Oct 172022

Glenn Kirschner – J6 committee subpoenas Trump, and he responds with a letter that is . . . sharply self-incriminating

Meidas Touch – BREAKING: New York AG Files EMERGENCY MOTION to STOP Trump’s Continuing FRAUD (It won’t be breaking any more when you see this – but so much else was happening, it may have slipped under the radar. BTW, Meidas Touch is putting up a lot, but it’s getting very difficult to find anything under 10 minutes, let alone under 5 minutes.)

The Lincoln Project – What They Believe

Mothers Against Greg Abbott – No Choice

Parody Project – RUBLES WORTH NOTHIN’ – a Parody of Money for Nothing

Beau – Let’s talk about Pirates, Emperors, Russians, and Ukrainians….

Oct 162022

Glenn Kirschner – Jan. 6 select committee hearing exposes proof beyond a reasonable doubt of Trump’s treasonous crimes

Meidas Touch – Political Expert PREDICTS Tulsi Gabbard Auditioning to be Trump VICE PRESIDENT in 2024 (I’m not trying to drown y’all with Tuberville, but Ken has a valid point no one else is making.)

The Lincoln Project – Crime

From Twitter – Reaction by Pelosi on Jan. 6

Mrs. Betty Bowers – The Herschel Walker Exception

Beau – Let’s talk about Alabama, Trump’s rally, and Tuberville….

Oct 152022

Yesterday, my BFF had a colonoscopy, which I know because she needed me to give her a ride home, which I gladly did. She had hoped to be able to drive herself home, but anyone who has either had a coloscopy ot sat beside a loved one having one, knows that’s a no-go. Her son will help her get her car back home later. She’ll hear more detailed results Monday and I may be in as much suspense as she is. She mentioned “an endometri-something” and I said,”If you do have an endometriome, wherever it is, don’t wait until it is over 9 pounds like I did.” In other news, I confirmed that the Social Security COLA for 2023 wioll be 8.7%, and the Part B Medicare premiums will go down. Very cool.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

HuffPost – ‘2000 Mules’ Has Radicalized The 2022 Midterm Elections
Quote – By June 2, the right-wing polling outfit Rasmussen said 15% of survey respondents had seen the film. Multiple Republican candidates, including two secretary of state nominees in pivotal swing states, have praised the film publicly, a HuffPost review found. And the movie has inspired groups across the country to hold stakeouts at drop boxes and to mobilize again around Donald Trump’s lie that, as the then-president said in August 2020, “the only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.”
Click through for story. Just what we needed – NOT.

The New Yorker – Has the C.I.A. Done More Harm Than Good?
Quote – It can be hard to sort out which agencies do what; players in the espionage business aren’t always good with boundaries. Both the C.I.A. and the N.S.A. make use of satellite resources, including commercial ones, but there is a separate agency in charge of a spy-satellite fleet, the National Reconnaissance Office—not to be confused with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which deals with both space-based and ground-level imaging, or with Space Delta 18, the nation’s newest intelligence agency, which is attached to the Space Force. Abolishing the C.I.A. might do nothing more than reconfigure the turf wars.
Click through for details. I honestly don’t have a problem with there being 18 agencies, provided they’re not all incompetent i the same ways at the same time (And also provided that whatever part of the Executive Branch they report to both reuires accuracy and also takes the reports seriously when they come in.) Obviously, the Secret Service and the FBI are weak on one or both of those points.

Food For Thought

Oct 142022

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ files compelling brief with Supreme Court in Trump stolen classified documents case

Meidas Touch – MAGA Candidate for Arizona Governor VACUUMS TINY RED RUG for Trump at Rally

The Lincoln Project – Flaunting Their Racism

MSNBC – The Trumpiest Time In American History Before Trump’

It Took Years To Get This Feral Dog Inside A House

Beau – Let’s talk about Haiti and the world’s EMT…. (Could State do this? Wasn’t the Peace Corps under State?

Oct 132022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Lawyer Christina Bobb questioned by FBI, points finger at another Trump Lawyer Evan Corcoran

Meidas Touch – Fulton County DA SECURES COOPERATION of Former Top White House Aide in CRIMINAL PROBE

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – October 11, 2022

More Perfect Union – Republican Corruption EXPOSED In the Closest U.S. Senate Race

Brent Terhune on Twitter (I checked, and it’s on Youtube, but only as one of their new “shorts” which can’t be embedded)

Beau – Let’s talk about a new parenting approach….

Oct 122022

Yesterday, my radio station started its fall fund drive, so I started audio streaming, beginning with “The Score” – a one-hour program about music in film which I listen to weekly, generally during that one hour every weekday when there’s a program I don’t care for. This week’s theme was “mad scientists.” Timely for me, both because I had used that hour just the day before to watch a short biography of Thomas Midgley, Jr., called “The Man Who Accidentally Killed The Most People In History.” I thought of him when the host remarked that “mad scientists” in film seem to share a total disregard for the dangers of their creations. But throughout the program, I was also wondering if the whole mad scientist thing hd become so pervasive that the concept became part of the inspiration for QAnon, and other creations of the Alt-Right, with their disdain for actual science and facts. If so, it took long enough. In literature, it traces back to the 16th Century (Christopher Marlowe) and, considering actual science developed out of alchemy, almost certainly goes back to the dawn of humanity. Has anyone besides me ever wondered how humans, with all our crazy tendencies that are hard wired into us managed to survive this long at all?

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Short Takes –

The Daily Beast – Kremlin TV Exposes the Real Goal of Putin’s ‘Revenge-Bombs’
Quote – [State Duma Defense Committee’s head Andrey] Kartapolov urged Russians to unite behind Putin, and his desperate plea spotlighted the true reason behind Moscow’s barrage of missiles: to curb waning public support for Putin’s mindless war…. Konstantin Dolgov, the former Russian commissioner for human rights,… yearned for pained reactions from Ukrainians affected by the strikes, asking: “Are they whining yet? Are they howling yet?”
Click through for the story. My visceral response is, “Republicans, everywhere, by any name, are all the same – the cruelty is the point.” However, Republicans everywhere, by any name, also lie. A lot. So who knows.

CPR News – Republicans hope to take back the House. Here’s what it could mean for Colorado’s representatives
Quote – While he’s not measuring any drapes, GOP Rep. Doug Lamborn said he would seek the chairmanship of the Strategic Forces subcommittee of the House Armed Services committee. He was named the ranking member of that committee in January. The delegation’s longest serving Republican, Lamborn… also currently sits on the House Natural Resources committee[.]
Click through for full article – or, even better, check out your own state’s representatives – not just yours, but all of them. Every state almost certainly has one or more reps whose presence, or chairmanship, on this committee or that committee could turn the House into even more of a horrorscape than their mere presence in the House suggests.

Food For Thought

Oct 092022

Yesterday, the radio opera was “A Village Teacher” in Mandarin. While it is an opers, it is in Chinese, and was written by Chinese people, it is not a “Chinese Opera” – it is a “Chinese contemporary classical opera.” Traditional Chinese opera, which goes back thousands of years, had its golden age in the 13th century under the Song dynasty (It’s pure coincidence that the dynastic name sounds musical to us.) The art form’s name – well, one of its Chinese name – is Xipu.  There are regional variations, including the name of the form.   Tan Dun (who scored the film “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” has written several western operas, including one for Placido Domingo, called “The First Emperor,” in which he inlcuded a traditional Chinese opera character and trraditional style – I saw that one on TV so long ago I think I have a VHS of it. But I digress. “A Village teacher,” just as it sounds, is about a teacher and her efforts to teach and help her students be their best selves. It premiered in 2009.

I also learned (I am now listening on the internet – my local station decided not to finish carrying the full season) that Chicago is already calling the holiday of October 10 “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” And I got confirmation to see Virgil tomorrow.

Cartoon – 09 Manhattan Project RTL

Short Takes –

Steve Schmidt – The Warning – Christian nationalism
Quote – Christian nationalism is evil and dangerous. It is antithetical to Christianity. It is profoundly dangerous. It is on the ballot all across America. Christian nationalism is incompatible with American democracy and pluralism. When political extremists take power in the name of God there is always death…. The separation of church and state and religious freedom are profoundly important foundational achievements of the American republic. The extremists who seek power in God’s name are not benign men and women. I hope this will be a warning.
Click through for the article and a video, which will also appear in today’s Video Thread (It has CC but you may need to enable it.) To share it with others, this is the link to use: https://youtu.be/XzKc748F34g

The Daily Beast – Russians Terrified by Putin’s Bunker Mentality as He Turns 70 With His Finger on the Nuclear Button
Quote – Russians are growing increasingly worried about their leader’s state of mind. In his most recent public appearance, Putin’s eyes looked sunk and foggy. He spoke to a group of teachers from a small office over Zoom. The idea was to celebrate Wednesday’s “Teachers’ Day”—but Putin couldn’t resist ranting about the so-called “neo-Nazis” in Ukraine. “That part looked really insane,” 17-year-old student Vitaly Shatrov from St. Petersburg, whose last name has been changed for privacy reasons, told The Daily Beast. “Putin, who many compare to Hitler for the violence against Ukrainian people, speaks with teachers from some bunker about Nazis.”
Click through for story. I’m 7 years older than he is, and my doctor says I look around that much younger than he is (I think I’ve already shared this.)  A different source says he has mobilized about 200,000 – and also that 335,000 have fled to avoid the draft. And he’s well aware what the repercussions would be of even a “small” (“tactical”) strike. I cannot get into the mindset well enough to predict what he might do.  But I might point out that for four years we were all terrified that Trump** would press that button.

Food For Thought

Oct 082022

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s dangerous post about Mitch McConnell & his wife, and what it says about the Republican party

The Lincoln Project – Last Week In the Republican Party – October 4, 2022

MSNBC – Sore Loser Syndrome’: What Lowered Confidence In Elections Means For Midterms

Robert Reich – This One Thing Made Alex Jones Stop Lying [temporarily – jd]

Armageddon Update – Losers Gonna Lose

Beau – Let’s talk about Psychology and Alameda, California…
