Jan 182025

Yesterday, Heather Cox Richardson mentioned, among other things, that after Preident Biden’s speech this week, Google searched for the term “oligarchy” spiked. I guess it’s good that a lot of people are learning – and I guess it’s encouraging that enough people are willing enough to learn to trigger a spike. But I guess I just don’t live in the same world as people who didn’t already know the word. I suppose that in 1962 there wewre plenty of people who didn’t grasp the implications of “military-industrial complex” too. (However, I’ll bet everyone who heard Washington’s farewell understood the term “designing men” – although it’s much harder to actually recognize one until he’s on the way out with your money and possessions in his pocket.)

If Robert Hubbell provides clarity on resisting, Robert Reich provides a pep talk to stress the necessity of resisting. That’s why I’m putting it first today. I for one needed the guidance of Hubbell to help me get out of the emotional swamp Reich built. You may not, but just in case.

Given the holiday, I need to plan ahead some, but I want to get this in before Sunday. Robert Hubbell makes the difference very clear between resisting and disengaging, particularly on social media. I don’t do any social media myself, and the closest thing I do do to social media is Democratic Underground, and I’m kind of afraid to go there since I posted this Thursday and expect a lot of pushback. The way some members there post, you’d think Merrick Garland was Roy Cohn or Roger Stone. and that just isn’t the case.

Nov 062024

Yesterday, I deleted 93 incoming emails before 3:00 pm. I moved another couple of dozen to my folders without reading them – I’ll go back and at least look at most of them, but not until we have cerrtifiable election results. I don’t need that roller coaster. I do have the dial tone n my phone back, and about 7 or 8 emails about that – I haven’t read them all as I type, but apparently my old carrier transferred the internet but not the phone, and the new one is now powerless until the old one gets it – stuff – together and gives the new one a solid date. I didn’t need that either. If anyone does feel the need for the roller coaster, there will have been plenty of watch parties both on and off line. Rober Reich promised a handholdimg one at his Substack site, for instance. At least one thing is sure -by the time you read this it will be all over but the counting.

Robert Reich posted this Monday evening, but I think Wednesday morning will be soon enough to read it. We will know more than then we do now, but between crazy MAGAts, red states which will not even begin counting early votes untill the polls close, and irresponsible media, I am not convinced we will know enough to be certain what the next four years will look like. I think there will still be a vacuum into which Reich’s analysis will be a welcome introduction.

The Atlanta Black Star does manage to cover more than black news – the reason that’s so often what I choosef rom them is that no one else will touch it. I wonder how many other news outlets will touch this story?

Belle alphabet

(Not sure this is for real – but it is sweet, even if it’s AI)
