Feb 182023

Glenn Kirschner – Georgia grand jury report re: Trump’s election crimes concludes witnesses lied, recommends charges.

Farron Balanced – Trump Lawyer Offers Dumbest Explanation Ever For Stolen Classified Document Folder

Really American – Chip Franklin SKEWERS Donald Trump for his obsession with public execution.

Brent Terhune – Satanic Ritual at the Grammys

Abandoned Lamb Runs To Human Mom

Beau – Let’s talk about Ohio, trains, coverage, and a lack of answers….

Feb 172023

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ won’t charge Matt Gaetz for alleged sex-trafficking: how fed prosecutors make charging decisions

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – February 14, 2023

Thom Hartmann – Is Neo-Fascism Taking Over America?

Rocky Mountain Mike – Bang Bang (Joe Biden Shot It Down) – Featuring Mary in Ann Arbor

Feral Cat Hated Everyone Until She Fell In Love With Another Kitty

Beau – Let’s talk about McConnell pushing Scott out there…

Feb 152023

Glenn Kirschner – New ruling by Georgia judge brings Donald Trump one step closer to being indicted for Georgia crimes

Sen. Whitehouse Joins Lawrence O’Donnell to Discuss Supreme Court Ethics

Politicsgirl Enough of the Lies

The Ring of Fire – Lauren Boebert Loses Her Mind During Twitter Hearing

Rescued Kitten Becomes One Of The Girls

Beau – Let’s talk about something that didn’t happen in Baltimore….

Feb 152023

Yesterday, I got the New Yorker’s Name Drop on the first clue (and the cheeky little respone they provide, whether you get the answer or not, said “Now go tell everyone you know.”) I don’t know that everyoe would get it on the first clue (I happen to be a huge fan), but there’s a lot of information scattered through the six clues, and I think most people would get it at some point. But thegood news is that Dianne Feinstein has announced she will not run again. Not that there won’t be a primary, but it looks like it will be between Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, and possibly Barbara Lee. Much as I hate the thought of losing any from the House,let alone all three, any of them would dramatically improve the Senate. Does anyone know whether the losers will be able to run for their House seat instead? That varies from state to state, and I’m not even 100% positive how it works in mine. Speaking of mine, another announcement today – Adam Frisch will take on Boebert again.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

PolitiZoom – Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls, GOP. It Tolls For Thee
Quote – The next day he went into Rick Skeletor Scott’s backyard in Florida to spread the good word. And as people walked into the auditorium for the rally, there was a leaflet of Senator Scott’s 11 point plan on every seat. Biden almost gleefully led a Sing-Along-With-Mitch of the part that sunsetted Medicare and Social Security after 5 years
Click through for full list. Considering the bubble in which MAGAts live, I don’t know how long these achievements are going to carry us, but it won’t hurt to take a small victory lap.

Politico [from 2019] – The Spy Case That Made Adam Schiff a Russia Hawk
Quote – This was no ordinary FBI surveillance operation: The “acquaintance” Grishin referred to was himself an FBI agent—a man who, out of greed, desperation, and spite, had begun an affair with Ogorodnikov and agreed to sell classified information to the Soviet government. Eventually, this man—Richard W. Miller, a 47-year-old Los Angeles-based counterintelligence agent on the Bureau’s Soviet squad—would become the first FBI agent ever convicted of espionage. And the man who would finally secure Miller’s conviction in 1990—after three trials over the course of six years—was a young U.S. attorney in Los Angeles: Adam Schiff.
Click through for background. This is not news, but since Adam is running for the Senate, I thought some background wouldn’t hurt. I will also from time to time look at background on Katie, and if and when Barbara announces, on her as well.

Food For Thought

Feb 142023

Political Voices Network – Neal Katyal: GOP Scared! Pence Gets an “A” for Loyalty, But Will He Have the Guts to Cross Trump?

The Lincoln Project – This Week in House Committee Hearings

MSNBC – Plaskett: GOP using ‘weaponization’ panel to air conspiracy theories ahead of 2024

Farron Balanced – Trump Goes Nuts After Conservative Group Snubs Him

Shy Rescue Puppy Asks For Pets For The First Time

Beau – Let’s talk about science in Montana….

Feb 132023

Yesterday, Virgil and I had a good visit, even without cards. He is still dreaming things and thinking they happened, but if he starts to tell me about one, he now often catches himself up and says, “Oh, never mind.” And he did remember a few things that actually did happen, such as when a former boss of mine (whom we both adores) died – doing what she loved – rock climbing in Mexico. We were the only table for a couple of hours, but then gradually five others received visits. A couple of them left before I did, but the other three were still there when I left – at just the right time to minimize the sunset hindering me. There are some windows in the room, and they face roughly west. Their light on the floor gradually moves as the sun does, and eventually starts climbing up the wall, and acts as a makeshift sundial. When the top corner reaches a certain height, it’s time to leave. (If there isn’t sun, it doesn’t make as much difference when I leave because the sun won’t distract me if it can’t be seen.) Congratulations to Nameless on his team’s win (even though it still has an insensitive mascot. ;-)) After I got back and started looking around, I realized that Ohio is having an environmental catastrophe after a train derailment – near East Palestine – and I hope Spy Kat isn’t anywhere near it. Spy, I see you’ve been by (thanks for the upvotes) and I hope that means you’re fine and not in danger. On a happier note, Stevie van Zandt sent Jamie Raskin a gift – check this out.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Civil Discourse – Who Weaponized the Federal Government?
Quote – Yes, this subcommittee was a product of the “compromise” a desperate Kevin McCarthy struck to get the votes he needed to win the speakership on the 15th ballot. That’s apparent. But we need to understand the purpose the members who negotiated for its existence had in mind for it. We’ve already established it’s not about responsible governance. It’s purely performative. The goal seems to be producing a series of video clips and social media posts that Republicans can use for gotcha, for campaigning, and to advance fake claims that will only serve to push the country further into two opposing camps. It’s about writing bumper stickers and own-the-libs punchlines. Look no further than the fact that Fox News didn’t carry the hearing live. It’s all about some 60-second clips where Jordan and friends will be free to harpoon Democrats in a fact-free environment.
Click through for the details of her premise. While mostly obvious to us, it needs to be shouted from the rooftops. I do want to make one tiny correction – Stacey Plaskett of the Virgin Islands is not a Congresswoman but a delegate (USVI is not a state). She doesn’t have a vote on legislation. I presume she does on the committee, and in any case she has a voice – a strong one.

(New York magazine) The Cut – Misty Copeland on Becoming a Mom, Writing a Memoir, and Returning to the Stage
Quote – The self-doubt that comes with the responsibility of being the first, going onstage and performing these roles — Raven Wilkinson dealt with it herself, right before she left the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. She was being told by Nina Novak, who was the principal ballerina in the company, that her time pretty much was up. She was never going to be the White Swan. That’s just not a role for Black women. That was ingrained in us as Black women in the ballet world. So when I was given the opportunity to do Swan Lake, it was like this ancestral trauma that I’m bringing with me — this responsibility that if I don’t live up to these standards, what will that mean for future Black dancers taking on this role? Will they be given the opportunity, or will I be the reason not? All of these things were going through my head.
Click through for the rest of today’s Black History moment. I’m not a huge ballet fan, but I do admire Misty, and I’ve missed hearing/reading about her. (The first FFT is the cover of the children’s book she wrote – and the second is tips on how to use that.)

Food For Thought

Feb 122023

Glenn Kirschner – Special Counsel Jack Smith subpoenas Mike Pence to testify to grand jury about Donald Trump’s crimes

Meidas Touch – Marjorie Taylor Greene LOSES IT during Hearing and it’s HILARIOUS

The Lincoln Project – This Is Leadership

Steve Schmidt – World War Stupid

Couple Cries After Sending Their Skinny Rescue Dog To New Home

Beau – Let’s talk about polling on a second Biden term….

Feb 102023

Glenn Kirschner – Twitter executives testify at congressional hearing; make Jordan, MTG and others look foolish

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – February 7, 2023

Political Voices Network – Joyce Vance: Trump’s House of Cards Crumbling! New Twist in Navarro’s Trial, & Barr Exposed!

Robert Reich – The Dangerous Reality of Police Traffic Stops

2-Pound Great Dane Puppy Has To Start Walking Before He Gets Too Big

Beau – Let’s talk about the male scale….
