

Meidas Touch – Rupert Murdoch TURNS ON TRUMP as Criminal Investigations Ramp Up

The Lincoln Project – This Woman Votes

Ojeda Live – Children Suffering in Somalia Thanks to Putin

Puppet Regime – Sing Along: The Really Bad People Song (CC included)

Beau – Let’s talk about Republican voting records….

Jul 292022

Glenn Kirschner – In interview, AG Garland reaffirms DOJ will charge EVERYONE for their crimes, regardless of status

Meidas Touch – Texas Paul REACTS to Marjorie Taylor Greene Blaming Jan 6 on Nancy Pelosi

The Lincoln Project – The Many Sounds of Junior

Thom Hartmann – The Billionaires Buying The Midterm Elections

Farron Balanced – Trump Allies Have Terrifying Plan To Reshape America If He Becomes President Again

Beau – Let’s talk about the Constitution, marriage, and a talking point….

Jul 282022

Glenn Kirschner – Marc Short subpoenaed & testifies to grand jury; J6 committee may soon subpoena Ginni Thomas

Meidas Touch – Navy Veteran EXPOSES American Gun Extremists

The Lincoln Project – Danger Zone

Ring of Fire – Secret Service Magically Finds Missing Texts After Investigation Announced

Armageddon Update – We Keep Secrets, Service

Beau – Let’s talk about the Republican takeaway from the hearings….

Jul 282022

Yesterday, I observed that the forecast had mover the two seriously cold days this week from today and tomorrow to tomorrow and Friday. If they keep pushing them out, it could make my drive Sunday to see Virgil much more pleasant – assuming he’s still where he is now. I do think he is likely to be. At this point in the week I hoe so, because in the past when they have moved him it has been a few days at least before visiting is allowed at the new location.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Minnnesota Reformer – Conservative blocs unleash litigation to curb public health powers
Quote – Through a wave of pandemic-related litigation, a trio of small but mighty conservative legal blocs has rolled back public health authority at the local, state and federal levels, recasting America’s future battles against infectious diseases. Galvanized by what they’ve characterized as an overreach of COVID-19-related health orders issued amid the pandemic, lawyers from the three overlapping spheres — conservative and libertarian think tanks, Republican state attorneys general, and religious liberty groups — are aggressively taking on public health mandates and the government agencies charged with protecting community health.
Click through for details. The EPA can’t regulate. Now the CDC (and similar agencies at state and local levels) can’t regulate. Can anyone doubt any longer that they are trying to kill us all?

NPR – Decades of ‘good fires’ save Yosemite’s iconic grove of ancient sequoia trees
Quote – But it took more than the hard work of wildland firefighters, luck or a shift in the wind to protect the majestic trees in the Mariposa Grove, many of them 2,000 years old with several including the Grizzly Giant well over 3,000 years. Instead, foresters and ecologists say a half-century of intentional burning or ”prescribed fire” practices in and around the area dramatically reduced forest ”fuel” there, allowing the blaze to pass through the grove with the trees unscathed.
Click through for backstory. Nothing, in the end, will prevent forest fires entirely. And vacuum cleaners won’t help. But something else will. I shudder to think what a Republican administration might do to the Forest Service and the Park Service.

Food For Thought – This is from the British version of Vogue. I needed a little uplift and figured others might also.
