Jan 292020

If not one more drop of rain falls for the rest of the month, it will still be the wettest January in Oregon history.  So it’s no surprise that the CatBox has been muggy as hell.  I’m feeling so moist and sticky that my wheelchair sores are back.  Fortunately, it’s a WWWendy night, as I’m a VERY stinky TomCat. I’m still keeping my food down, and my Republicosis seems to be at bay.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:12 (average 4:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


And Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch is up to much more than that!

Short Takes:

From Politico: …one leading Democratic presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren, just days ago unveiled a plan that, among other things, describes how she would move quickly to staff the government if she wins the White House.

In the plan, Warren voices the fears of many Democrats. “This will be no ordinary transition between administrations,” she states. “Unlike previous transitions, we will not be able to assume good faith cooperation on the part of the outgoing administration.”

That Democrats are making transition-related moves more than nine months before Election Day underscores not only their distrust of Trump but also the reality that taking over the U.S. government is a mammoth task with high stakes.

Any government is especially vulnerable during a transition of power, and Democrats who deal with national security are among those most concerned about a Trump-to-Democrat handover.

Crawford Caligula tried to sabotage Obama’s transition, but Trump* will be far worse!  As I have said before, we’re going to have to drag him from the White House amid the temper tantrum to end all temper tantrums, with a strong possibility of gunfire from Ammosexual, Fascist Republican militias.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Impeachment Trial: The Big Picture

Of course the Reich on the Left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich, is wrong. They want only to goose-step with their criminal Fuhrer, Trump*.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Trump unveils Middle East plan that was swiftly rejected by Palestinians

Orange Asshole speak with forked tongue. It’s so one sided that that even Haaretz called it an invitation for permanent war. In 18th century Africa, slavers used to say it was good for their victims. This is good for Palestinians in the same way… That’s the Republican way!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Don McLean – American Pie (Good quality)

Ah… Lona’s memories! Thanks Lona!!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


Slinging it for the Criminal

 Posted by at 9:10 am  Politics
Jan 282020

We’re now in the third and last day of stupidity, as displayed by the clown car of hypocrites representing impeached criminal, Donald “quid pro quo” Trump*.  Apparently the release of information from John Bolton’s Book caught them off guard.  Except for a weak attempt to deflect it near the end of their presentation, they ignored it.  In the process, they made fools of themselves.


I am glad I am leaving this place on Tuesday and heading to Iowa, where some decent people are contending to head a government and a political system so corrupted and debased at this point that the ship of state most closely resembles that homeless wandering garbage barge from 1987. The last thing I saw was Republican Senators John Barrasso and Mike Braun, red-faced and hollering, because some reporters wanted to know precisely how much of the bullshit slung by the White House lawyers on Monday afternoon anyone should believe.

Make no mistake about it. From about 4 o’clock, the time former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi rose to speak, until about 6, when a longtime lawyer for El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago named Eric Herschmann wrapped up what amounted to some MAGA rally cosplay, a monstrously obvious fraud was perpetrated on the Senate, sitting as a court of impeachment. If any lawyer in any municipal court in the country had lied and misrepresented the facts of a case involving a speeding ticket as thoroughly as Bondi and Herschmann did here, that lawyer’s license would have been pulled by lunchtime. However, Chief Justice John Roberts, perhaps exhausted by the effort it took to extend the work of Breckinridge Long into the 21st century on Monday morning, sat there like one of the marble vice presidents in the niches of the visitor’s galleries above. A fraud was perpetrated on the court over which Roberts was presiding, and he had to know it.

I thought the defense case had scraped bottom when Ken Starr was brought out of cold storage to lecture the Senate on the dangers of a runaway impeachment process. But that turned out to be merely particularly odious concern-trolling. Irony died a long time ago and all Starr was doing was digging up the casket and setting it ablaze. However, it was the Bondi-Herschmann pas de deux ended up shredding the last possible rags of dignity that still clung to the truth in this farce. Bondi began by explaining how it was the House managers that forced her to get up and talk about the Bidens and Burisma. Of course, Bondi was the Florida attorney general who, in 2013, buried that state’s investigation into the fraudulent Trump University after a $25,000 check from the Trump Foundation landed in her campaign account. At the moment, she’s making $115-large as a lobbyist for the government of Qatar. So, naturally, she was the lawyer chosen to crank up the innuendo machine regarding the Bidens and Burisma, especially since the Republicans Have The Votes, so nothing else matters.

Reading her prepared argument like a seventh-grader delivering a history report, Bondi found herself inevitably stanning for the deeply corrupt former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. In reality, Shokin was removed because the government of the United States, the World Bank, and virtually every official in the western world except Sir Paul McCartney knew he was for sale and wanted him gone. Biden, then vice president, had been tasked with delivering the warning from the United States to Ukraine. Shokin had opened an investigation into Burisma but he had then stuffed it. That was part of why everybody thought he was a crook. Bondi, however, asked us to sympathize with Viktor Shokin, the victim of Biden shenanigans, a theory that has been debunked from here to glory. I swear to god, if they’d put a menu from Denny’s in Bondi’s folder, she’d have blamed Hunter Biden for the Grand Slam breakfast.  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Esquire>

Here are three video clops that shed more light of this absurd defense.

Jake Tapper fact-checks President Trump’s defense team during Senate impeachment trial

Of course the Trump* defense team lied. If they weren’t lying, displaying hate and racism, or acting out predatory greed, we could not tell they’re Republicans.

What Trump’s defense team left out of their impeachment defense

The Republican Reich is desperate to keep the truth away from American Voters.

Joe: A Confederacy Of Dunces Defends President Donald Trump

Joe Scarborough was hilarious, but I think these folks were stating the obvious. If these lawyers were anything but a Confederation of Dunces, they would not be defending the criminal Fuhrer Trump*!


Jan 102020

It’s a lazy day, here in the CatBox.  Store to Door called mid-nap to deliver groceries, yesterday. I woke up last night because of the high humidity, and could not get back to sleep.  Tomorrow and Sunday are High Holy Days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, the Festival of Divisional Resolution.  May the Orb shine its Holy light on your team.  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:49 (average 6:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Alternet: The New York City Bar Association has taken the extraordinary step of asking Congress to investigate Attorney General Bill Barr for being too politically biased to faithfully execute his duties as America’s top law enforcement official.

Bloomberg reports that the Bar Association is claiming that Barr’s recent statements and actions indicate that he may be enabling and encouraging “political partisans willing to use the levers of government to empower certain groups over others.”

The association also accuses Barr of disregarding “fundamental obligations in several public statements during the past few months,” including his duty to “act impartially, to avoid even the appearance of partiality and impropriety, and to avoid manifesting bias, prejudice or partisanship in the exercise of official responsibilities.”

Nothing like this has ever happened before. However, there has never been an AG as worthy of disbarrfment as Barrf!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Business Genius Donald Trump Thinks Your 409K Could Be Up 90%


Awww… you can’t blame poor impeached Fuhrer Trump*. He’s confused, because he uses Formula 409 to clean the Russian hooker pee stains from his face.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Redbone – Come And Get Your Love – LIVE 1974 The Midnight Special (Guardians Of The Galaxy)


I remember the music, but never saw it performed before. Fantastic!!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Dec 222019

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is due in about 90 minutes, and we have lots of chores to do.  Tomorrow I have my GI appointment.  I fear that they will just schedule me for tests at the lab.  I so hope I’m wrong.  I need some relief NOW!  I should be back in the saddle on Christmas Eve.  Go Broncos.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:37 (average 5:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From NY Times: American military and intelligence officials tracking North Korea’s actions by the hour say they are bracing for an imminent test of an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching American shores, but appear resigned to the fact that President Trump has no good options to stop it.

If the North goes ahead with the test in the coming days — Pyongyang promised a “Christmas gift” if no progress had been made on lifting sanctions — it would be a glaring setback for Mr. Trump’s boldest foreign policy initiative, even as he faces an impeachment trial at home.

The score? Fat Korean Maniac 2 – Fat Russian-controlled Maniac 0.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): A REPUBLICAN CHRISTMAS – Parody | The Freedom Toast (Guest Post)


Magnificent! The Republican Reich hope they die soon. JD send me an update on them, please.  RESIST!!

From TPM: According to newly released documents, the White House moved to freeze military aid to Ukraine less than two hours after President Donald Trump’s July 25th call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The documents were obtained with a FOIA request by the Center for Public Integrity and published Friday night. 

“Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process,” Mike Duffey, an Office of Management and Budget official, wrote in a July 25 email to OMB and Pentagon officials. “Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction.”… [emphasis added]

So what we have here is an order from imFuhrer Trump* to hold up the aid and cover up the act of doing it. That’s a criminal violation of the Impoundment ActRESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Rascals People Got To Be Free


Ah… The memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Dec 182019

Instead of reporting the impeachment hearing direct, as so many are, I decided to inject a note of levity, when I found a hilarious article by Alex Henderson.  in it, he illustrates just how absurd Resident Donald Trump’s [R-RU] protest letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi [D-CA] was.  He did so in five examples.


This Wednesday, December 18, the two articles of impeachment that the House Judiciary Committee approved against President Donald Trump — one for abuse of power, the other for obstruction of Congress — are expected to come up for a full vote in the U.S. House of Representatives. If the Democrat-controlled House votes to indict Trump on those articles (which is likely), they would go to the U.S. Senate for consideration. Trump, the day before the expected House vote, sent a long-winded, rambling letter to House Speaker Pelosi and railed against House Democrats for pursuing impeachment.

Here are some of the most absurd things Trump said to Pelosi in his December 17 letter…

…4. Trump claimed his treatment is worse than those accused during the Salem Witch Trials

In the letter, Trump compared impeachment to the Salem witch trials, writing, “more due process was afforded to those accused in the Salem Witch Trials.”

As HuffPost’s Jennifer Bendery wrote, 20 people were killed in the Salem witch trials, a fate that will surely escape the president…

Inserted from <Alternet>

I shared just the fourth of five examples.  Please click through for the other five.

Steven Colbert also poked fun at Trump over this.

Trump Complains Of “Spiteful Actions” And “Egregious Conduct” In Angry Letter To Nancy Pelosi

Since 20 witches were killed, one way we could (in jest) make his statement true is burn Fuhrer Witchenfarten at the stake 21 times!


Dec 092019

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox. WWWendy sheared me quite well yesterday, and it’s wonderful to be able to scratch itches on my scalp again.  I feel a bit tired, but I plan no trips out before my procedure a week from Tuesday.  Oh God, It’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:  Today’s took me 4:11 (average 6:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Religious Ecstasy:


When I first heard the score at halftime, I accused WWWendy  of putting a hallucinogen in my coffee!

Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): North Korea calls Donald Trump a ‘dotard’ again as tensions increase


Is this not typical of the foreign policy “successes” we see from the Republican Reich?  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Jesse Dollemore Channel): THE CULT HAS SPOKEN!!! In New Poll Republicans Say Trump is Greater Than Abraham Lincoln!

Barf Bag Alert!!


Very well said, Jesse. Would someone please open Abe’s casket and clean out the excrement? If I were Lincoln, that Republican “truth” would have made me fill my pants too!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Cant Take My Eyes Off You – Frankie Valli and The 4 Seasons + lyrics


Ah… The memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!

Dec 042019

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  Yesterday was so hectic and frustrating, that it just tired me out.  I finally got my biopsy reset for Tuesday the 17th.  I’m listening to the Judiciary Committee.  The Republican Reich is fighting like hell to obstruct the hearing.  WWWendy is coming tonight, and I’m most ready to be de-stunk.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 5:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: This year’s summit of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization began on a discordant note, on Tuesday, after the other twenty-eight nato leaders challenged Donald Trump to spell nato.

At a preliminary gathering of the leaders, Trump demanded that the other member nations increase their cash contributions to the alliance, prompting Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, to issue the unexpected and unwelcome spelling challenge.

“We’ll be happy to give more to nato, Mr. President, if you can spell nato,” she said, drawing raucous applause from the other leaders.

Handing Trump a pencil and a yellow legal pad, Merkel watched as he struggled to spell the word correctly, crumpling page after page in the effort.

After several failed attempts, Trump finally offered up a drawing of several stick figures standing in a row and asked for “partial credit.”

When the other nato leaders rejected his request by a 28–0 voice vote, Trump stormed out of the room, vowing never to return.

Dang Andy! That wasn’t fair! He never had a chance!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Video appears to show world leaders gossiping about Trump


How do Republicans stand it? I feel embarrassed as hell to see the head of this nation, albeit unelected, ridiculed in a forum of world leaders. Of course he deserves it. They have no shame!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): How America Created Its Shameful Wealth Gap with Robert Reich


Solana Rice is right. The Republican Reich mandates poverty for minority Americans. It’s one more way the Republican Reich institutionalizes racism.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Free Bird Lynyrd Skynyrd: Lyrics


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!
