Jul 102023

Yesterday, our Mitch had a photo of a sunset over Tampa Bay picked up by Axios and used in their local newsletter. Congratulatons, Mitch! While we’re speaking of Florida, I think my favoride nickname for her Governor is still Ron DeSaster, but Steve Schmidt just came up with a grest contender – “The Tallahassee Mussolini.” Also, I learned that Wonkette is moving to Substack.

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Short Takes –

Salon – Ecosystem collapse could occur “surprisingly quickly,” study finds
Quote – Yet humanity may not need to wait until the late 21st Century for climate change to bring about real-world apocalyptic conditions. This will especially be so if ecosystems undergo abrupt changes after too many extreme weather events occur, one after another after another. According to a new study in the scientific journal Nature Sustainability, that scenario might indeed occur sooner rather than later…. “We show that the combination of additional stresses and/or the inclusion of noise [such as variables like El Niño] brings ecosystem collapses substantially closer to today by ~38–81%,” Willcock explained. “We also show that, if you were focused on just one stress – because it was easier to measure, for example – the ecosystem collapse may occur at stress levels you thought were safe (i.e. due to the pressure of the stresses you are not observing).”
Click through for more information. I won’t say what I’m thinking, lest it sound like a sick joke.

Letters from an American – July 8, 2023
Quote – Reacting to that nomination, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) recognized the importance of the Fourteenth Amendment to equality: “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is—and is often the only—protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy….”
Click through for the letter, Heather puts it all together – from the Dred Scott decision , the 3th and 14th amendments, through originalism, and Ted Kennedy being prescient about Rbert Bork. (Does anyone besides me find it very expressive that “borked” now means broken, non-functioning, messed up?)

Food For Thought

Jul 092023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump ‘s dangerous posts continue unabated; Jack Smith’s prosecutors now being threatened/harassed

PoliticsGirl – Why You Should Care About Ohio

MSNBC – Justice Kagan shares our crisis of faith in SCOTUS (Long, and I’ll understand not watching. But I found it so moving I didn’t want to pass it by.)

Liberal Redneck – White House Cocaine

Foster Dog Who Couldn’t Walk Decides To Run Up To Her Adopter

Beau – Let’s talk about the funniest veto in history….

Jul 092023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Il Proscrotti” by Saverio Mercadante, an opera I had never heard of. Don’t look so astonished – there are plenty of operas i have not heard of, just as there are plenty of plays and books I have never heard of. I doubt anyone could be aware of everything that exists in even the smallest category. In this case, the reason is that it was written and premiered in 1842, enjoyed one performance, and was not performed again until 2022 (and that is the version we heard a live recording of today.) It’s set in Scotland during the Protectorate (Cromwell’s regime), and is one of those tales where a husband is presumed dead, and his wife decides, or is encouraged, or is forced, to remarry, and then he shows up. Culture is full of them. In this case, it’s complicated by the original husband being a royalist whereas the replacement is a puritan. (I really do not get why Christian talibans through the ages – and there have been many – want people to have no food or heathcare or fun. The Romans were smarter – they knew that “Bread and circuses” were key to keeping the populace compliant.) Mercadante I have heard of – He wrote a number of operas, including a version of “Francesca da Rimini.” Rachmaninoff wrote one too, although the Zandonai one is much more popular.

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Short Takes –

Huff Post – Top Oklahoma School Official Says Teachers Can Talk About Race Massacre — If They’re Careful About The Race Part
Quote – Teaching kids about the Tulsa Race Massacre is completely fine, according to Oklahoma school Superintendent Ryan Walters. Teachers just need to make sure no one is “made to feel bad” about it…. “I would never tell a kid that because of your race, because of the color of your skin, or your gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist. That doesn’t mean you don’t judge the actions of individuals,” Walters said. “Oh, you can. Absolutely, historically, you should. ‘This was right. This was wrong. They did this for this reason.’ But to say it was inherent in that because of their skin is where I say that is critical race theory. You’re saying that race defines a person.”
Click through for the rest, if you can stand to. You cannot make this stuff up.

The 19th – House Republicans are baking abortion restrictions into spending bills — and avoiding public votes
Quote – The policies backed by House Republicans are wide-ranging. One provision would ban the Department of Defense from covering paid leave or travel costs for service members and their families who need to seek fertility treatments or abortions outside where they are stationed – a measure that disproportionately impacts Black people, who are overrepresented in the military. Another provision would reverse a decision by the Food and Drug Administration that allowed pharmacies to distribute mifepristone — one of the drugs used in medication abortions — via telehealth and allowed certain pharmacies to dispense the pill to patients with a prescription.
Click through for the story. The subtitle of the piece is “Democratic leaders say they will act as a “firewall” on reproductive rights even during looming negotiations to fund the government.” Sowe can continue to breathe.

Food For Thought

Jul 082023

Glenn didn’t post Thursday (probably did Friday but I had already put in this non-Trump**-related scary vid.)
Talking Feds – MAGA Judge Issues SHOCKING Political Injunction

MSNBC – Trump nightmare deepens as Jack Smith hits AZ 2020 plot with subpoenas

Robert Reich – Does the Constitution Ban Trump from Running Again?

Parody Project – Republicans with No Plan (tune from “The Mikado”)

Stray Cat Paws At The Window Every Day Until Lady Adopts Him

Beau – Let’s talk about 4th of July trivia….

Jul 062023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s danger continues: he posts Obama’s home address; armed Trump supporter heads to the address

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – July 3, 2023

Robert Reich – Republicans Don’t Own Patriotism

Parody Project – Court for Sale

Sister Cats Take Turns Being Moms To Their Eight Kittens (I’m not sure whether they are blood sisters or “frosted” sisters – Dodo tends to “humanize” relationships)

Beau – Let’s talk about Chris Christie’s campaign….

Jul 022023

Glenn Kirschner – The Supreme Court makes America a less decent place

The Lincoln Project – Trump Knew

MSNBC – Lawrence reads the filing of the evidence DOJ has against Trump

Armageddon Update – I’m The King Of The World!

Little Pittie Gets Adopted By A Girl Who Has The Same “Paw”

Beau – Let’s talk about Trump’s queen Rudy….

Jul 022023

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Nixon in China” by John Adams.I’ve heard and/or seen it several times, although always in the same production (original cast). This production was from the Bastille Opera in Paris, and a totally different cast, including Renee Fleming and a baritone, Thomas Hampson, equally well known among opera lovers, but I think not so much outside opera. During the week, the opera came into my mind from time to time, and it occurred to me that we tend to put plays and operas into the pigeonholes of comedy, drama (tragedy), and history, as Shakespeare’s plays are categorized. One would naturally call this one a history, but, although it’s all three to some extent, I suspect eventually it will come to be seen as a comedy. The only character who is not mocked (and mocked in the most effective way – through his or her own words and actions) is Zhou Enlai. Kissinger in particular is pilloried in the second half through the mechanism of Madame Mao putting on a ballet and casting the villain as a dancer who looks like him (played by the same singer who sings the “real” Kissinger.) But there’s comedy all through, some gentle, some less so. In the meeting with Mao, Zhou, Nixon and Kissinger, three of them are attempting actual diplomacy, but Mao is telling philosophical jokes, causing Nixon and Kissinger in particular to become very confused (this, by the way, is how the real life meeting actually went, as a former aide of Nixon’s has confirmed. But it’s a hoot.) Pat is shown getting so:into: the ballet I mentioned that she leaves her seat to offer aid to the suffering heroine, which is sweet, but also humorous. And the foxtrot called “The Chairman Dances,” which was cut from the opera but has become an often-played concert piece, would have been a monumental joke in that context. Of course, it’s only been 51 years since the actual events happened, and many of us remember them as serious historical events. But within another fifty years, I suspect it will be perceived as a comedy – or at the very least as historical comedy.

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Crooks and Liars – TX Gov. Greg Abbott Signs ‘Death Star’ Bill Overriding Local Laws
Quote – These are among dozens of local policies that could be targeted by a sweeping new Texas law that limits the power of cities to make their own rules. The unprecedented legislation, which was signed by Governor Greg Abbott, prohibits cities from enforcing or creating regulations that are stronger than the state’s in broad policy areas including labor, finance, agriculture, occupations, property and natural resources.
Click through. I am not trying to beat up on Texas here. There doesn’t need to be any more od that. I just want to note howlike the SCOTUS this is – bigots at the top requiring people under them to perform acts of cruelty. This whole mindset just has to go.

I don’t have a link for these few paragraphs from The New Yorker. They appeared in an email which did link to four articles on the subject. But I wanted to share this general overview instead, so, figuring emails are fair game, here it is:

Wielding a version of the controversial “major questions doctrine,” which it has used to neuter the Environmental Protection Agency and other federal bodies, the conservative-dominated Supreme Court tossed out the Biden Administration’s student-loan forgiveness plan today. In a decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Court ruled that the Administration exceeded its authority in introducing the $430 billion program under a post-9/11 law that granted the Secretary of Education the power to modify student-loan programs during a national emergency.

The ruling raises many legal, financial, and political questions. Most immediately, it means that millions of Americans, many of them on low or modest incomes, who were expecting to get their student loans partially or wholly wiped out may now have to repay them in full. And the ruling comes just weeks before the pandemic-related pause in student-loan payments is due to come to an end, on September 1st.

While some conservatives may celebrate the sight of the Supreme Court swinging its wrecking ball at another Democratic program, today’s ruling does nothing to resolve the underlying affordability problem that gave rise to the Biden initiative—indeed, it only makes it starker. With tuition costs rising inexorably, the loan-based American system of financing higher education is broken. By pushing the burden of rising costs onto private borrowers, the system “regularly offers loans to students knowing full well that they will never be able to repay those loans, at institutions and programs where students rarely complete a degree; at low-quality institutions, online programs, or certain degrees that provide little value in the job market and no boost to earnings,” Adam Looney, a professor of finance at the University of Utah, noted in congressional testimony earlier this year. A similarly perverse logic also applies, Looney noted, “at élite master’s and professional-degree programs, where the quality of education is strong but where the tuition charged is simply too high.”

Fixing these problems would require concerted action over a long period from the executive branch, Congress, states, and educational institutions. Of course, this isn’t likely to happen. After today’s decision, the problem will just get worse.

Food For Thought

Jul 012023

Yesterday, three more terrible decisons from the Supreme Court. I hope to heaven this is it for the current year. Yesterday was also the last day of the month, so my inbox was crammed with fundraising emails. Living on Social Security, I’m limited – but it’s clear we need bigger Congressional majorities in both Houses, and also that we need to be able to keep them there. Money alone will not accomplish that – but it also cannot be accomplished without money.  ALso yesterday I received an email from Carrie B., whom I expect Care2 people will remember.  I won’t go into detail, byt she ans Barry are both experiencing uncomfortable and somewhat disabling health issues.  Thoughts and prayers may not stop gun violence, but I’m sure Carrie and Barry would appreciate them anyway.

Cartoon – 01 gettys (&/or Canada Day)

Happy Canada Day

Short Takes –

Colorado Public Radio – [Jefferson County] DA says Edgewater Police Department had culture of retaliation and “bending the rules”
Quote – Jefferson County’s lead prosecutor has asked for state help investigating the Edgewater Police Department after discovering five years of misconduct and incidents where officers violated the constitutional rights of citizens. In a letter sent to Attorney General Phil Weiser’s office this week, Jefferson County District Attorney Alexis King said that in an investigation into a former Edgewater police officer, who faces several felony charges, [she] unearthed a larger picture of problems at the agency between 2016 and 2021. That includes an internal culture “fraught with bullying, retaliation and bending the rules,” King said, in a statement.
Click through for story. I am so grateful to our state’s voters that we currently have an AG who can be trusted with this investigation. We haven’t always.

Civil Discourse – History Rhymes Again.
Quote – In a 1978 case, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, the Supreme Court held that college admissions policies that considered race as one of several factors in determining admissions—what we know as affirmative action—were permissible. The justices rejected the argument that these policies violated the constitutional rights of white people and denied them equal educational opportunity. The Supreme Court reaffirmed this precedent in 2003 in Grutter v. Bollinger. Affirmative action is not about unfair advantage. It is about leveling the playing field in the face of historical discrimination.
Click through for article. I would disagree slightly – affirmative action IS about unfair advantage, just not about giving it to minorities. It’a about compensating for the unfair advantage whites have had since white skin existed.

Food For Thought
