Yesterday, the radio opera was “Manon Lescaut” by Puccini. (Massenet also wrote one on this story; his is called just “Manon.”) Puccini’s libretto specifies that Manon is transported to and dies in “The deserts of Louisiana,” a phrase which always makes me smile, and sometimes giggle. But today, it occurred to me that some day that conceivably might be accurate. Not in the New Orleans are, of course; that area is far more vulnerable to sea evel rise. But just possibly some of the northern/eastern parts. Of course, if that does happen, there likely won’t ba anyone left to sing the opera, let alone provide an audience for it. Any remaining humans will have other things on their minds. But I digress. Puccini’s version makes much more of Manon’s brother’s pimp-like actions, while Massenet’s stresses Manon’s re-seducing he former lover after he is ordained a priest (Puccini did not go there.) Both have some lovely highlights. Both (I think not consciously – it’s just the way things were) objectify Manon. Puccini’s last line (reanslated) is “This is the end of Manon Lescaut,” and I’ll also stop and move on.
Today’s FFT is one I put together, but the idea is not original to me – it’s based on a comment made on a Crooks & Liars article. I would like to have shown a litter of kittens, but this was the best I could come up with on short notice.
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
The White House – Breakthroughs for All: Delivering Equitable Access to America’s Research
Quote – To tackle this injustice, and building on the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to advance policy that benefits all of America, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released new policy guidance [Thursday, 8/25] to ensure more equitable access to federally funded research. All members of the American public should be able to take part in every part of the scientific enterprise—leading, participating in, accessing, and benefitting from taxpayer-funded scientific research. That is, all communities should be able to take part in America’s scientific possibilities.
Click through for official memo. I found this out through Democratic Underground, and have not seen it elsewhere,. Just – Wow.
Crooks & Liars – Guess Who’s Behind Trump’s Resistance To Handing Over Documents
Quote – Fitton, the longtime head of the legal activist group Judicial Watch, had a simple message for Trump — it was a mistake to give the records to the Archives, and his team should never have let the Archives “strong-arm” him into returning them, according to three sources familiar with the matter. Those records belonged to Trump, Fitton argued, citing a 2012 court case involving his organization that he said gave the former President authority to do what he wanted with records from his own term in office.
Click through for story. This also appears to be a scoop. If you wondered how he got the cockamamie idea that those documents belonged to him, here’s your answer.
Food For Thought