Mar 012025

Yesterday, I learned that one of my Senators, along with two other Democratic Senators, voted to advance the nomination of the Peach Pasha’s cabinet nominees – this one for the Department of Labor. If all Democrats on the committee had voted not to advance her, she would not have advanced. (The other two were Maggie Hassan and Tim Kaine.) I immediately sent him an email telling him to expect to be primaried in 2026. Jared Polis’s term as Governor ends at the same time Hick’s Senate term does, and I think Jared would be better. I am having more and more difficulty getting through a single day without being reminded of a short story told by Igor Stravinsky in a book of reminiscences titled Dialogues and a Diary (co-author or maybe a translator Robert Craft.) I have been looking for it on the internet in order to provide a link, but I cannot find one now, and, short though it is, it is too long to make into a meme. Fortunately I have kept a copy, and will quote it in full after today’s cartoon. It makes me somewhat uneasy that it can’t be found now, actually. Are there already people editing history? And is this where we are headed?

I realize this is already long, but the disgusting display that our so-called President and Vice president put on with Zelenskyy prompted a DU user to share this link.  It’s to what you might call a “GoFundMe for Ukraine.”  Right up front, don’t touch the “necessary” box, do click the other three, and select the middle choice (if you do it wrong, the next page’s lower left has an odd little icon you can go back with.)  This is the only way Ukraine is going to get any money from the US for the next four years.

Robert Reich on some of the more egregious lies Dork Vader Muskrat is telling. Honestly, if I have to hear or read much more projection, I’ll likely be projectile vomiting.

Another by Robert Reich. I am not putting this into Sunday’s Thread because he’s right about the “modest” part. For example, sure, it’s good that DOGE staffers are quitting because they refuse to help Dork Vader dismantle government. But it won’t be good if they are replaced with loyalists.

+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=Here is the Stravinsky story:

Though my visual impressions of world events were derived largely from films, they also were rooted in personal experience.  One day in Munich, in 1932, I saw a squad of Brown Shirts enter the street below the balcony of my room in the Bayerische Hof and assault a group of civilians.  The civilians tried to protect themselves behind sidewalk benches, but soon were crushed beneath these clumsy shields.  The police arrived, eventually, but by then the attackers had dispersed.  That same night I dined with Vera de Bosset and the photographer Eric Schall in a small Allee restaurant.  Three men wearing swastika armbands entered the room, and one of them began to talk insultingly about Jews and to aim his remarks in our direction.  With the afternoon street fight still in our eyes, we hurried to leave, but the now shouting Nazi and his Myrmidons followed, cursing and threatening us the while.  Schall protested, and at that they began to kick and hit him.  Miss de Bosset ran to a corner, found a policeman, and told him that a man was being killed, but this piece of intelligence did not rouse him to any action.  We were rescued by a timely taxi, and though Schall was battered and bloody, we went directly to a police court where the magistrate was as little perturbed with our story as the policeman had been.  “In Germany today, such things happen every minute,” was all he said.

Oct 132024

Yesterday, the radio opera was “La Clemenza de Tito” by Mozart. He wrote 22 operas in so many genres (and mixing them up) so that people are still arguing about what genre some of them are in. But at least some people would say he wrote four “opera seria” (“serious opera”) and this is one of them. Opera began with Monteverdi as an attempt to recreate Greek tragedy (which may or may not have included singing), and opera seria generally are based on ancient Greek or Roman plots. This one is centered on the emperor Titus, who ruled from 79-81 CE. The plot is an “idiot plot” which is generally taken to mean that if there were just one character who wasn’t an idiot, there wouldn’t have been a story. So I won’t go into it. Mozart wrote it at the same time as he was writing “The Magic FLute,” and those were his last two operas, so the music is some of his finest.
Every now and then, when something which will help everyone is being discussed and Republicans are asking “where will the money come from?” someone with an IQ of 100 or higher will ask, “What will it cost us not to do it?” Of course no Republican ever answers, because if they even treated it as a real question, people might learn that the answer is invariablty “a whole lot more than it costs to do it.” The people I have heard asking it include Robert Reich, Beau (and probably now Belle, though the topic hasn’t come up yet, or I’ve missed it), and now Mary Trump, all of whom have IQs which are clearly above 130. She mentions more than one project, although it’s child care which inspired the question.
I’m sure everyone here has heard this by now, but this is the most detail I have seen on it (outside of Woodward’s book, and it may even surpass that.)
Steve Schmidt is getting real (pun intended.) And unfortunately he’s right. It’s not enough to cite fascism. Too many people have no idea what that implies. It needs to be spelled out.


Oct 102024

Yesterday, “Nobody can control the weather” was trending. It needs to be said – but it’s not entirely true. No single person or single group can control the weather. The entire human race working together cannot totally control the weather/ But the entire human race working together has some control over the climate, which means some control over the weather in the long run. We cannot bring down the temperature in any given place today. But over time, if we have raised the temperature in almost ever place, and if we can change our ways and minimize our worst habits, we have a chance of bringing it down, over time – over so much time that I for one will not live to see whether we have done it – or not.

I don’t often cite Steve Schmidt, or at least not a full article, but this one had to be shared. It is as much about morality and pholisophy as it is about politics (which should always be about morality at least, and philosophy if possible.) To make it a bit easier, let me state that he does eventually tell you who Rodney Edmonds was and what he did (and when he starts on the story, you may want a hanky.) Also, “revanchist” means “seeking revenge.” I didn’t know that, and figured therefore not everyone would, and wanted to save y’all a trip to the dictionary.)

This is a referral from Wonkette which I agree is well worth getting wider attention. Most people, including me, tend to think the economy is doing well nationally when we are doing well personally, and when we aren’t, it isn’t. Those who see beyond that are likely to look to the stock ,arket as an economic indicator, which it probably is if you are wealthy, but if not, not. Noahpinion gets us the four real indicators of a strong economy, and that is valuable to know.


Sep 192024

Ahoy, me hearties (today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.) Yesterday, I deliberately went looking for climate news becuse I wantedto use tis cartoon today. I realize that sounds pretty shallow. But it is true that the climate is getting pushed out of the news in favor of violence and other stupidities. And not finding any climate-related news in my ususal sources made me more aware that more attention needs to be paid to it. It’s enough to make a pirate say Aaarrrgh! And I may do it again before the election, though that’s not a promise.

The AP could not resist putting a few beautiful photos in among the more obviously disastrous ones in this photo-essay. But it’s still quite eye-opening. Something else that is eye-opening is that herein Colorado we are starting to have climate refugees who have been our neighbors. At 5000 feet ablove sea level, it’s not from sea level rise, nor is it from flooding, or heavy snowfall (which quite reasonably might happen here, as evaporation puts more water into the air. The last two blizzards here were IMO caused by that.) It is related to dryness though. There’s a fire in Larimer County (where Virgil grew up) which has taken a lot of homes and displaced a lot of people. Our wildfire seasons are not as bad as California’s yet, but we are headed that way.

And Reuters has a potpourri of snippet articles, some of which are as devastating as some of the pictures from the AP. Fortunately that’s not true of all of them.

Aug 302024

Yesterday, I came across a new Randy Rainbow, and this time I can’t cut the ad for Groun News without losing content. But after his last video, I looked it up, and it really isn’t bad. I can see why he and Trey both like it. Even without a subscription, it a lot franker than the MSM. Anyway, here’s the link to Randy

As you can see by her title, Heather Cox Richardson wrote this late on Tuesday (and I saw it Wednesday.) Very little of it was actually news even then. But it’s a nice potpourri of things that happened and what an eventful week it was, even as early as Tuesday. If you haven’t already fastened your psychological seat belts, this might be a good time to do so.

I’m very much not a fan of puppy mills, and I can’t believe that anyone here would be. But murdering a breeder is a couple of bridges too far. And if someone crossed that bridge, and took those puppies, you can bet any important body part that he or she didn’t do it to rescue them.

Aug 112024

Yesterday, the radio opera was Verdi’s “Don Carlo,” which takes place in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, and features mostly actual historical figures of very interesting people, not entirely accurately. This one came with lots of pictures, and it must have been beautiful to see. However I would have found it distracting that the tenor singing the title role resembles RFK Jr. (Thatmay be more historically accurate than the libretto, since the real Don Carlo was a real jerk.) But this opera is one of my favorites, and it’s not heard that often, so I was grateful. Also, Steve Schmidt has a new “The Schmidt Storm” up. And now I’m off to see Virgil.

We all know this in general terms. But the numbers are getting horrifying. I wonder whether we could convince any by arguing that is public schools stopped requiring students to be vaccinated, they would lose their excuse to send the kids to private and charter schools or to home school and would have to send them to public schools. Nah, probably not.

This is also a couple of days old. But it has some information about Project 2025 which will be good to know. (And he shares another astronomical photo. He is no relation to the Hubble telescope – it’s spelled differently. He’s just good at using what he does have.)

Aug 062024

Yesterday, I saw the creepiest squib in Talking Points Memo’s morning email about RFK Jr. There was no link. There was a video, but it was on Xitter, and I can’t even see those, let alone embed them. So I looked around and found this on Democratic Underground. It has more detail, so it;s even creepier. And also weird (though I’m not really comfortable with that, because there s such a thing as good weird – which I like ti believe I have.) I also received a grocery order. And today the exterminator comes (grin).  And then – after putting everything away – I checked my email and learned that an elder had been shot and killed at an Oglala powwow.  It wasn’t a mass shooting, it wasn’t actually intended to hurt anyone, the trigger was pulled with one of those good intentions which pave that road.

If you are interested in the “Trump** took a bribe from Egypt in front of God and everybody” story,I doubt you’ll find anyone telling it better than Heather Cox Richardson. Personally, I’m far more interested in why it took so long for it to be revealed.

Back in the day, at least my day, there used to be an expression “how the other half lives.” Of course, nothing is ever exactly half and half, but it’s not only possible but probable that there are groups who, whether through privilege or through necessity, live in ways about which you or I don’t have a clue. If you would like to get a glimpse into some things that black people cope with the knowledge of every day, I recommend subscribing to the Atlanta Black Star. Youdon’t even have to read the articles to get the point. The headlines are more than enough. I’ve picked one story to share here, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you don’t want more in your inbox, consider saving this link and looking up the headlines from time to time. It is eyeopening and sobering.

May 082024

Yesterday, the Smithsonian informed me that there are 2 baby pygmy lorises (endangered) at the Zoo. This is part of a breeding program designed to help the species recover. You need to scroll down a bit to get to the article, but it’s there. And at the bottom of the page, 5 photos are available for download. They are adorable, but I wouldn’t want to cuddle one – slow lorises produce venom (the only mammals known to do so.)

A gift link (no paywall) to an opinion piece at the New York Times. I don’t think there’s anything in it we don’t already know (well, maybe not the exact figures to the last decimal) but I hope – we can hope – it will help to educate some people.

In a related article (both deal with inequality), Robert Reich “destroys” stock buybacks.” Of course they aren’t destroyed, they still exist, but you’ll know in full why they shouldn’t.)

This news cheered up Mary Trump. I hope it helps y’all.  Just don’t forget he is still a Republican.
