Yesterday, it was pretty quiet – until late last night, when there was (literally) earthshaking news – from Turkey ans Syria. To quote Heather Cox Richardson, ”
A deadly 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey late tonight has caused damage in Syria, and was felt in Lebanon, and Israel, as well. It has collapsed buildings, sparked fires in ruptured gas lines, and prompted Italian authorities to warn of potential tsunami waves. Aftershocks, including one of 6.7 magnitude and another of 5.6, have continued to hit in the wake of the first quake. Millions of refugees from Syria’s civil war and internally displaced persons live in the region of the epicenter, in tents and other temporary housing. It is winter there.” Winter in the Mediterranean is not the same as winter in the Colorado Rockies, but it is still no picnic. At least our President is on top of it.
Cartoon –

Short Takes –
Crooks & Liars – With A One-Word Answer, Maxine Waters Startles GOP ‘Colleague’
Quote – “You can’t condemn socialism?” Reschenthaler said. “In your opening remarks, you were talking about Putin, Kim Jong Un and Xi. You know what they all have in common, right?” “Trump,” Waters said.
Click through. Auntie Maxine – making Black History since 1938
The 19th – Two years in, Biden has prioritized nominating women of color as judges
Quote – While Jackson’s historic confirmation was the most visible sign of systemic change in the judiciary, the president has prioritized diversity throughout the federal court system. Biden’s judicial appointees are the most diverse of any U.S. president to date in terms of race, gender and professional background. Of the judges appointed by Biden in the past two years, 75 percent are women, 47 percent are women of color and 67 percent are people of color.
Click through for details. Few white people are in a position to make Blck History – and of those few, most don’t (or do it wrong.) I’m pretty sure Joe doesn”t expect (or care about) being named in Black HIstory. He’s just doing the right thing.
Food For Thought